42 research outputs found

    Satisfaction with online teaching of medical statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey by the Education Committee of the Italian Society of Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology

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    : On May 2020, after 2 months of online teaching with no face-to-face lectures, the Education Committee of the Italian scientific Society of Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology conceived an online survey to assess satisfaction of Italian academics of medical statistics with online teaching and remote exams. This survey highlighted teachers' perceptions as well as opportunities and limitations of online teaching of medical statistics, biostatistics, and epidemiology. Although 61% of Italian academics of medical statistics declared to be favorable to provide online teaching of medical statistics, biostatistics, and epidemiology in the future, we recognize that distance education cannot substitute the unique value of teaching and knowledge exchange that could only be transmitted through a personal interaction between students and teachers. These indications may be useful to improve the quality of the teaching process in the future

    The 2015 global production capacity of seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccine

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    AbstractA global shortage and inequitable access to influenza vaccines has been cause for concern for developing countries who face dire consequences in the event of a pandemic. The Global Action Plan for Influenza Vaccines (GAP) was launched in 2006 to increase global capacity for influenza vaccine production to address these concerns. It is widely recognized that well-developed infrastructure to produce seasonal influenza vaccines leads to increased capacity to produce pandemic influenza vaccines. This article summarizes the results of a survey administered to 44 manufacturers to assess their production capacity for seasonal influenza and pandemic influenza vaccine production. When the GAP was launched in 2006, global production capacity for seasonal and pandemic vaccines was estimated to be 500million and 1.5billion doses respectively. Since 2006 there has been a significant increase in capacity, with the 2013 survey estimating global capacity at 1.5billion seasonal and 6.2billion pandemic doses. Results of the current survey showed that global seasonal influenza vaccine production capacity has decreased since 2013 from 1.504billion doses to 1.467billion doses. However, notwithstanding the overall global decrease in seasonal vaccine capacity there were notable positive changes in the distribution of production capacity with increases noted in South East Asia (SEAR) and the Western Pacific (WPR) regions, albeit on a small scale. Despite a decrease in seasonal capacity, there has been a global increase of pandemic influenza vaccine production capacity from 6.2 billion doses in 2013 to 6.4 billion doses in 2015. This growth can be attributed to a shift towards more quadrivalent vaccine production and also to increased use of adjuvants. Pandemic influenza vaccine production capacity is at its highest recorded levels however challenges remain in maintaining this capacity and in ensuring access in the event of a pandemic to underserved regions

    Influenza anti-stalk antibodies: Development of a new method for the evaluation of the immune responses to universal vaccine

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    Growing interest in universal influenza vaccines and novel administration routes has led to the development of alternative serological assays that are able to detect antibodies against conserved epitopes. We present a competitive ELISA method that is able to accurately determine the ratio of serum immunoglobulin G directed against the different domains of the hemagglutinin, the head and the stalk. Human serum samples were treated with two variants of the hemagglutinin protein from the A/California/7/2009 influenza virus. The signals detected were assigned to different groups of antibodies and presented as a ratio between head and stalk domains. A subset of selected sera was also tested by hemagglutination inhibition, single radial hemolysis, microneutralization, and enzyme-linked lectin assays. Pre-vaccination samples from adults showed a quite high presence of anti-stalk antibodies, and the results were substantially in line with those of the classical serological assays. By contrast, pre-vaccination samples from children did not present anti-stalk antibodies, and the majority of the anti-hemagglutinin antibodies that were detected after vaccination were directed against the head domain. The presented approach, when supported by further assays, can be used to assess the presence of specific anti-stalk antibodies and the potential boost of broadly protective antibodies, especially in the case of novel universal influenza vaccine approaches

    Misidentification of Streptococcus uberis as a human pathogen: a case report and literature review.

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    Summary Streptococcus uberis is an environmental bacterium responsible for bovine mastitis. It is occasionally described as a human pathogen, though in most cases the identification was based on biochemical phenotyping techniques. This report shows that the biochemical phenotyping may incorrectly identify Enterococcus faecium as S. uberis

    Studio pilota sul ruolo dell\u2019allattamento e dei fattori riproduttivi nel rischio dei carcinomi mammari Luminali nelle donne in premenopausa

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    Il ruolo dei fattori riproduttivi nel rischio di sviluppare un carcinoma alla mammella \ue8 ancora controverso e poco si sa su come questi influiscano sul rischio dei differenti sottotipi molecolari . La maggior parte degli studi pubblicati riguardano coorti di donne in pre e postmenopausa o solo donne in postmenopausa. Scopo del nostro studio \ue8 stato analizzare il ruolo dell\u2019allattamento e dei fattori riproduttivi nei tumori Luminali, il 75% di tutti i carcinomi della mammella, in un campione di donne giovani residenti nella provincia di Trieste, situata in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, una tra le regioni con i pi\uf9 alti tassi d\u2019incidenza di carcinoma mammario

    Pattern of care and effectiveness of treatment for glioblastoma patients in the real world: Results from a prospective population-based registry. Could survival differ in a high-volume center?

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    BACKGROUND: As yet, no population-based prospective studies have been conducted to investigate the incidence and clinical outcome of glioblastoma (GBM) or the diffusion and impact of the current standard therapeutic approach in newly diagnosed patients younger than aged 70 years. METHODS: Data on all new cases of primary brain tumors observed from January 1, 2009, to December 31, 2010, in adults residing within the Emilia-Romagna region were recorded in a prospective registry in the Project of Emilia Romagna on Neuro-Oncology (PERNO). Based on the data from this registry, a prospective evaluation was made of the treatment efficacy and outcome in GBM patients. RESULTS: Two hundred sixty-seven GBM patients (median age, 64 y; range, 29-84 y) were enrolled. The median overall survival (OS) was 10.7 months (95% CI, 9.2-12.4). The 139 patients 64aged 70 years who were given standard temozolomide treatment concomitant with and adjuvant to radiotherapy had a median OS of 16.4 months (95% CI, 14.0-18.5). With multivariate analysis, OS correlated significantly with KPS (HR = 0.458; 95% CI, 0.248-0.847; P = .0127), MGMT methylation status (HR = 0.612; 95% CI, 0.388-0.966; P = .0350), and treatment received in a high versus low-volume center (HR = 0.56; 95% CI, 0.328-0.986; P = .0446). CONCLUSIONS: The median OS following standard temozolomide treatment concurrent with and adjuvant to radiotherapy given to (72.8% of) patients aged 6470 years is consistent with findings reported from randomized phase III trials. The volume and expertise of the treatment center should be further investigated as a prognostic factor

    Satisfaction with online teaching of medical statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey by the Education Committee of the Italian Society of Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology

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    On May 2020, after 2 months of online teaching with no face-to-face lectures, the Education Committee of the Italian scientific Society of Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology conceived an online survey to assess satisfaction of Italian academics of medical statistics with online teaching and remote exams. This survey highlighted teachers' perceptions as well as opportunities and limitations of online teaching of medical statistics, biostatistics, and epidemiology. Although 61% of Italian academics of medical statistics declared to be favorable to provide online teaching of medical statistics, biostatistics, and epidemiology in the future, we recognize that distance education cannot substitute the unique value of teaching and knowledge exchange that could only be transmitted through a personal interaction between students and teachers. These indications may be useful to improve the quality of the teaching process in the future

    From Basic Visual Science to Neurodevelopmental Disorders: The Voyage of Environmental Enrichment-Like Stimulation

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    Genes and environmental stimuli cooperate in the regulation of brain development and formation of the adult neuronal architecture. Genetic alterations or exposure to perturbing environmental conditions, therefore, can lead to altered neural processes associated with neurodevelopmental disorders and brain disabilities. In this context, environmental enrichment emerged as a promising and noninvasive experimental treatment for favoring recovery of cognitive and sensory functions in different neurodevelopmental disorders. The aim of this review is to depict, mainly through the much explicative examples of amblyopia, Down syndrome, and Rett syndrome, the increasing interest in the potentialities and applications of enriched environment-like protocols in the field of neurodevelopmental disorders and the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of these protocols, which might lead to development of pharmacological interventions

    Evaluation of the hoof centre-of-pressure path in horses affected by chronic osteoarthritic pain.

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    IntroductionThe Centre of Pressure (COP) is the single point summarising all forces transferred to the hoof during the stance phase of a stride. COP path (COPp) is the trajectory that COP follows from footstrike to lift-off. Aim of the present study was to characterize the COP and COPp in horses affected by osteoarthritis and chronic lameness.Materials and methodsSeventeen adult horses with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis and single limb chronic lameness were recruited. The COP was recorded using a wireless pressure measuring system (TekScan®) with sensors taped to the hooves (either fore- or hind limb, depending on lameness location). The COPp coordinates were further processed. Procrustes analysis was performed to assess the variability of single strides COPp and average COPp among strides, gaits, and limbs by calculating Procrustes distances (D-values). A linear mixed-effects model was run to analyse D-values differences for lame and sound limbs. Additionally, average COPp D-values and COPp hoofprint shape indices were compared for lame and sound limbs with the Signed Rank Test.ResultsAt walk and trot the single-stride COPp D-values were significantly lower in lame than in sound limbs (marginal effects pConclusionOur findings are in line with previous observations that COPp are highly repetitive and characteristic for each horse and limb. There seems to be a further decrease in COPp variability in the presence of a painful limb pathology

    Long-term Intake of Pasta Containing Barley (1-3)Beta-D-Glucan Increases Neovascularization-mediated Cardioprotection through Endothelial Upregulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Parkin.

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    Barley (1-3)β-D-Glucan (BBG) enhances angiogenesis. Since pasta is very effective in providing a BBG-enriched diet, we hypothesized that the intake of pasta containing 3% BBG (P-BBG) induces neovascularization-mediated cardioprotection. Healthy adult male C57BL/6 mice fed P-BBG (n = 15) or wheat pasta (Control, n = 15) for five-weeks showed normal glucose tolerance and cardiac function. With a food intake similar to the Control, P-BBG mice showed a 109% survival rate (P < 0.01 vs. Control) after cardiac ischemia (30 min)/reperfusion (60 min) injury. Left ventricular (LV) anion superoxide production and infarct size in P-BBG mice were reduced by 62 and 35% (P < 0.0001 vs. Control), respectively. The capillary and arteriolar density of P-BBG hearts were respectively increased by 12 and 18% (P < 0.05 vs. Control). Compared to the Control group, the VEGF expression in P-BBG hearts was increased by 87.7% (P < 0.05); while, the p53 and Parkin expression was significantly increased by 125% and cleaved caspase-3 levels were reduced by 33% in P-BBG mice. In vitro, BBG was required to induce VEGF, p53 and Parkin expression in human umbelical vascular endothelial cells. Moreover, the BBG-induced Parkin expression was not affected by pifithrin-α (10 uM/7days), a p53 inhibitor. In conclusion, long-term dietary supplementation with P-BBG confers post-ischemic cardioprotection through endothelial upregulation of VEGF and Parkin