7 research outputs found

    Poultry Litter and Pig slurry Applications in an Integrated Crop-Livestock System

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    ABSTRACT Organic fertilizers derived from poultry litter and pig slurry are alternatives to mineral fertilizers in increasing soil nutrient availability. The aim of this study was to evaluate soil response, through characterization of organic C and available N, P, and K contents, and corn yield response to increasing amounts of poultry litter, pig slurry, and mineral fertilizers in an integrated crop-livestock production system (ICL) from 2011 to 2013. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks in a 4 × 3 + 1 factorial arrangement with four replicates. The treatments consisted of four types of fertilizer, two organic (poultry litter and pig slurry) and two mineral, balanced with the same amounts of N, P and K as the organic fertilizers, one of which corresponded to the levels in the pig slurry (M1) and the other to the levels in the poultry litter (M2) in combination with three .increasing application rates of N (100, 200, and 300 kg ha-1 N) and control without fertilizer. For two years after implementing the ICL system, the application of the different rates of N using organic (pig slurry and poultry litter) or mineral (M1 and M2) fertilizers increased corn yields and K and P availability in the soil; these results were accompanied by small changes in organic C and total N content. There are similar efficiencies between the treatments pairs (pig slurry/M1 and poultry litter/M2)

    Levels of soyhulls in starter rations for dairy calves

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    The present experiment has the objective to compare four levels of soyhulls inclusions in the starter rations for early weaned dairy calves, through the avaliation of  weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion. Thirty six  Holstein (24) and Jersey (12) dairy calves were used, distributed in four treatments with different levels of soyhulls (0, 15, 30 and 45%) added in calf starter containing ground corn, soybean meal, whey powder plus minerals and vitamins. The experiment was carried out for 16 weeks, considering eight weeks for liquid feeding period and eight weeks post-weaning. The calves received 4.0 kg of whole milk fed twice daily. Calf starter and water was offered ad libitum. Post-weaning the calves were feed with calf starter, alfalfa hay and water until 16th week. liveweight, daily gain, milk intake, starter intake, hay intake and feed conversion were registered. Starter and hay offered and refused was weight daily. No significant difference were observed for any variables analyzed (P>0.05). It was concluded that soyhulls can included until 45% in the calf starter ration for calves weaned with eight weeks.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar a inclusão de quatro níveis de casca de soja como componente de rações concentradas para desaleitamento precoce de bezerros. Foram utilizados 36 bezerros, sendo 24 da raça Holandesa e 12 da raça Jersey, submetidos a quatro níveis de casca de soja (0, 15, 30 e 45%) adicionados em rações concentradas à base de milho, farelo de soja, palatabilizante e núcleo mineral, com 20% de proteína bruta. A duração do experimento foi de 16 semanas, considerando-se as fases de aleitamento (1-8 semanas) e pós-aleitamento (9-16 semanas). Na fase de aleitamento os animais receberam 4,0 kg de leite/dia, distribuídos em duas vezes, concentrado e água fornecidos à vontade. Após o desaleitamento os animais foram alimentados com concentrado e água à vontade e feno de alfafa na proporção de 20% do concentrado. Avaliou-se peso vivo, ganho de peso, altura à cernelha e ganho em altura, consumo de concentrado e volumoso e conversão alimentar (kg de MS ingerida / kg de ganho de peso). Os tratamentos não afetaram nenhuma das variáveis analisadas (P>0,05). Conclui-se que a casca de soja pode ser incluída em até 45% das rações concentradas para bezerros desaleitados com oito semanas de idade

    Animal and forage production on native pasture under different herbage allowance

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    O trabalho foi conduzido em área de pastagem natural da Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre-RS), no período de 25/10/2000 a 13/09/2001, com objetivo de avaliar os tratamentos: 8%, 12%, 16% de oferta de forragem (OF) durante todo ano, 8% de OF na primavera e 12% no verão, outono e inverno (8- 12%); 12% de OF na primavera e 8% no verão, outono e inverno (12-8%); 16% de OF na primavera e 12% no verão, outono e inverno (16-12%), com novilhos em pastejo contínuo com lotação variável. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos completamente casualizados com duas repetições. O maior ganho médio diário (GMD) ao longo do ano (0,466kg an-1 dia-1) foi obtido no tratamento que teve sua oferta aumentada (8-12%). Este também foi o único manejo em que os animais ganharam peso no inverno. A produtividade animal (kg ha-1 de peso vivo) foi menor nos tratamentos de 16% e 16-12%. A variação da OF ao longo das estações do ano, como procedimento de manipulação da estrutura e composição da vegetação para promover maior produção de MS e GMD dos animais foi eficiente, sendo que seu efeito sobre a produção de MS e animal estende-se por todas as estações do ano.This trial was conducted in natural pasture area of the Agronomic Experimental Station of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre-RS), from 10/ 25/2000 to 09/13/2001, with the objective of evaluating the treatments: 8%, 12%, 16% of dry matter allowance (DMA) over the year, 8% of DMA at spring and 12% at summer, autumn and winter (8-12%); 12% of DMA at spring and 8% at summer, autumn and winter (12-8%) e 16% of DMA at spring and 12% at summer, autumn and winter (16-12%), using steers on continuous grazing with variable stocking rate. The experimental design used was blocks randomised with two replications. The biggest average daily weight gain over the year (0.466kg an-1 day-1) was obtained in the increased DMA treatment. This treatment, also, was the only management the animals increased weight at winter. The animal production/ha was smaller in the 16% and 16-12% treatments. The DMA changing over the seasons, as a procedure to manipulate the vegetation structure and composition to increase forage production and average daily weight gain was efficient, and its effect upon the forage and animal production go on all the seasons