147 research outputs found

    Ermittlung von derzeitigen und absehbaren Vermarktungsproblemen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette differenziert nach Produktgruppen (Probleme hinsichtlich z.B. Mengen, Preise, Qualitäten, Logistik etc.) Teilbereich: Produktgruppe Rindfleisch

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    Die Studie zur Ermittlung von derzeitigen und absehbaren Vermarktungsproblemen im Markt für ökologisch erzeugtes Rindfleisch wurde mit der Forschungsmethode einer „mehrstufigen Befragung nach dem Delphi-Prinzip“ bearbeitet. Den Befragungen war eine umfassende Analyse der Veröffentlichungen über den Markt für ökologisch erzeugtes Rindfleisch vorausgegangen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Branche sich in einem strukturellen Engpass befindet. Das individualistische Agieren zahlreicher kleiner Akteure stößt im größer werdenden Markt und angesichts zunehmender Komplexität an Grenzen. Es gibt Ansätze von verstärkter Kooperation, die auch mit Erfolg am Markt belohnt werden. Die Darstellung der Probleme im Ergebnisteil hat gezeigt, dass viele Probleme wie uneinheitliche Verbraucheransprache und fehlende Qualifikationen durch die Struktur des Ökomarktes allgemein entstanden sind. Andere Probleme wie Marktrisiken und Richtlinien liegen außerhalb des Einflussbereichs der Marktteilnehmer. Als ein zentrales Ergebnis, das sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Studie zieht, ist der Mangel an Kommunikation innerhalb der Branche und damit verbunden eine genereller Informationsmangel. Die vorgeschlagene Lösung, die als Schlüssel für einige angesprochene Schwierigkeiten gelten kann, ist der horizontale und vertikale Zusammenschluss von Partnern mit ähnlichen Interessen. Ein weiteres zentrales Problem könnte mit dem Begriff „Rechtsunsicherheit“ umrissen werden. Die Marktteilnehmer fühlen sich angesichts der Mängel der so genannten „EU-Öko-Verordnung“ (abweichende Produktions- und Kontrollstandards innerhalb benachbarter Märkte) stark verunsichert. Die Schwächen des bestehenden Kontrollsystems, das als zu schwerfällig, als zu ineffizient, als zu uneinheitlich innerhalb Europas aber auch innerhalb Deutschlands betrachtet wird, verstärken diese Unsicherheit

    Ancillary and instrumental body movements during inhalation in clarinetists

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    BackgroundPlaying a musical instrument requires physical movements that are involved in sound production and movements with more expressive and communicative characteristics. Both movements co-occur during a performance; however, the interaction between the movements is still unclear.MethodsUsing motion capture technology, the movement patterns of clarinetists were analyzed at certain points in a performance to investigate how instrumental and ancillary movements interplay. Movements in the arms and knees of clarinetists during a performance were recorded using this technology. The mean angular movements at specific points in the piece, where some players inhaled and others did not, were compared.ResultsWhile the players who inhaled adopted significantly more upright body and neutral arm positions, the players who did not inhale seemed less interrupted in their performance. The results showed that the players performed rather individual ancillary movements, but at specific points, such as during melodic transitions, they performed similarly. At certain points in the melody, while some players needed to inhale, others adjusted their playing according to the inhalation moment to adopt a suitable body position.DiscussionThe ancillary movement was consequently interrupted by the physiological necessity to inhale. The findings provide more insights into the interplay of instrumental and ancillary movements during a performance

    Dispositional and performance-specific music performance anxiety in young amateur musicians

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    IntroductionResearch on Music Performance Anxiety (MPA) among amateur musicians is of great interest due to inconsistent results in literature. In addition, amateur music represents an important part of musical culture in Germany. Accordingly, the performance experiences of young wind players represent a relevant issue for research and musical practice.MethodsIn the present study, 67 young amateur musicians of a brass choir were examined. Using two different questionnaires, both the dispositional MPA (K-MPAI) and the performance-specific MPA during a joint concert (Performance-specific Questionnaire for Musicians, PQM) were assessed. The PQM measures the symptoms of MPA, functional coping with MPA and self-efficacy before, during and after a specific performance. The PQM was completed by the musicians via an app directly after the concert.ResultsResults showed that about 90% of the young amateur musicians had a low dispositional MPA, but about 10% showed high values. For the concrete performance, however, musicians with high dispositional MPA also experienced a very moderate to low MPA in the concert. On average, the musicians were quite nervous before the performance. After the performance, they showed low levels of MPA. Three types of MPA found in previous studies could be confirmed among the amateur musicians, with three quarters being assigned to the positive type, showing low levels of symptoms associated with consistently high levels of self-efficacy and positive functional coping.DiscussionThe results provide a differentiated picture of different expressions of MPA in young amateur musicians. They also raise further questions about the correlation between dispositional and performance-specific assessment of MPA in musicians in general

    Dynamic myosin phosphorylation regulates contractile pulses and tissue integrity during epithelial morphogenesis

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    Apical constriction is a cell shape change that promotes epithelial bending. Activation of nonmuscle myosin II (Myo-II) by kinases such as Rho-associated kinase (Rok) is important to generate contractile force during apical constriction. Cycles of Myo-II assembly and disassembly, or pulses, are associated with apical constriction during Drosophila melanogaster gastrulation. It is not understood whether Myo-II phosphoregulation organizes contractile pulses or whether pulses are important for tissue morphogenesis. Here, we show that Myo-II pulses are associated with pulses of apical Rok. Mutants that mimic Myo-II light chain phosphorylation or depletion of myosin phosphatase inhibit Myo-II contractile pulses, disrupting both actomyosin coalescence into apical foci and cycles of Myo-II assembly/disassembly. Thus, coupling dynamic Myo-II phosphorylation to upstream signals organizes contractile Myo-II pulses in both space and time. Mutants that mimic Myo-II phosphorylation undergo continuous, rather than incremental, apical constriction. These mutants fail to maintain intercellular actomyosin network connections during tissue invagination, suggesting that Myo-II pulses are required for tissue integrity during morphogenesis.National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (Transgenic RNAi Project at Harvard Medical School, (R01-GM084947)

    Körperorientierte Ansätze für Musiker

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