2,696 research outputs found

    Purely nonlinear disorder-induced localizations and their parametric amplification

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    We investigate spatial localization in a quadratic nonlinear medium in the presence of randomness. By means of numerical simulations and theoretical analyses we show that, in the down conversion regime, the transverse random modulation of the nonlinear susceptibility generates localizations of the fundamental wave that grow exponentially in propagation. The localization length is optically controlled by the pump intensity which determines the amplification rate. The results also apply to cubic nonlinearities.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Numerical simulators for modeling one- and multi-dimensional multiphase transport and biodegradation

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    The research topic of this tesis, i.e., studying the coupling of multiphase flow and biodegradation, did not fit perfectly with the model already available, in the sense that not all the features needed were already implemented. Thus, the following choices have been made. On the one hand, an easy-to-use and easy-to-modify one-dimensional simulator for two-phase flow plus biodegradation was developed for preliminary and basic studies. On the other hand, an available multiphase flow simulator was selected and modified for introducing the same biodegradation module developed for the one-dimensional code

    Literature review on NAPL contamination and remediation

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    Remediation of polluted soils and groundwater is of major concern due to the increasing number of contaminated aquifers. Subsurface aquifers constitute one of the most important sources of drinkable water. In recent years, water needs have been increasing due to increases in development and human population. Several sorts of contaminants can be found in groundwater: metal ions, pesticides, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, etc. The toxicity of these compounds varies and so do guidelines that establish allowable concentration levels in drinking water. Among the aforementioned types of compounds, a particular importance is assumed by those which exist as a separate phase when their concentrations in water exceed a certain limit. The transport behavior and dynamics of multiphase contaminants are very different from their dissolved counterparts, and are very difficult both to describe and to model. Several phenomena can take place, such as organic phase trapping, formation of ganglia and pools of contaminant, sorption, hysteresis in both soil imbibition and drainage, capillarity, fingering, and mass-transfer. In such cases, our ability to describe and predict the fate of a contaminant plume in which a separate organic phase occurs is limited, and research within this field is quite open. Much effort has been devoted in trying to describe the characteristics of the phenomena occuring in multiphase systems, and several models and formulations have been proposed for predicting the fate of contaminants when present in such systems (see Miller et al. 1997) for a review on multiphase modeling in porous media). Work has also been done for modeling human intervention techniques for containing and/or reducing soil contaminantion (NRC, 1994), such as pumping, clean water-air-steam injection, soil heating, surfactants, biological methods, etc. Finally, much work has also been done on the numerical solution of mathematical models whose complexity does not allow for an analytical solution. Among the dozens of remediation methods which have been proposed and which are strongly dependent on site environmental conditions, biological methods are achieving increasing importance, due to their “naturalness" and their low costs (NRC, 1993) . It has been noticed that soil microorganisms are able to degrade several classes of compounds, in particular those which partition between an aqueous and an organic phase, or sometimes also gaseous phase, for e.g., hydrocarbons, chlorinated compounds, pesticides. These compounds, or better said, their fractions dissolved in water, are liable to be metabolized by subsurface microrganisms which have the capability to degrade the compounds and to transform them into carbon dioxide and/or other compounds, which are less toxic or unnoxious. Several laboratory and field studies have been conducted for assessing and evaluating the capability and the limits of soil microorganisms to degrade several classes of contaminants (Mayer et al., 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997) . Much work has also been devoted to modeling biodegration of groundwater contaminants. The outline of this report is as follows: section 2 gives a brief description of the characteristics and properties of NAPLs, including a review of the literature with regards to formulations and modeling; section 3 discusses biodegradation of contaminants and past efforts at modeling biodegradation; section 4 surveys specific remediation technologies and experiences; and section 5 discusses open issues for further research. In the final section possible lines of research for the second phase of the PhD program are indicated

    Preliminary study on density-dependent flow and transport in the Lake Karachai area (UE RaCoS project): adequacy of CODESA-3D to model a plume of contaminant brine

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    One of the main objectives in this preliminary study was to implement CODESA-3D (COupled variable DEnsity and SAturation) code for the Lake Karachai site and to run preliminary simulations under a variety of conditions, but with density ratio coeffcient no larger than 0.07 (density variations of maximum 7%). Because CODESA-3D is a finite element numerical code for coupled flow and transport that is normally used for problems of seawater intrusion, where density variations are around 3%, part of our work has been devoted to determine the limit of applicability of the code

    Adattamento e parametrizzazione del modello numerico: sito di Portoscuso

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    Il presente rapporto fa parte degli elaborati tecnici della III fase (Attuazione) del Progetto PST/MURST Tecnologie avanzate perla gestione delle risorse idriche: software per la modellazione ambientale. Nel documento si descrivono le fasi di adattamento e parametrizzazione del programma di calcolo CODESA-3D (Gambolati et al. 1999, Lecca) per l’implementazione del modello numerico tridimensionale dell’acquifero costiero del sito di Portoscuso (Sardegna sud-occidentale). Obiettivo generale di questa parte del Progetto è la simulazione, tramite il modello numerico, dei fenomeni di trasporto di inquinanti inerti, assimilabili come comportamento ai sali marini. Il sistema acquifero della piana di Portoscuso è stato oggetto di diversi studi. La zona è interessata da un grosso polo industriale di zone estrattive di minerali. Per la predisposizione dei dati di input del modello ci si è avvalsi in modo sostanziale delle tecnologie informatiche GIS, attraverso la costituzione e l’aggiornamento di un database cartografico e alfanumerico (Cau e Muscas 2001, Muscas et al. 2001) e lo sviluppo di interfacce software per l’integrazione dei diversi sistemi informatici (GIS, generatori di griglie di calcolo, modello numerico, etc. ) descritte nell’elaborato della III fase “Interfacciamento GIS-Modello”. Questo rapporto, inoltre, fa riferimento agli elaborati “Descrizione del GIS-Database implementato” e “Analisi dei dati” (Muscas e Cau, 2002) della fase III e risulta a sua volta propedeutico all’elaborato “Descrizione delle prove di calibrazione e validazione” della presente fase

    Elaborazione di modelli matematico-numerici per la simulazione di flusso e trasporto per problemi dipendenti dalla densitĂ 

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    Il presente rapporto descrive lo stato di avanzamento dell’attività 1 del sottoprogetto al termine del primo anno del progetto MURST/CIPE , ovvero la descrizione della modellazione di fenomeni di flusso e trasporto nel caso di fenomeni dipendenti dalla densità (cioè la presenza stessa dell’inquinante è in grado di influenzare fortemente il campo di moto), con particolare riferimento al caso di dispersione di inquinanti immiscibili in acqua detti NAPL (liquidi organici in fase non acquosa, quali idrocarburi, solventi organici, liquidi oleosi, sostanze bitumose, etc.) possibili di biodegradazione ad opera della flora batterica naturalmente presente , di trasporto di inquinanti chimicamente reattivi nel sottosuolo (NaOH, e altri contaminanti in grado di influenzare il pH dell’ambiente sottostante) e del caso di intrusione dell’acqua marina nel sottosuolo. L’elaborato descrive dunque l’insieme delle equazioni e la formalizzazione degli algoritmi risolutivi dei modelli matematici e delle integrazioni modellistiche e numeriche dei modelli dei seguenti processi: inquinanti immiscibili in acqua; biodegradazione; intrusione di acqua marina; trasporto in non-equilibrio

    Fact or fiction: Chronic cerebro-spinal insufficiency

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    Summary Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Its autoimmune origin has been recently challenged by a substantially different mechanism termed chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI), which has attracted worldwide attention in the scientific community, in the media and among MS patients. According to this hypothesis, a congestion of cerebrovenous outflow induces an increased intracranial pressure and a disintegration of the blood–brain barrier in perivenular regions promoting local iron deposition and activation of pro-inflammatory factors, ultimately leading to MS. After the initial report of a perfect association between CCSVI and MS, different independent groups were not able to replicate these results, casting doubts on the credibility of the CCSVI concept in MS. In spite of this, interventional procedures like venous angioplasty named the "liberation" treatment have been claimed as a cure of MS or at least as a major improvement of MS symptoms. As a result, an increasing number of MS patients are undergoing endovascular treatment, in spite of a lack of an evidenced-based benefit and recent reports of serious adverse events. This review represents a critical appraisal of the CCSVI hypothesis, discusses its basis, the diagnostic criteria and its relationship with MS

    Rapporto di ricerca bibliografica (Stato dell'arte dei modelli di flusso e trasporto in mezzi porosi)

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    In questo primo rapporto vengono presentate le equazioni fondamentali che reggono i fenomeni di flusso e trasporto in mezzi porosi insieme ai metodi numerici che verranno utilizzati per la soluzione di tali equazioni. I modelli matematici in questione sono basati su equazioni differenziali a derivate parziali che impongono il bilancio di massa sia per il fluido che per il soluto (inquinante disciolto in acqua). Queste equazioni vengono scritte in forma generale per un mezzo poroso tridimensionale; in dipendenza dal tipo di applicazione è possibile adottare modelli mono o bidimensionali che portano a semplificazioni notevoli. L'equazione di flusso è sviluppata per il caso di mezzi porosi a saturazione variabile e può essere quindi utilizzata contemporaneamente nella zona insatura (suoli superficiali) e satura (falde freatiche e artesiane). Nell'equazione di trasporto si considerano i processi di dispersione, diffusione e avvezione, insieme ad alcune fenomenologie di interazione chimico-fisica tra il soluto e la matrice porosa. Accanto a queste equazione, si descrive anche un modello, a scala di bacino, di afflussi-deflussi superficiali accoppiato con un modello di infiltrazione. Questo approccio viene tiene conto di fenomeni importanti qualora vi sia una stretta correlazione tra il moto dell'acqua in superficie e il moto dell'acqua nella zona insatura

    Evaluation of Silicone Fluids and Resins as CO2Thickeners for Enhanced Oil Recovery Using a Computational and Experimental Approach

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    CO2thickeners have the potential to be a game changer for enhanced oil recovery, carbon capture utilization and storage, and hydraulic fracturing. Thickener design is challenging due to polymers’ low solubility in supercritical CO2(scCO2) and the difficulty of substantially increasing the viscosity of CO2. In this contribution, we present a framework to design CO2soluble thickeners, combining calculations using a quantum mechanical solvation model with direct laboratory viscosity testing. The conductor-like polarizable continuum model for solvation free-energy calculations was used to determine functional silicone and silsesquioxane solubilities in scCO2. This method allowed for a fast and efficient identification of CO2-soluble compounds, revealing silsesquioxanes as more CO2-philic than linear polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), the most efficient non-fluorinated thickener know to date. The rolling ball apparatus was used to measure the viscosity of scCO2with both PDMS and silicone resins with added silica nanoparticles. Methyl silicone resins were found to be stable and fast to disperse in scCO2while having a significant thickening effect. They have a larger effect on the solution viscosity than higher-molecular-weight PDMS and are able to thicken CO2even at high temperatures. Silicone resins are thus shown to be promising scCO2thickeners, exhibiting enhanced solubility and good rheological properties, while also having a moderate cost and being easily commercially attainable.Fil: Gallo, Gonzalo. Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Erdmann, Eleonora. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones para la Industria Química; ArgentinaFil: Cavasotto, Claudio Norberto. Universidad Austral. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Medicina Traslacional. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones en Medicina Traslacional; Argentin
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