1,287 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Studi Di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara)

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    The purpose of this study was determine to the effect of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Work Motivation towards Employee Performance. This Research done in Regional Secretariat Government of the Southeast Minahasa Regency. This study used quantitative research models of associative. The results of the study can be seen that the variable Leadership Style has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. Organizational culture also has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. Furthermore, Work Motivation has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. So that the Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Work Motivation simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. Keywords: Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, Work Motivation, Employee Performan

    An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Resistance to Green Product Innovation

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    Responding to the sustainability imperative has emerged as a key challenge and opportunity for businesses. Developing and marketing innovative ―green‖ products in particular can be a vital strategy for businesses to increase productivity, develop new markets, improve corporate image and ultimately attain competitive advantage. But despite consumer sensitisation towards environmental issues, many sustainable products face slow rates of diffusion in mainstream markets as consumers‘ green preferences regularly fail to translate into adoption behaviour. In this thesis we take a consumer resistance perspective to investigate empirically the so-called attitude–behaviour gap in the context of green product innovation. The aim of this thesis is to advance theoretically and empirically our understanding of consumer resistance, to identify consumers‘ motives for resisting green innovation and to highlight strategic implications for marketers and policy makers. The research was conducted in the context of microgeneration – innovative technologies that can be adopted by households to produce heat and electricity from renewable energy. Microgeneration technologies are green innovations, which have experienced slow rates of diffusion and thus provide a suitable context for this research. Two national consumer surveys (n = 1010; n = 1012) were conducted to investigate specifically three research issues including consumers‘ passive resistance (i.e. awareness), active resistance (i.e. postponement, rejection and opposition) and willingness to pay for microgeneration technologies. The theoretical contribution of this study is thus threefold. First, the findings contribute to innovation literature by highlighting the importance of passive resistance in the innovation adoption process and by stressing methodological implications for the design of adoption of innovation studies. Second, the thesis contributes to the resistance literature by developing, testing and validating a new measure of active resistance behaviours. The design of the measure was built on a recent conceptualisation by Kleijnen et al. (2009) and our scale is shown to be a robust measurement instrument that accounts for more variance in consumers‘ resistance behaviour than conventional measures such as intention to adopt or attitude towards adoption scales. Third, this dissertation contributes to a growing body of literature in the energy policy domain, which questions the predominant economic perspective and gravitates towards alternative explanations of human decision making to explain and encourage behavioural change. In conclusion, the analysis significantly fills the paucity of empirical research in the area of consumer resistance, shedding light on consumers‘ motives to resist green product innovation and providing strategic recommendations for innovation managers and policy makers

    Perencanaan dan Evaluasi User Interface untuk Aplikasi Tunanetra Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Metode User Center Design dan QUIM Evaluation

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    Blind people are identified as someone who has limited vision. Difficulty in navigation is one of the problems faced by blind people when doing daily activities, one of which is the use of smartphones. In the development of the current technological era, the use of smartphones is very important where smartphones have the benefit of being able to be used and carried easily anytime and anywhere. However, not all applications are easy to use both in appearance and experience for blind people, because of the limitations that blind people have, this is because they have not paid attention to the user interface and user experience of blind users. One of them is the Gablind mobile application, which is an Internet of Thing (IoT) based application that is integrated with special glasses for visually impaired persons, which are used by blind people to navigate when doing activities outside. At the development stage of the Gablind application, planning requires both the user interface and the user experience, so that the features in the application can be used properly by blind people. This research focuses on the user, namely applying the user-centred design (UCD) method and the method of identifying usability using the QUIM factor. Based on the evaluation analysis of this study, the overall average value of the QUIM factor is 81.3%, so it is categorized as good. The factors that score <= 80% and above are usefulness, universality, accessibility, trustfulness, and learnability. Meanwhile, there are also factors that need to be improved because the value is less than 70%, namely productivity and satisfaction

    Formation of Contracts a Study of the Common Core of Legal Systems

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    The Paper Print Collection: How Copyright Formalities and Historical Accidents Led to Film History.

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    Prior to the 1912 Townsend Amendment in US copyright law, motion pictures could not be registered as such for copyright protection. Seeking protection against competitors, filmmakers in the formative years of the film industry printed their films to photographic paper and deposited them for copyright as a series of individual photographs. This method of complying with a technicality in the copyright law inadvertently led to the preservation of the earliest chapter in US motion picture history, a chapter that otherwise might have been lost. The so- called Paper Print Collection, still housed at the Library of Congress, encompasses approximately 3,000 film titles. This article examines the significance of the relation between copyright, archival practices and the consequences for the study of film history. It demonstrates how (circumventions of) mandatory copyright formalities were instrumental in the safeguarding of the film titles. In turn, they played a pivotal role in the 1978 International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) Congress in Brighton, UK, the landmark event that constituted a turning point in film historiography. An examination of the Paper Print Collection provides new insights into the relationship between copyright, registration systems, and media historiographies

    Formation of Contracts a Study of the Common Core of Legal Systems

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    Silicon carbide equipments for process intensification of silicon reactions.

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    Bluestar Silicones, one of the worldwide leaders in silicones chemistry, proposes a R&D project, aiming to design new equipment for the transposition of batch to continuous processes. The safety and environmental issues linked to this type of chemicals, and the productivity targets as well require innovative technologies characterized by a fair corrosion resistance and high heat and mass transfer performances. A preliminary prototype of heat exchanger reactor made of silicon carbide plates has been developed by the LGC in collaboration with a SME specialist of SiC, Boostec. It has allowed the pilot feasibility with some reactions of industrial interest for a Bluestar Silicones to be highlighted. Now, it is necessary to pursue this effort and beyond the feasibility step to go on up to the design of an industrial reactor. This project corresponds to a programme of innovative process development in order to design cleaner, safer and less consuming devices

    PENGARUH STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP BIAYA AUDIT (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Non Keuangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Tahun 2016)

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the the effect of company structures which are managerial ownership, foreign ownership, and government ownership on Audit Fee. The sampel in this study consisted of 90 of company which is listed on Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), in 2016 period. Hypothesis examination are using multiple regression. The results showed that foreign ownership affect positifly and significantly related to the level of audit fee, government ownership affect positifly and significantly related to the level of audit fee but managerial ownership do not significantly affect to the level of audit fee. Overall, the ownership structures have different influences on the level of audit fee
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