10,093 research outputs found

    Scalar-tensor cosmological simulations

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    We present NN-body cosmlogical simulations in the framework of the Newtonian limit of scalar-tensor theories of gravity. The scalar field is described by a modified Helmholtz equation with a source that is coupled to the standard Poisson equation of Newtonian gravity. The effective gravitational force is given by two contributions: the standard Newtonian potential plus a Yukawa potential stemming from massive scalar fields. In particular, we consider simulations of Λ\LambdaCDM models and compute the density and velocity profiles of the most massive groups found at z=0.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Recent Developments in Gravitation and Experimental Physics: 3rd Mexican Meeting of Mathematical and Experimental Physics. Edited by A. Macias, C. Laemmerzahl, and A. Camacho. (American Institute of Physics, 2008). Pag. 30

    From vertex detectors to inner trackers with CMOS pixel sensors

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    The use of CMOS Pixel Sensors (CPS) for high resolution and low material vertex detectors has been validated with the 2014 and 2015 physics runs of the STAR-PXL detector at RHIC/BNL. This opens the door to the use of CPS for inner tracking devices, with 10-100 times larger sensitive area, which require therefore a sensor design privileging power saving, response uniformity and robustness. The 350 nm CMOS technology used for the STAR-PXL sensors was considered as too poorly suited to upcoming applications like the upgraded ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS), which requires sensors with one order of magnitude improvement on readout speed and improved radiation tolerance. This triggered the exploration of a deeper sub-micron CMOS technology, Tower-Jazz 180 nm, for the design of a CPS well adapted for the new ALICE-ITS running conditions. This paper reports the R&D results for the conception of a CPS well adapted for the ALICE-ITS.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, VCI 2016 conference proceeding

    Reducing numerical diffusion for incompressible flow calculations

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    A number of approaches for improving the accuracy of incompressible, steady-state flow calculations are examined. Two improved differencing schemes, Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective Kinematics (QUICK) and Skew-Upwind Differencing (SUD), are applied to the convective terms in the Navier-Stokes equations and compared with results obtained using hybrid differencing. In a number of test calculations, it is illustrated that no single scheme exhibits superior performance for all flow situations. However, both SUD and QUICK are shown to be generally more accurate than hybrid differencing

    The Ingalls-Thomas Bijections

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    Given a finite acyclic quiver Q with path algebra kQ, Ingalls and Thomas have exhibited a bijection between the set of Morita equivalence classes of support-tilting modules and the set of thick subcategories of mod kQ and they have collected a large number of further bijections with these sets. We add some additional bijections and show that all these bijections hold for arbitrary hereditary artin algebras. The proofs presented here seem to be of interest also in the special case of the path algebra of a quiver.Comment: This is a modified version of an appendix which was written for the paper "The numbers of support-tilting modules for a Dynkin algebra" (see arXiv:1403.5827v1

    Micro-device for coupling, multiplexing and demultiplexing using elliptical-core two-mode fiber

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    We propose and demonstrate experimentally a fiber optic micro-device that is capable of tunably splitting, multiplexing, and demultiplexing optical signals using elliptical-core two-mode optical fiber. A crosstalk of 15 dB with an insertion loss of 1.2 dB was obtained

    Ultrafast dynamics of a magnetic antivortex - Micromagnetic simulations

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    The antivortex is a fundamental magnetization structure which is the topological counterpart of the well-known magnetic vortex. We study here the ultrafast dynamic behavior of an isolated antivortex in a patterned Permalloy thin-film element. Using micromagnetic simulations we predict that the antivortex response to an ultrashort external field pulse is characterized by the production of a new antivortex as well as of a temporary vortex, followed by an annihilation process. These processes are complementary to the recently reported response of a vortex and, like for the vortex, lead to the reversal of the orientation of the antivortex core region. In addition to its fundamental interest, this dynamic magnetization process could be used for the generation and propagation of spin waves for novel logical circuits.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To be published in Physical Review B (R
