1,264 research outputs found

    Priority setting for research in health care: An application of value of information analysis to glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome

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    The purpose of this study is to explain the rationale for the value of information approach to priority setting for research and to describe the methods intuitively for those familiar with basic decision analytical modeling. A policy-relevant case study is used to show the feasibility of the method and to illustrate the type of output that is generated and how these might be used to frame research recommendations. The case study relates to the use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists for the treatment of patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome. This is an area that recently has been appraised by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

    Challenges for Novice School Leaders: Facing Today’s Issues in School Administration

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    Challenges for novice school leaders evolve as information is managed differently and as societal and regulatory expectations change. This study addresses unique challenges faced by practicing school administrators (n=159) during their first three years in a school leadership position. It focuses on their perceptions, how perceptions of present novices compare to those of experienced school leaders, and how pre-service programs can better prepare them for these challenges. Findings showed that perceptions of present novice school leaders vary somewhat from those of experienced school leaders. Two themes shared relatively the same prominence among experienced leaders as they did with novices: navigating politics and gaining a sense of credibility. Experienced leaders expounded more on specific political hurdles with school boards, other teachers, and parents, and—regarding these same populations—experienced leaders voiced that they wished they had been more successful in their earlier years in developing credibility more quickly with stakeholders. A theme not occurring at all among present novices but noted by five experienced leaders was that of adjusting to the culture of a new school as its leader. This phenomenon may be explained by the value more seasoned leaders have developed for factors inherent in a campus culture

    Success Despite Socioeconomics: A Case Study of a High-Achieving, High-Poverty School

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    Effective school leadership is becoming more difficult than ever with the challenges of increased accountability and high stakes testing that are components of federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation. These challenges are more pronounced in schools with high rates of poverty. This was a case study of a high performing, high poverty school that has consistently been one of the highest performing elementary schools in the state. The purpose of the study was to describe the leadership that exists at the school, the culture of the school, and programs that contribute to the school’s success. The researcher conducted observations at the school site and interviews with school personnel. School personnel also completed the School Culture Survey and the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED). The study revealed school leadership that had high expectations for staff members and emphasized small group instruction, collaboration, and continuous improvement in instructional practices. The culture of the school was that of excellence, continuous improvement, school pride, and collaboration

    The economic geology of the Okiep copper deposits, Namaqualand, South Africa

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    The Okiep Copper District situated in the north-western Cape Province, covers some 3 000 km and is the oldest mining area in the Republic of South Africa. The O'okiep Copper Company Limited commenced production in 1940 with a proven ore reserve of 9 million tons at 2,45 % cu. Production since 1940 and present ore reserves total some 93 million tonnes at 1,08 % Cu. The rocks comprising the Okiep Copper District are of Proterozoic age and have been subdivided into a meta-volcanosedimentary succession, intruded by various sub-horizontally emplaced granitoid intrusions. The various intrusions occurred at different stages relative to the main structural and metamorphic events. The copper deposits are confined to basic rocks which are the youngest major group of intrusives in the District. They occur as swarms of generally easterly-trending, steep northdipping, irregular dyke-like bodies consisting of diorite, anorthosite and norite. The dominant silicate constituents are andesite ranging to labradorite, hypersthene, biotite and phlogopite. Copper sulphides are preferentially associated with the more basic varieties. The copper sulphides are mainly chalcopyrite, bornite and subsidiary chalcocite. The copper content of the basic rocks is erratic ranging over small distances from a mere trace to several percent. Emplacement of the cupriferous basic rocks is predisposed to a large extent by enigmatic structural features locally referred to as steep structures. The most common manifestation of steep structure deformation is typically a narrow antiformal linear feature along which continuity of the country rocks has been interrupted by piercement folding and shearing. In places, pipelike bodies of megabreccia occur along steep structures, and also act as hosts to the basic rock. Areas of steep structure are thus prime exploration targets, due to their close spatial association with the cupriferous basic rocks. Exploration techiques employed in the Okiep Copper District in~ elude regional and detailed geological mapping, geophysical surveys utilizing magnetic, gravimetric and electrical methods, as well as limited application of soil and stream-sediment geochemistry. Final evaluation is by surface and underground diamond drilling. Exploration has to date discovered 18 new mines with individual ore reserves ranging from 200 000 to 37 000 000 tonnes. All are underground operations, and the sub-level open stoping method of mining is standard
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