1,865 research outputs found

    DARCOF II. Danish research in Organic Food and Farming systems 2000-2005

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    The aim of this book is to present a comprehensive overview of the 41 research projects undertaken in the period 2000-2005 in the research programme DARCOF II.For each project there is a description of its background and objective in terms of which issues gave rise to the project and what the project aims to achieve. This is followed by a short description of the experiments or investigations that have been undertaken in the project. The general and applicable results derived from the project are finally described. For each project there is a reference to a project home page on www.darcof.dk. Via this page there is direct access to "Organic Eprints", which is the site containing all the project publications – both technical and scientific

    Polis og Kosmos i den græsk-romerske verden

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    I denne artikel fremdrages de første formuleringer af verdensborgeren eller kosmopolitten i antikken, og det sker med stadig reference til datidens polistænkning, der i modsætning til kosmopolitismen tager udgangspunkt i det partikulære og lukkede. Den kosmopolitiske tanke følges via de antikke kynikere og stoikere frem til romertidens stoiske kosmopolitter og de første formuleringer af en egentlig politisk kosmopolitisme

    A Look Behind the Scenes: Danish Renaissance Martial Arts during the Reign of Christian IV

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    From the 4th – 7th of July 2016, the annual International Medieval Congress was held in Leeds, England. Among the many different sessions two specifically addressed historical European martial arts. The first session discussed and commented upon modern practices and interpretations of historical European martial arts, each paper being based on good practice and the proper criteria for academic research. The second session, in which this paper was presented, went more “behind the scenes”, discussing the importance of thorough analysis of the historical context which remains essential to forming a foundation for solid hypotheses and interpretations. This article discusses and sheds light upon Danish historical martial art during the reign of the Danish King Christian IV (r.1588 to 1648). At this point in time Europe consisted of many small principalities in addition to a few larger states and kingdoms. Thoughts and ideas could spread as quickly as ripples in water but also be bound by political and religious alliances or enmities, plague, famine and not to mention the role also played by topographical and cultural differences. Thus, at times, vast cultural differences could be seen from region to region. To this should be added a wide range of social factors, such as the role of relationships and mentalities, and the obeying of unspoken norms and codes which can also affect modern researchers’ interpretations of what is shown or described. Therefore, the aim of this article is to provide a series of “behind the scenes” examples which all have the potential to affect hypotheses, interpretations, and overall understandings of the context of historical European martial arts

    Koordinering i køreplanlægningen – mekanismer og dilemmaer

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    Myndigheder, trafikselskaber og operatører på mange forskellige niveauer er centrale aktører i den kollektive trafik. Optimale køreplaner, der tager udgangspunkt i kundernes behov, forudsætter interorganisatorisk koordinering mellem disse aktører. I paperet præsenteres en terminologi i form af fire koordineringsmekanismer, som har betydning, når den kollektive trafiks mange aktører skal koordinere med henblik på at sikre kundeorienterede køreplaner. De fire mekanismer er ejerskab og instruktion, kontrakter, partnerskaber og gensidig forståelse. I paperet vises eksempler på dilemmaer, hvor koordineringsmekanismerne er utilstrækkelige eller ikke eksisterer, hvorfor resultatet ikke bliver optimale, kundeorienterede køreplaner

    The DSB, Corporatization and Coordination

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    During the last 15 - 20 years reforms inspired by so-called New Public Management have swept the public sector all over the world. This is also the case in the transport sector. One can divide NPM reforms roughly into two groups, reforms regarding internal organisation, and reforms that are interorganisational and regard the organisation of the public service (Klausen and Ståhlberg 1998). This paper deals with interorganisational reforms. Since the mid-1980s what might look like an organisational revolution has taken place in the Danish transport sector. Previously, the Danish state railways (DSB) ran trains as well as the busses and ferries. When the possibilities of building large bridges linking together different parts of Denmark and linking Denmark and Sweden were discussed, they were expected to be state bridges. 88% of the busses in the Greater Copenhagen Area were in-house production by a politically managed company. The sole large airport in Denmark, Copenhagen Airport, was run by Copenhagen Airport Service, which was an administrative unit in the Ministry of Transport. Today, this organisational set-up has been drastically changed. The former state railways has been split into several corporations - some of which have private owners, while others are publicly owned. Two of the large bridges have been built (the third is subject to a decision making process), and the owner of them is a limited company, however the Danish (and the Swedish) State are the only shareholders. Several buss companies nowadays run the busses in the Greater Copenhagen Area and they are all subject to tendering. The Copenhagen Airport today is a limited company quoted on the stock exchange, the state having 33.8% of the shares. Other changes have been seen, but these are probably the most important. In Denmark, the term often used for this process is “corporatization”, this differs from privatisation, because the new corporations are not necessarily private, although regulated according to civil law. “Quangos” is an commonly used – and vague - label for these corporations. Quango is an acronym for “quasi non government organisations” (Barker 1982: 4)

    Organic Farming Scenarios: Operational Analysis and Costs of implementing Innovative Technologies

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    The objective of this study has been to design a number of farm scenarios representing future plausible and internally consistent organic farming enterprises based on milk, pig, and plant production and use these farm scenarios as the basis for the generation of generalised knowledge on labour and machinery input and costs. Also, an impact analysis and feasibility study of introducing innovative technologies into the organic production system has been invoked. The labour demand for the production farms ranged from 61 to 253hha1 and from 194 to 396hLU1 (LU is livestock units) for work in the animal houses. Model validation results showed that farm managerial tasks amount to 14–19% of the total labour requirement. The impact of introducing new technologies and work methods related to organic farming was evaluated using two innovative examples of weed control: a weeding robot and an integrated system for band steaming. While these technologies increased the capital investment required, the labour demand was reduced by 83–85% in sugar beet and 60% in carrots, which would improve profitability by 72–85% if fully utilised. Profitability is reduced, if automation efforts result in insufficient weed removal compared to manual weeding. Specifically, the benefit gained by robotic weeding was sensitive to the weed intensity and the initial price of the equipment, but a weeding efficiency of under 25% is required to make it unprofitable. This approach demonstrates the feasibility of applying and testing operational models in organic farming systems in the continued evaluation and documentation of labour and machinery inputs

    Epigenetic Deficiencies and Replicative Stress: Driving Cancer Cells to an Early Grave

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    Cancer cell-specific synthetic lethal interactions entail promising therapeutic possibilities. In this issue of Cancer Cell, Pfister et al. describe a synthetic lethal interaction where cancer cells deficient in H3K36me3 owing to SETD2 loss-of-function mutation are strongly sensitized to inhibition of WEE1, a cell cycle controlling kinase
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