28 research outputs found

    Lower Cardiac Vagal Tone in Non-Obese Healthy Men with Unfavorable Anthropometric Characteristics

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    OBJECTIVES: to determine if there are differences in cardiac vagal tone values in non-obese healthy, adult men with and without unfavorable anthropometric characteristics. INTRODUCTION: It is well established that obesity reduces cardiac vagal tone. However, it remains unknown if decreases in cardiac vagal tone can be observed early in non-obese healthy, adult men presenting unfavorable anthropometric characteristics. METHODS: Among 1688 individuals assessed between 2004 and 2008, we selected 118 non-obese (BMI <30 kg/m²), healthy men (no known disease conditions or regular use of relevant medications), aged between 20 and 77 years old (42 ± 12-years-old). Their evaluation included clinical examination, anthropometric assessment (body height and weight, sum of six skinfolds, waist circumference and somatotype), a 4-second exercise test to estimate cardiac vagal tone and a maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test to exclude individuals with myocardial ischemia. The same physician performed all procedures. RESULTS: A lower cardiac vagal tone was found for the individuals in the higher quintiles - unfavorable anthropometric characteristics - of BMI (p=0.005), sum of six skinfolds (p=0.037) and waist circumference (p<0.001). In addition, the more endomorphic individuals also presented a lower cardiac vagal tone (p=0.023), while an ectomorphic build was related to higher cardiac vagal tone values as estimated by the 4-second exercise test (r=0.23; p=0.017). CONCLUSIONS: Non-obese and healthy adult men with unfavorable anthropometric characteristics tend to present lower cardiac vagal tone levels. Early identification of this trend by simple protocols that are non-invasive and risk-free, using select anthropometric characteristics, may be clinically useful in a global strategy to prevent cardiovascular disease

    Sex-Specific Equations to Estimate Maximum Oxygen Uptake in Cycle Ergometry

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    Abstract Background: Aerobic fitness, assessed by measuring VO2max in maximum cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX) or by estimating VO2max through the use of equations in exercise testing, is a predictor of mortality. However, the error resulting from this estimate in a given individual can be high, affecting clinical decisions. Objective: To determine the error of estimate of VO2max in cycle ergometry in a population attending clinical exercise testing laboratories, and to propose sex-specific equations to minimize that error. Methods: This study assessed 1715 adults (18 to 91 years, 68% men) undertaking maximum CPX in a lower limbs cycle ergometer (LLCE) with ramp protocol. The percentage error (E%) between measured VO2max and that estimated from the modified ACSM equation (Lang et al. MSSE, 1992) was calculated. Then, estimation equations were developed: 1) for all the population tested (C-GENERAL); and 2) separately by sex (C-MEN and C-WOMEN). Results: Measured VO2max was higher in men than in WOMEN: -29.4 &#177; 10.5 and 24.2 &#177; 9.2 mL.(kg.min)-1 (p < 0.01). The equations for estimating VO2max [in mL.(kg.min)-1] were: C-GENERAL = [final workload (W)/body weight (kg)] x 10.483 + 7; C-MEN = [final workload (W)/body weight (kg)] x 10.791 + 7; and C-WOMEN = [final workload (W)/body weight (kg)] x 9.820 + 7. The E% for MEN was: -3.4 &#177; 13.4% (modified ACSM); 1.2 &#177; 13.2% (C-GENERAL); and -0.9 &#177; 13.4% (C-MEN) (p < 0.01). For WOMEN: -14.7 &#177; 17.4% (modified ACSM); -6.3 &#177; 16.5% (C-GENERAL); and -1.7 &#177; 16.2% (C-WOMEN) (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The error of estimate of VO2max by use of sex-specific equations was reduced, but not eliminated, in exercise tests on LLCE

    Avaliando a atividade vagal cardíaca na eletrocardiografia convencional Evaluating cardiac vagal activity on a conventional electrocardiogram

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar a viabilidade da utilização de traçado convencional de eletrocardiografia (ECG) para avaliação da atividade vagal cardíaca (AVC). MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, 1.395 indivíduos (995 homens), na faixa de idade de 46 + 17,2 anos (média &plusmn; desvio padrão), com traçados de ECG convencional para medida do Delta RR, que representa a diferença, em ms, entre o maior e o menor intervalo RR, e com resultados da avaliação autonômica parassimpática, o teste de exercício de quatro segundos (T4s), que quantifica a AVC por meio do índice vagal cardíaco (IVC). Foram obtidas curvas ROC para determinar os valores de Delta RR com melhor relação entre sensibilidade e especificidade para os pontos de corte de baixa e alta AVC, respectivamente, de 1,20 e 1,95. RESULTADOS: Os valores de delta RR correlacionaram-se significativamente com os de IVC (r = 0,40; p < 0,001). Foram identificados < 60 ms e > 120 ms como os melhores pontos de corte para baixa e alta AVC, com sensibilidade de 75% e 57%, especificidade de 62% e 79% e áreas das curvas ROC de 0,76 e 0,74, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A medida visual do delta RR em um traçado de ECG parece ser válida para a avaliação clínica preliminar e rápida da AVC, podendo ser útil em consultórios, emergências ou situações nas quais o uso de métodos mais sofisticados de avaliação autonômica não seja viável, oportuno ou conveniente.<br>OBJECTIVE: To determine the viability of using a conventional electrocardiogram (ECG) tracing for assessment of CVA. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 1395 individuals (995 males), aged 46 &plusmn; 17.2 years (mean &plusmn; standard deviation) with conventional ECG tracings to measure the delta RR (which represents the difference in milliseconds (ms) between the greatest and smallest RR interval) and results of a second autonomic parasympathetic evaluation, the 4-second exercise test (T4s), that quantifies CVA by the cardiac vagal index (CVI). ROC curves were obtained to determine the values of Delta RR for a closer correlation with sensitivity and specificity for 1.20 and 1.95 ms, the low and high CVA cutoff points, respectively. RESULTS: The delta RR levels correlated significantly with those of the CVI (r=0.40; p<0.001). We identified < 60 and > 120 ms as the best cutoff points for low and high CVA. Sensitivity was 75% and 57%, specificity was 62% and 79%, and the areas of the ROC curves were 0.76 and 0.74, respectively. CONCLUSION: The visual measurement of delta RR on an ECG tracing seems to be a valid quick preliminary clinical evaluation of CVA and can be useful in medical offices, emergency units, or situations in which the use of more sophisticated methods may not be feasible, appropriate, or convenient

    Recovery from sauna bathing favorably modulates cardiac autonomic nervous system

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    Abstract Objective: Sauna bathing is becoming a common activity in many countries and it has been linked to favorable health outcomes. However, there is limited data on the heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) responses to an acute sauna exposure. Design: We conducted a single-group, longitudinal study utilizing a pre-post design to examine acute effects of sauna bathing on the autonomic nervous system as reflected by HRV. A total of 93 participants (mean [SD] age: 52.0 [8.8] years, 53.8% males) with cardiovascular risk factors were exposed to a single sauna session (duration: 30 min; temperature: 73 °C; humidity: 10–20%) and data on HRV variables were collected before, during and after sauna. Results: Time and frequency-domain HRV variables were significantly modified (p &lt; 0.001) by the single sauna session, with most of HRV variables tending to return near to baseline values after 30 min recovery. Resting HR was lower at the end of recovery (68/min) compared to pre-sauna (77/min). A sauna session transiently diminished the vagal component, whereas the cooling down period after sauna decreased low frequency power (p &lt; 0.001) and increased high frequency power in HRV (p &lt; 0.001), favorably modulating the autonomic nervous system balance. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that a session of sauna bathing induces an increase in HR. During the cooling down period from sauna bathing, HRV increased which indicates the dominant role of parasympathetic activity and decreased sympathetic activity of cardiac autonomic nervous system. Future randomized controlled studies are needed to show if HR and HRV changes underpins the long-term cardiovascular effects induced by regular sauna bathing