11 research outputs found
Il supporto di QField per l’implementazione dei dati in tempo reale: il caso dei Siti Reali borbonici nella provincia di Caserta
Il presente contributo prende in esame l’applicazione per sistemi Android denominata QField e le sue potenzialità per l’attività da svolgere durante i rilievi in campo. Tale applicazione, sviluppata dall’applicazione GIS-desktop QuantumGIS, consente di acquisire o integrare i dati geografici o attributo durante le attività di indagine sul campo. La sua affidabilità e versatilità è stata testata nell’ambito di un progetto relativo ai siti reali borbonici, ossia le proprietà acquisite dalla Casa Reale a partire dal XVIII secolo nei dintorni di Napoli e nella limitrofa “Terra di Lavoro”
An Example of Geographic Network Analysis: The Case Study of the Fortore Valley (Molise and Apulia, Italy)
Today, the Fortore River is the geographic and administrative boundary between the regions of Molise and Apulia. In the past decade, scholars have debated Fortore’s role during the pre-Roman and Roman periods, specifically focusing on how this physical boundary may have influenced the interaction and connectivity between Samnium (modern-day Molise) and Daunia (modern-day northern Apulia). Both ancient literary sources and archaeological finds indicate the situation is complicated, and it is challenging to locate the geographical and cultural borders, especially in the pre-Roman period. This article suggests a model to understand the past interaction between the two modern-day areas of Macchia Valfortore (Molise) and Carlantino (Apulia). These sites were in the proximity of the Fortore River, and an investigation of material culture in both locations revealed a complex and diverse society between the sixth century BC and the first century BC. The small-scale spatial networks constructed help to explain the interchange dynamics between the two districts and, furthermore, how each of them related to the ancient road system. The case study demonstrates, moreover, how a not conventional archaeological approach may also highlight the prominence of river connections for economic and social development
The middle Fortore valley (Campobasso), a case of destructuring and restructuring of a waterscape: land use variability as an indicator of change
La media valle del Fortore può essere definita come un caso di waterscape. Infatti, oltre alla più diffusa idea di ruralità e di spopolamento, il Molise si caratterizzata per la presenza di importanti sistemi idrografici di diversi invasi artificiali. Difatti, nella regione si localizzano tre dighe di una certa ampiezza, tra cui quella di Occhito situata proprio nella media valle del Fortore. La sua realizzazione ha avviato un processo di destrutturazione del paesaggio e al contempo di artificializzazione del sistema fluviale. La ricerca che si propone, di carattere preliminare, vuole descrivere questo processo attraverso lo studio del paesaggio considerando le dinamiche cicliche di abbandoni e di ristrutturazioni. Indagando le variazioni avvenute nell’uso del suolo tra il 1800 e gli anni 2000 ed integrando in un sistema GIS dati noti in bibliografia e informazioni cartografiche, è stato possibile sia cogliere le stratificazioni del paesaggio sia evidenziare la necessità di una diversa gestione e pianificazione territoriale dell’area, caratterizzata da alcune fragilità ambientali. Tali analisi preliminari potranno fornire alcuni spunti per progetti di governace e sviluppo del territorio, in linea con le necessità degli Enti coinvolti nella gestione e funzionamento della diga di OcchitoThe middle valley of Fortore can be defined as a case of waterscape. In fact, in addition to the more common idea of rurality and depopulation, the Molise region, is characterized by the presences of important hydrographic systems and the artificial water basins. In fact, in the region there are three important dams, one of this is the Occhito dam located in the middle valley of Fortore. Its realization has started a process of destructuring of the landscape and at the same time of artificialization of the river system. The analysis proposing wants to describe this process through the study of landscape considering the cyclical dynamics of abandonment and restructuring. By investigating the changes that occurred in land use between the 1800s and the 2000s and integrating previously known bibliographic data and cartographic information into a GIS system, it is possible both to pick up on the stratifications of the landscape and to highlight the need for different land management and planning in the area, which is characterized by certain environmental fragilities. These preliminary analyses may provide some insights for land governance and development projects, in line with the needs of the entities involved in the management and operation of the Occhito Dam
Agricultural Crops and Spatial Distribution of Migrants: Case Studies in Campania Region (Southern Italy)
In the current context of increasing stabilization of migrants permanently residing in the Campania region (southern Italy), this paper aims to investigate the relationship between the spatial distribution of migrants and the work opportunities in the agricultural sector. We analyse data in the agriculture and population censuses currently available at the municipality level (referring to 2011) and we apply spatial autocorrelation techniques, using the Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA) and Getis-Ord Gi* statistic. The maps clusters of migrants (classified by continent) and agricultural crops or breeding (horticulture, orchards and citrus, buffalo and poultry farms), highlight a positive spatial correspondence between resulting hot spots. Finally, we overlay the resulting cluster maps to understand the significance of any external factors, such as the employment opportunities in the areas where migrants have settled
FASTI Online Survey (FOS): recupero di legacy data di ricognizione con lo stage digitale Covid-proof del KNIR
Le ricognizioni condotte nel Mediterraneo, grazie all’indagine di ampi territori, hanno permesso la raccolta di una mole sorprendente di dati utili per lo studio del paesaggio e per la ricostruzione del popolamento antico. Il KNIR organizza un tirocinio digitale pensato per gli studenti universitari e dedicato al recupero dei legacy survey data e al loro riversamento nella piattaforma Fasti Online Survey. In questo contributo vengono presentati lo stage e i risultati ottenuti per le regioni Molise e Puglia, discutendo al contempo le potenzialità di questo tipo di iniziative collaborative per la ricerca e la gestione del patrimonio culturale
Telerilevamento mediante l’ausilio di Google Earth Engine per il monitoraggio del consumo del suolo e della riduzione del verde urbano: un caso studio nella piana casertana
In the last few decades, the remarkable increase in the number of people living in urban areas around the world has posed new challenges for urban planning. The envi-ronmental, economic, and social issues of urban sprawl are well-known also in several metropolitan areas of Italy. In this paper, we consider a southern city of Italy (Campania Region), Caserta and its surroundings. We use several satellite images with different spa-tial and spectral resolutions (Landsat, Sentinel, and KH-9 Hexagon) within the Google Earth Engine platform, to map the main land use changes of Caserta conurbation from the 1980s till 2021. The results highlight the great land consumption and, at the same time, the relevant urban infill that occurred in this area in this short period, both on top-ographic and local scale (referring, in this last case, only to the town of Caserta). While at an early stage, the increase in artificial areas responds to a specific demand related to the increase in the resident population, the urban growth of the last two decades has more complex answers. Systematic delays in land use planning and a biased perspective (usually focusing only on the municipal scale) to solve the problems of a significantly larger area means insufficient services to the citizens in their daily lives (mainly in rela-tion to local public transport and the actual availability of urban green areas
Telerilevamento mediante l’ausilio di Google Earth Engine per il monitoraggio del consumo del suolo e della riduzione del verde urbano: un caso studio nel Casertano
In the last few decades, the remarkable increase in the number of people living in urban areas around the world has posed new challenges for urban planning. The environmental, economic, and social issues of urban sprawl are well well-known also in several metropolitan areas of Italy. In this paper, we consider a southern city of Italy (Campania Region), Caserta and its surroundings. We use several satellite images with different spatial and spectral resolution resolutions (Landsat, Sentinel, and KH-9 Hexagon) within the Google Earth Engine platform, to map the main land use changes of Caserta conurbation from the 1980s to till 2021. The results highlight the great land consumption and, at the same time, the relevant urban infill that occurred in this area in this short period, both on topographic and local scale (referring, in this last case, only to the town of Caserta). While at an early stage, the increase in artificial areas responds to a specific demand related to the increase in the resident population, the urban growth of the last two decades has more complex answers. Systematic delays in land use planning and a biased perspective (usually focusing only on the municipal scale) to solve the problems of a significantly larger area means insufficient services to the citizens in their daily lives (mainly in relation to local public transport and the actual availability of urban green areas)