5,738 research outputs found

    Quantum state conversion by cross-Kerr interaction

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    A generalized Mach-Zehnder-type interferometer equipped with cross-Kerr elements is proposed to convert N-photon truncated single-mode quantum states into (N+1)-mode single-photon states, which are suitable for further state manipulation by means of beam splitter arrays and ON/OFF-detections, and vice versa. Applications to the realization of unitary and non-unitary transformations, quantum state reconstruction, and quantum telemanipulation are studied.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, using a4.st

    Absolute dimensions of eclipsing binaries. XVII. A metal-weak F-type system, perhaps with preference for Y = 0.23-0.24

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    V1130 Tau is a bright (m_V = 6.56), nearby (71 +/- 2 pc) detached system with a circular orbit (P = 0.80d). The components are deformed with filling factors above 0.9. Their masses and radii have been established to 0.6-0.7%. We derive a [Fe/H] abundance of -0.25 +/- 0.10. The measured rotational velocities, 92.4 +/- 1.1 (primary) and 104.7 +/- 2.7 (secondary) km/s, are in fair agreement with synchronization. The larger 1.39 Msun secondary component has evolved to the middle of the main-sequence band and is slightly cooler than the 1.31 Msun primary. Yonsai-Yale, BaSTI, and Granada evolutionary models for the observed metal abundance and a 'normal' He content of Y = 0.25-0.26, marginally reproduce the components at ages between 1.8 and 2.1 Gyr. All such models are, however, systematically about 200 K hotter than observed and predict ages for the more massive component, which are systematically higher than for the less massive component. These trends can not be removed by adjusting the amount of core overshoot or envelope convection level, or by including rotation in the model calculations. They may be due to proximity effects in V1130 Tau, but on the other hand, we find excellent agreement for 2.5-2.8 Gyr Granada models with a slightly lower Y of 0.23-0.24. V1130 Tau is a valuable addition to the very few well-studied 1-2 Msun binaries with component(s) in the upper half of the main-sequence band, or beyond. The stars are not evolved enough to provide new information on the dependence of core overshoot on mass (and abundance), but might - together with a larger sample of well-detached systems - be useful for further tuning of the helium enrichment law.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Efficient optical quantum state engineering

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    We discuss a novel method of efficiently producing multi-photon states using repeated spontaneous parametric downconversion. Specifically, by attempting downconversion several times, we can pseudo-deterministically add photons to a mode, producing various several-photon states. We discuss both expected performance and experimental limitations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Causal connection in parsec-scale relativistic jets: results from the MOJAVE VLBI survey

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    We report that active galactic nucleus (AGN) jets are causally connected on parsec scales, based on 15 GHz Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) data from a sample of 133 AGN jets. This result is achieved through a new method for measuring the product of the jet Lorentz factor and the intrinsic opening angle Gamma*theta_j from measured apparent opening angles in flux density limited samples of AGN jets. The Gamma*theta_j parameter is important for jet physics because it is related to the jet-frame sidewise expansion speed and causal connection between the jet edges and its symmetry axis. Most importantly, the standard model of jet production requires that the jet be causally connected with its symmetry axis, implying that Gamma*theta_j < 1. When we apply our method to the MOJAVE flux density limited sample of radio loud objects, we find Gamma*theta_j = 0.2, implying that AGN jets are causally connected. We also find evidence that AGN jets viewed very close to the line of sight effectively have smaller intrinsic opening angles compared with jets viewed more off-axis, which is consistent with Doppler beaming and a fast inner spine/slow outer sheath velocity field. Notably, gamma-ray burst (GRB) jets have a typical Gamma*theta_j that is two orders of magnitude higher, suggesting that different physical mechanisms are at work in GRB jets compared to AGN jets. A useful application of our result is that a jet's beaming parameters can be derived. Assuming Gamma*theta_j is approximately constant in the AGN jet population, an individual jet's Doppler factor and Lorentz factor (and therefore also its viewing angle) can be determined using two observable quantities: apparent jet opening angle and the apparent speed of jet components.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Entanglement purification of multi-mode quantum states

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    An iterative random procedure is considered allowing an entanglement purification of a class of multi-mode quantum states. In certain cases, a complete purification may be achieved using only a single signal state preparation. A physical implementation based on beam splitter arrays and non-linear elements is suggested. The influence of loss is analyzed in the example of a purification of entangled N-mode coherent states.Comment: 6 pages, 3 eps-figures, using revtex

    Conditional quantum-state transformation at a beam splitter

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    Using conditional measurement on a beam splitter, we study the transformation of the quantum state of the signal mode within the concept of two-port non-unitary transformation. Allowing for arbitrary quantum states of both the input reference mode and the output reference mode on which the measurement is performed, we show that the non-unitary transformation operator can be given as an ss-ordered operator product, where the value of ss is entirely determined by the absolute value of the beam splitter reflectance (or transmittance). The formalism generalizes previously obtained results that can be recovered by simple specification of the non-unitary transformation operator. As an application, we consider the generation of Schr\"odinger-cat-like states. An extension to mixed states and imperfect detection is outlined.Comment: 7 Postscript figures, using Late

    Absolute dimensions of solar-type eclipsing binaries. EF Aquarii: a G0 test for stellar evolution models

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    Recent studies have shown that stellar chromospheric activity, and its effect on convective energy transport in the envelope, is most likely the cause of significant radius and temperature discrepancies between theoretical evolution models and observations. We aim to determine absolute dimensions and abundances for the solar-type detached eclipsing binary EF Aqr, and to perform a detailed comparison with results from recent stellar evolutionary models. uvby-beta standard photometry was obtained with the Stromgren Automatic Telescope. The broadening function formalism was applied on spectra observed with HERMES at the Mercator telescope in La Palma, to obtain radial velocity curves. Masses and radii with a precision of 0.6% and 1.0% respectively have been established for both components of EF Aqr. The active 0.956 M_sol secondary shows star spots and strong Ca II H and K emission lines. The 1.224 M_sol primary shows signs of activity as well, but at a lower level. An [Fe/H] abundance of 0.00+-0.10 is derived with similar abundances for Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Co, and Ni. Solar calibrated evolutionary models such as Yonsei-Yale, Victoria-Regina and BaSTI isochrones and evolutionary tracks are unable to reproduce EF Aqr, especially for the secondary, which is 9% larger and 400 K cooler than predicted. Models adopting significantly lower mixing length parameters l/H_p remove these discrepancies, as seen in other solar type binaries. For the observed metallicity, Granada models with a mixing length of l/H_p=1.30 (primary) and 1.05 (secondary) reproduce both components at a common age of 1.5+-0.6 Gyr. Observations of EF Aqr suggests that magnetic activity, and its effect on envelope convection, is likely to be the cause of discrepancies in both radius and temperature, which can be removed by adjusting the mixing length parameter of the models downwards.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    Age and helium content of the open cluster NGC 6791 from multiple eclipsing binary members. I. Measurements, methods, and first results

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    Earlier measurements of the masses and radii of the detached eclipsing binary V20 in the open cluster NGC 6791 were accurate enough to demonstrate that there are significant differences between current stellar models. Here we improve on those results and add measurements of two additional detached eclipsing binaries, the cluster members V18 and V80. The enlarged sample sets much tighter constraints on the properties of stellar models than has hitherto been possible, thereby improving both the accuracy and precision of the cluster age. We employed (i) high-resolution UVES spectroscopy of V18, V20 and V80 to determine their spectroscopic effective temperatures, [Fe/H] values, and spectroscopic orbital elements, and (ii) time-series photometry from the Nordic Optical Telescope to obtain the photometric elements. The masses and radii of the V18 and V20 components are found to high accuracy, with errors on the masses in the range 0.27-0.36% and errors on the radii in the range 0.61-0.92%. V80 is found to be magnetically active, and more observations are needed to determine its parameters accurately. The metallicity of NGC 6791 is measured from disentangled spectra of the binaries and a few single stars to be [Fe/H]= +0.29 \pm 0.03 (random) \pm 0.07 (systematic). The cluster reddening and apparent distance modulus are found to be E(B - V) = 0.160 \pm 0.025 and (m - M)V = 13.51 \pm 0.06 . A first model comparison shows that we can constrain the helium content of the NGC 6791 stars, and thus reach a more accurate age than previously possible. It may be possible to constrain additional parameters, in particular the C, N, and O abundances. This will be investigated in paper II.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    An investigation of the impact of wind speed and turbulence on small wind turbine operation and fatigue loads

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    This paper investigates the operation and loading of a 5 kW HAWT using the aeroelastic code FAST. Wind data from built environment site at Port Kennedy (PK) and from a flat terrain site in Östergarnsholm (OG), are analysed and compared with IEC 61400-2. The longitudinal turbulence intensity (TIu) in the PK wind field was 22%; which was higher than the estimated value in IEC 61400-2 Normal Turbulence Model. The TI in the flat terrain (OG) was below 18% for all mean wind speeds. The selected wind conditions from the two locations were used as input in FAST simulation to investigate the performance and loading of the turbine. The elevated turbulence in PK wind fields increased the output rotor power which was more than that predicted by the standard. Similarly, PK wind field also showed higher blade root flapwise bending moment resulting into twice as much damage load on the turbine blades due to large short-term fluctuations in both wind speed and direction. This value for OG was below the standard's prediction. We observe that the current IEC standard seems inadequate for urban siting of SWTs and requires modification for more reliable deployment in turbulent sites


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    Summer heat has already been identified as a major factor for cattle deaths in the feedlot. This study attempts to assess what other factors contribute to and/or influence cattle deaths. Identifying multiple factors that contribute to summer feedlot deaths could aid feedlot managers in implementation of mitigation strategies and minimize the loss of nearly finished cattle. Daily pen, cattle, and nutritional characteristics were recorded and included in this generalized linear mixed model analysis. Cattle data were obtained from cattle pens at a single location from July 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010. Hourly weather data were acquired from this feed yard while solar radiation was received from a neighboring town. Rather than using multiple weather variables, a single comprehensive climate index that summarizes several weather variables is used to capture the apparent feel of the weather. After reviewing the data, a statistical model is developed and odds ratios are computed for statistical inference. According to these odds ratios, cattle fed on severe west slopes had significantly higher odds of death than other types of slopes. Analysis of feed intake indicates pens consuming 16 pounds of feed per head or less during July 16 – 18 have higher odds of death than other consumption levels
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