176 research outputs found

    Doxorubicin and α-Mangostin oppositely affect luminal breast cancer cell stemness evaluated by a new retinaldehyde-dependent ALDH assay in MCF-7 tumor spheroids

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    According to cancer stem cell theory, only a limited number of self-renewing and cloning cells are responsible for tumor relapse after a period of remittance. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of Doxorubicin and α-Mangostin, two antiproliferative drugs, on both tumor bulk and stem cells in multicellular tumor spheroids originated from the luminal MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. A new and original fluorimetric assay was used to selectively measure the activity of the retinaldehyde-dependent isoenzymes of aldehyde dehydrogenase (RALDH), which are markers of a subpopulation of breast cancer stem cells. The administration of 5 μg/ml (12.2 μM) α-Mangostin for 48 h provoked: i) a marked disaggregation of the spheroids, leading to a doubling of their volume (p < 0.01), ii) a 40 % decrease in cell viability (p < 0.01), evaluated by the acid phosphatase assay, and iii) a reduction by more than 90 % of RALDH activity. By contrast, Doxorubicin given for 48 h in the range of 0.1–40 μM did not significantly reduce cell viability and caused only a modest modification of the spheroid morphology. Moreover, 40 μM Doxorubicin increased RALDH activity 2.5-fold compared to the untreated sample. When the two drugs were administered together using 5 μg/ml α-Mangostin, the IC50 of Doxorubicin referred to cell viability decreased six-fold and the RALDH activity was further reduced. In conclusion, the combined administration of Doxorubicin and α-Mangostin provoked a significant cytotoxicity and a remarkable inhibition of RALDH activity in MCF-7 tumor spheroids, suggesting that these drugs could be effective in reducing cell stemness in luminal breast cancer

    Metabolismo lipidi

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    Nitric oxide can function as either a killer molecule or an antiapoptotic effector in cardiomyocytes

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    AbstractCaspase enzymes are a family of cysteine proteases that play a central role in apoptosis. Recently, it has been demonstrated that caspases can be S-nitrosylated and inhibited by nitric oxide (NO). The present report shows that in chick embryo heart cells (CEHC), NO donor molecules such as S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP), S-nitrosoglutathione, spermine-NO or sodium nitroprusside inhibit caspase activity in both basal and staurosporine-treated cells. However, the inhibitory effect of NO donors on caspase activity is accompanied by a parallel cytotoxic effect, that precludes NO to exert its antiapoptotic capability. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) at a concentration of 10 mM blocks depletion of cellular glutathione and cell death in SNAP-treated CEHC, but it poorly affects the ability of SNAP to inhibit caspase activity. Consequently, in the presence of NAC, SNAP attenuates not only caspase activity but also cell death of staurosporine-treated CEHC. These data show that changes in the redox environment may inhibit NO-mediated toxicity, without affecting the antiapoptotic capability of NO, mediated by inhibition of caspase enzymes. NO may thus be transformed from a killer molecule into an antiapoptotic agent

    Priming adult stem cells by hypoxic pretreatments for applications in regenerative medicine

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    The efficiency of regenerative medicine can be ameliorated by improving the biological performances of stem cells before their transplantation. Several ex-vivo protocols of non-damaging cell hypoxia have been demonstrated to significantly increase survival, proliferation and post-engraftment differentiation potential of stem cells. The best results for priming cultured stem cells against a following, otherwise lethal, ischemic stress have been obtained with brief intermittent episodes of hypoxia, or anoxia, and reoxygenation in accordance with the extraordinary protection afforded by the conventional maneuver of ischemic preconditioning in severely ischemic organs. These protocols of hypoxic preconditioning can be rather easily reproduced in a laboratory; however, more suitable pharmacological interventions inducing stem cell responses similar to those activated in hypoxia are considered among the most promising solutions for future applications in cell therapy. Here we want to offer an up-to-date review of the molecular mechanisms translating hypoxia into beneficial events for regenerative medicine. To this aim the involvement of epigenetic modifications, microRNAs, and oxidative stress, mainly activated by hypoxia inducible factors, will be discussed. Stem cell adaptation to their natural hypoxic microenvironments (niche) in healthy and neoplastic tissues will be also considered

    Towards sustainable aquaculture systems: Biological and environmental impact of replacing fishmeal with Arthrospira platensis (Nordstedt) (spirulina)

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    Sustainable fish food production is crucial for aquaculture. Microalgae, such as spirulina (Arthrospira platensis), can supplement diet antioxidants or replace expensive fishmeal with high-quality proteins. In this study, we tested fish growth and wellbeing by feeding fish on a diet in which 5% of fishmeal was replaced by spirulina (SP5 diet). The low level of spirulina in the diet was intended as supplementation and was effective in ameliorating the redox state of a model fish species (juvenile Koi Carp, Cyprinus carpio L.) in a preliminary lab protocol in a six-week trial. When compared with both the control diet (no Spirulina) and a diet containing 30% spirulina replacing fishmeal (SP30 diet), SP5 was able to reduce the muscle levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), oxidative damage, and susceptibility to oxidative stress, while increasing glutathione reductase and peroxidase activity. However, high production costs and impacts still limit the use of spirulina in fish diet. Recent studies focused on growing spirulina on urban or agro-industrial wastewater, with appropriate profiles for the alga growth. Therefore, in a circular economy context, a possibility still to be tested and exploited is feeding farmed fish with spirulina produced on output wastewater recirculated back from the same farming plant. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was applied to estimate the sustainability of such “circular” fish farming. The LCA ReCiPe Midpoint (H) impact assessment method was used. Firstly, the LCA environmental impacts associated with the production of spirulina grown on aquaculture wastewater as well as on the standard culture medium (Zarrouk medium) were assessed and compared by means of a “gate to gate” analysis. Then, the LCA impacts of an SP5 diet for fish, in which spirulina grown on aquaculture wastewater was used to replace 5% fishmeal (SP5ww), were compared to the diet containing spirulina grown on a standard medium (SP5st) and that one without spirulina (control diet). Results indicated that SP5ww was significantly less impacting, by avoiding the treatment and disposal of wastewater and the need for the highly impacting standard culture medium. In conclusion, the proposed approach for using spirulina in aquaculture represents a valid solution for aquaculture circular economy scenario while at the same time improving fish welfare

    Strategies Affording Prevascularized Cell-Based Constructs for Myocardial Tissue Engineering

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    The production of a functional cardiac tissue to be transplanted in the injured area of the infarcted myocardium represents a challenge for regenerative medicine. Most cell-based grafts are unviable because of inadequate perfusion; therefore, prevascularization might be a suitable approach for myocardial tissue engineering. To this aim, cells with a differentiation potential towards vascular and cardiac muscle phenotypes have been cocultured in 2D or 3D appropriate scaffolds. In addition to these basic approaches, more sophisticated strategies have been followed employing mixed-cell sheets, microvascular modules, and inosculation from vascular explants. Technologies exerting spatial control of vascular cells, such as topographical surface roughening and ordered patterning, represent other ways to drive scaffold vascularization. Finally, microfluidic devices and bioreactors exerting mechanical stress have also been employed for high-throughput scaling-up production in order to accelerate muscle differentiation and speeding the endothelialization process. Future research should address issues such as how to optimize cells, biomaterials, and biochemical components to improve the vascular integration of the construct within the cardiac wall, satisfying the metabolic and functional needs of the myocardial tissue

    Pharmacologically active microcarriers influence VEGF-A effects on mesenchymal stem cell survival

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    Resistance of transplanted mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in post-ischemic heart is limited by their poor vitality. Vascular-endothelial-growth-factor-A (VEGF-A) as such or slowly released by fibronectin-coated pharmacologically-active-microcarriers (FN-PAM-VEGF) could differently affect survival kinases and anti-apoptotic mediator (e.g. Bcl-2). Therefore VEGF-A or FN-PAM-VEGF could differently enhance cell proliferation, and/or resistance to hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R) of MSCs. To test these hypotheses MSCs were incubated for 6-days with VEGF-A alone or with FN-PAM-VEGF. In addition, MSCs pre-treated for 24-hrs with VEGF-A or FN-PAM-VEGF were subsequently exposed to H/R (72-hrs 3% O(2) and 3-hrs of reoxygenation). Cell-proliferation and post-hypoxic vitality were determined. Kinases were studied at 30-min., 1- and 3-days of treatment. Cell-proliferation increased about twofold (P &lt; 0.01) 6-days after VEGF-A treatment, but by a lesser extent (55% increase) with FN-PAM-VEGF (P &lt; 0.05). While MSC pre-treatment with VEGF-A confirmed cell-proliferation, pre-treatment with FN-PAM-VEGF protected MSCs against H/R. In the early phase of treatments, VEGF-A increased phospho-Akt, phospho-ERK-1/2 and phospho-PKCε compared to the untreated cells or FN-PAM-VEGF. Afterword, kinase phosphorylations were higher with VGEF, except for ERK-1/2, which was similarly increased by both treatments at 3 days. Only FN-PAM-VEGF significantly increased Bcl-2 levels. After H/R, lactate dehydrogenase release and cleaved Caspase-3 levels were mainly reduced by FN-PAM-VEGF. While VEGF-A enhances MSC proliferation in normoxia, FN-PAM-VEGF mainly hampers post-hypoxic MSC death. These different effects underscore the necessity of approaches suited to the various conditions. The use of FN-PAM-VEGF could be considered as a novel approach for enhancing MSC survival and regeneration in hostile environment of post-ischemic tissues

    Restored perfusion and reduced inflammation in the infarcted heart after grafting stem cells with a hyaluronan-based scaffold

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the blood perfusion and the inflammatory response of the myocardial infarct area after transplanting a hyaluronan-based scaffold (HYAFF\uae11) with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Nine-week-old female pigs were subjected to a permanent left anterior descending coronary artery ligation for 4 weeks. According to the kind of the graft, the swine subjected to myocardial infarction were divided into the HYAFF\uae11, MSCs, HYAFF\uae11/MSCs and untreated groups. The animals were killed 8 weeks after coronary ligation. Scar perfusion, evaluated by Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound echography, was doubled in the HYAFF\uae11/MSCs group and was comparable with the perfusion of the healthy, non-infarcted hearts. The inflammation score of the MSCs and HYAFF\uae11/MSCs groups was near null, revealing the role of the grafted MSCs in attenuating the cell infiltration, but not the foreign reaction strictly localized around the fibres of the scaffold. Apart from the inflammatory response, the native tissue positively interacted with the HYAFF\uae11/MSCs construct modifying the extracellular matrix with a reduced presence of collagene and increased amount of proteoglycans. The border-zone cardiomyocytes also reacted favourably to the graft as a lower degree of cellular damage was found. This study demonstrates that the transplantation in the myocardial infarct area of autologous MSCs supported by a hyaluronan-based scaffold restores blood perfusion and almost completely abolishes the inflammatory process following an infarction. These beneficial effects are superior to those obtained after grafting only the scaffold or MSCs, suggesting that a synergic action was achieved using the cell-integrated polymer construct
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