636 research outputs found

    A Critical Review of Distribution Substation System Reliability Evaluations

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    The significance of a reliable distribution system is hinged on the fact that even if the generation and transmission of a power system are highly reliable, an unreliable distribution system will mean that there will be poor supply of energy to the consumers. Therefore, there must be ways of measuring the reliability of power distribution systems according to given standards in order to help inform the system engineers on the causes of interruptions. This will in turn help in proffering methods of accomplishing a more reliable distribution system. There are established basic methods of assessing the reliability of this system and different researchers engage the one best suited for the analysis they intend to carry out. Moreover, going through previous published works on distribution system reliability evaluation, insight is given into why a distribution behaves below standard and how it could be possibly improved. This paper presents an overview of the basic methods used in reliability assessment with the frequently used reliability indices and a critical review of published works by authors in carrying out the reliability evaluation of different power distribution systems based on these various methods

    Reliability Analysis of Secondary Distribution System in Nigeria: A Case Study of Ayetoro 1 Substation, Lagos State.

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    A power system is set up basically to meet the demands of the customers. However, interruptions which are largely unavoidable contribute to the unavailability of power and thus prevent power system from achieving this. In most cases, it is the sustained interruptions that greatly affect both the utility company and its customers. Hence, it is necessary to find means of determining which component failure contributes most to the unavailability of the distribution system, and how this unavailability actually affects the customers. This is to enable system planners and designers to seek better ways of improving the reliability of a typical secondary distribution substation system having a single-end fed radial configuration. By using analytical method and network reduction technique, the substation reliability was analyzed based on the outage data gotten from the utility company. The conclusion from this work shows that transformer failure followed by fuse failure contributes most to the substation’s unavailability. The overall system availability shows that the system’s performance is poor

    Screening of Siam Weed (Chromolaena Odorata) and African Custard Apple (Annona Senegalensis) for Nematicidal Activity

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    Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) and closely related species of Annona senegalensis had been investigated for nematicidal activity for the control of nematodes. This study was carried out to provide some information on the phytochemical constituents in these plants for nematode management. Chromolaena odorata leaves and roots, Annona senegalensis leaves and bark collected, air-dried and ground into powder, were taken to The Central Laboratory, University of Ibadan for Infrared (IR) analysis. Phytochemical analysis was carried out in the Department of Pharmacognosy, University of Ibadan. The IR revealed that functional groups were alcohols, alkenes, carbonyl, carboxylic acids and phenols. The phytochemicals were tannins (46.2 ± 17.9 mgg-1), saponins (81.5 ± 76.8 mgg-1), alkaloids (12.6 ± 0.7 mgg-1), flavonoids (5.3 ± 2.6 mgg-1), phenols (43.7 ± 1.6 mgg-1), cardenolides and anthraquinones. Saponins were of the highest concentrations, followed by tannins, phenols.The phytochemicals identified have been reported to be nematicidal in activity. Keywords: constituents, dry powders, functional groups, nematode management, phytochemicals

    Upaya Penerapan Source Validation Protocol Dari Forensic Schedule Analysis Pada Salah Satu Proyek Gedung Bertingkat Di Surabaya

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    Forensic Schedule Analysis mengacu pada studi dan ivestigasi peristiwa menggunakan CPM atau metode perhitungan jadwal lain yang diakui, sebagai pemecahan keterlambatan klaim dan berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam proses hukum. Dalam Forensic Schedule Analysis, terdapat protokol yang dapat dilakukan saat melakukan validasi data, yang disebut Source Validation Protocol. Source Validation Protocol memberikan panduan dalam proses untuk memastikan keabsahan dari data sumber yang menjadi dasar saat mengimplementasikan metode analisa jadwal forensik. Dalam proses validasi, data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data penjadwalan pada salah satu proyek di Surabaya. Proses validasi dengan cara menyesuaikan setiap butir dari protokol validasi dengan sumber data yang tersedia. Hasil penelitian kali ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa data penjadwalan pada proyek secara keseluruhan masih belum memenuhi setiap butir protokol validasi dari Forensic Schedule Analysis, kemudian dilakukan pemilihan metode yang berpotensi untuk diterapkan berdasarkan persentase sumber data dari protokol validasi antara lain Contemporaneous Period Analysis, Time Impact Analysis dan Window Analysis

    Microcontroller-based Vertical Farming Automation System

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    Food is a basic necessity of life. It is the means by which man is nourished and strengthened to carry out his daily activities. The need for food for the upkeep of man has placed agriculture at the helm of man’s affairs on earth. With a rapidly increasing population on earth, man has invented newer and innovative ways to cultivate crops. This cultivation is mainly concentrated in rural areas of countries around the world; but with the massive urbanization happening in the world today; it is becoming increasingly difficult to have enough agricultural produce that will cater for the massive population. Taking Nigeria as a case study, the increased urbanization has placed a massive demand on land, energy and water resources within urban areas of the country. Majority of the food consumed in the urban areas is cultivated in the rural areas. This system however requires longer transportation times from rural areas to urban areas which lead to contamination and spoilage in many instances. This research paper provides a solution in which food crops can be cultivated easily in urban areas by planting in vertically stacked layers in order to save space and use minimal energy and water for irrigation

    Interneuron Diversity in the Rat Dentate Gyrus: An Unbiased In Vitro Classification

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    Information processing in cortical circuits, including the hippocampus, relies on the dynamic control of neuronal activity by GABAergic interneurons (INs). INs form a heterogenous population with defined types displaying distinct morphological, molecular, and physiological characteristics. In the major input region of the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus (DG), a number of IN types have been described which provide synaptic inhibition to distinct compartments of excitatory principal cells (PrCs) and other INs. In this study, we perform an unbiased classification of GABAergic INs in the DG by combining in vitro whole‐cell patch‐clamp recordings, intracellular labeling, morphological analysis, and unsupervised cluster analysis to better define IN type diversity in this region. This analysis reveals that DG INs divide into at least 13 distinct morpho‐physiological types which reflect the complexity of the local IN network and serve as a basis for further network analyses
