432 research outputs found

    Protocolo aplicado a la XI edición del festival Publicatessen

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo plasmar sobre el papel, la puesta en escena de los diferentes conocimientos adquiridos en el grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad de Valladolid, durante la XI Edición del Festival de Publicatessen en el curso académico 2018/2019. En este proyecto se quiere plasmar en papel todo el ejercicio práctico que el departamento de protocolo ha llevado a cabo durante la onceava edición del festival, dividiendo en tres fases temporales el desarrollo del mismo: El pre evento: que será la fase en la que explique todo el trabajo realizado antes del mismo, y que abarca sobre todo la parte creativa y estratégica. Está dedicada principalmente al día de la gala. El evento: englobará toda la puesta en escena de los diferentes actos en los que ha trabajado el departamento a lo largo del festival. El post evento: en esta etapa se analizarán todos los aspectos a tener en cuenta de forma crítica y objetiva, ya sean aciertos u errores, con el único fin de mejorar de cara al futuro.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Chimpanzees’ (Pan troglodytes) problem-solving skills are influenced by housing facility and captive care duration

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    Although a large body of primate cognition research is done in captive institutions, little is known about how much individuals from different facilities vary in their experiences and cognitive skills. Here we present the results of an experimental study investigating how physical cognitive skills vary between chimpanzees in relation to captive settings and their time in captivity. We tested 59 chimpanzees housed at two different captive facilities (a rehabilitation center (sanctuary) and a zoo) in three problem-solving tasks. Our results showed that chimpanzees at the two housing facilities significantly differed in overall task performance. On average, the sanctuary chimpanzees outperformed the chimpanzees housed at the zoo in the detour reaching task and the honey trap task. However, the zoo chimpanzees performed slightly better on average in the learning task. We propose that, for this particular sample, the documented differences result from a combination of factors, such as prior experience with cognitive testing, motivation levels and varying degrees of human exposure. Within the sanctuary sample, we found that chimpanzees who arrived at an earlier age at the sanctuary and had therefore spent a larger percentage of their lives in a captive environment, were better problem-solvers than those that arrived at a later age to the sanctuary. Thus, rehabilitation and time in captivity contributed to improved physical cognitive skills in sanctuary chimpanzees. Our results highlight the importance of studying intraspecific variation and the effect that previous experience and living conditions might have on physical cognitive skills in non-human apes. Accordingly, we should be cautious when extrapolating findings of cognitive studies from one population to the species as a whole

    Grandes desafíos

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    The use of antipsychotics, especially second generation antipsychotics, represents the milestone treatment of “first episode of psychosis” (FEP). Although prodromal symptoms of psychosis have long been recognized, the clinical management of psychotic disorders conventionally begins at the first episode of frank psychosis, as it is well acknowledged that “duration of untreated psychosis” (DUP) is one of the main factor that negatively affects prognosis: a longer DUP is highly correlated to reduced response to treatment, poor clinical and social outcomes, and an overall worst prognosis. Long-acting injectable (LAI) formulations of antipsychotics have traditionally been used for those patients with psychosis with the most severe symptoms, poorest compliance, most hospitalizations and poorest outcomes; moreover it seems that psychiatrists tend to prescribe LAI at the latter stages of the disease. We retrospectively collected clinical and sociodemographic data regarding patients consecutively presenting with symptoms of FEP attending the Community Mental Health Service (CMHS) in Foggia from 1st June 2014 to 31st May 2015. We selected patients who attended the CMHS in Foggia with symptoms of FEP. Different scales were administered to assess symptoms severity, quality of life, side effects, adherence, and overall functionality. In our sample LAI treatment was found to be effective in treating symptoms associated to FEP, improved quality of life and it was associated with a clinically irrelevant incidence of extrapyramidal side effect. Considering that achieving a full symptoms remission in people affected by FEP is associated to better outcomes, and that DUP is associated to poor prognosis, LAIs could play an important role in improving overall recovery

    Investigación en Radiología: Desarrollando nuestra especialidad

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    La necesidad de inmediatez de resultados: uno de los grandes desafíos en Radiología

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    Optimization and performance criteria of a Stokes polarimeter based on two variable retarders

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    In this paper we present the analysis, optimization and implementation of several Stokes polarimeter configurations based on a setup including two variable retarders. The polarimeter analysis is based on the Mueller-Stokes formalism, and as a consequence, it is suitable to deal with depolarized light. Complete Stokes polarimeters are optimized by minimizing the amplification of simulated errors into the final solution. Different indicators useful to achieve this aim, as the condition number or the equally weighted variance, are compared in this paper. Moreover, some of the optimized polarimeters are experimentally implemented and it is studied the influence of small deviations from the theoretical ones on the amplification of the Stokes component error. In addition, the benefit of using incomplete polarimeters, when detecting specific ranges of states of polarization, is discussedFil: Peinado, Alba. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Lizana, Ángel. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Vidal, Josep. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; España. ALBA Synchrotron Light Source Facility; EspañaFil: Iemmi, Claudio Cesar. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Física; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Campos, Juan. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Españ

    Factores predictores de mortalidad por Accidente Cerebrovascular en el Hospital Universitario San Jorge de Pereira

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    Resumen. Objetivo: Determinar los factores predictores de mortalidad por accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) en el Hospital Universitario San Jorge de Pereira, entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2011. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de corte transversal, realizado en los pacientes con diagnóstico de ACV. Se obtuvo la información de las historias clínicas  teniendo en cuenta las variables: edad, sexo, tipo de ACV (isquémico o hemorrágico), trastorno asociado, antecedentes personales relacionados con ACV, mortalidad. Se aplicaron modelos de regresión logística para determinar que variables se asociaron significativamente con la mortalidad. Resultados. 350 pacientes evaluados.  Edad promedio 69,2+/-11,6 años; del total 51,4% fueron mujeres. 57,4% presentaron un episodio súbito, 78,6% de los ACV fueron de tipo isquémico y el 21,4%  hemorrágico. Los trastornos en orden de aparición fueron: déficit motor (80,9%), déficit de lenguaje (43,4%), cefalea (35,7%), alteración de pares craneales (28,3%). Las comorbilidades encontradas fueron: hipertensión arterial (72,6%), dislipidemia (47,7%), diabetes mellitus (19,7%), tabaquismo (17,4%), enfermedad cardíaca isquémica (9,4%), ACV previo (6%) y fibrilación auricular (6%). El 16% de pacientes falleció por ACV; de estos, el 74,6% fueron hemorrágicos. Se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre muerte por ACV e inicio súbito (OR:0,65 IC95%:0,021-0,200; p<0,001), hemorragia intraparenquimatosa (OR:91,3; IC95%:20,6-403,7; p<0,001) y edad entre 40 y 55 años (OR: 2,91; IC95%:2,07-5,18; p<0,001). Conclusiones. Dado que las variables asociadas con muerte no son modificables al ingreso del paciente al hospital, se deben reforzar las medidas de salud pública para prevenir la aparición de ictus. Abstract Objetive. Identify predictors of stroke mortality (ACV) at the University Hospital San Jorge de Pereira, between January 2008 and December 2011. Patients and methods. Cross sectional study, realized in patients with a diagnosis of stroke. Information was obtained from medical records taking into account patient age, sex, type of stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic), associated disorder, personal history associated with stroke mortality. We applied logistic regression models to determine which variables were significantly associated with mortality. Results. 350 patients evaluated. Mean age 69.2 years + / -11.6 years, 51.4% of the participants were women. 57.4% had a sudden episode, 78.6% of ischemic ACV and 21.4% was bleeding. Disorders in order of appearance were: Motor deficit (80.9%), language deficits (43.4%), headache (35.7%), cranial nerve disorder (28.3%). Comorbidities were hypertension (72.6%), dyslipidemia (47.7%), diabetes mellitus (19.7%), smoking (17.4%), ischemic heart disease (9.4%), previous ACV (6%) and atrial fibrillation (6%). 16% of patients died from stroke, of these, 74.6% were bleeding. Statistically significant association was found between mortality from stroke and sudden onset (OR 0.65; 95%CI:0.021-0.200, p <0.001), intraparenchymal hemorrhage (OR:91.3; IC95%:20.6-403.7; p<0.001) and age between 40 and 55 years (OR:2.91; IC95%:2.07-5.18; p<0.001). Discussion. Since the variables associated with death are not modifiable at patient's admission to hospital, should reinforce the public health measures to prevent the occurrence of stroke. La correspondencia deberá dirigirse a: Nombre: Cristhian David Morales-Plaza Institución: Grupo de investigación en Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia- Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia Dirección: Calle 105 No. 14-140 Pereira Tel. 6+3137800, Fax 6+3137822. Correo electrónico: [email protected] El trabajo se realizó en el Hospital Universitario San Jorge. Dirección: Carrera 4 No 24-88 Pereira, Risaralda. Tel. (6) 335 63 33 Conteo de palabras: 2898 Los autores no manifiestan conflicto de interesesFinanciación: Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. 