7 research outputs found


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    Major challenges have been created by the unprecedented international economic and financial crisis (starting Autumn 2008) with significant impact on the EU’s social sector calling into question not only the banking sector, but also many of the achievements that had already been taken for granted in the EU like the Schengen Area or the Euro zone. This article argues that, in the last five years, the impact of the crisis throughout Europe has become more evident on the employment market, the relation of the majority with the immigrants, minorities and the marginal members of the society. Our approach underlines that there is a real need for increased European trans-national socio-economic cooperation and policies in order to deal with the causes of the crisis and such a “coherent European exit strategy” could be Europe 2020 Strategy

    Croatia: Administrative Reform and Regional Development in the Context of EU Accension

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    <p>The analyses of researchers who manifested an interest in the study of the Balkan history and especially of the ex-Yugoslavian space always contained an exception: Croatia. Over the years it became more and more obvious that Croatia’s destiny was a particular one and that this country would become a model of modernization for the other states in the region. For Croatia, the perspective of the European Union membership represents an additional driving force for reforms and modernization, requiring fundamental adjustments to the European governance principles and standards, as well as strengthening the administrative capacities, promoting horizontal decentralization and strengthening the role of local and regional self-government for the successful implementation of the “acquis communautaire” within a relatively short period of time. Missing the 2004 enlargement process, Croatia is today in a position to learn the lessons of that accession: not only how to negotiate but also how to implement necessary reforms in the best possible way.</p


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    An important part of the reform of the intelligence community is felt in the opening linked with the widening spectrum of methods and spaces which can be used to collect and analyse dates and information. One of these methods that produce large mutations in the system is connected to the world of social media which proves to be a huge source of information. Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT), the newest member of the family INT's, is undoubtedly a separate domain, a practice rooted in the work of the intelligence community. This paper proposes a general characterization of the most important aspects of Social Media Intelligence, a brand new way for the intelligence community to collect and analyse information for national security purposes (but not only) in the context of the current global challenges. Moreover, the work is focused in identifying the further limitations and opportunities of this practice in the upcoming decade

    Research and Science Today No. 2(6)/2013

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    RESEARCH AND SCIENCE TODAY is a biannual science journal established in 2011. The journal is an informational platform that publishes assessment articles and the results of various scientific research carried out by academics. We provide the authors with the opportunity to create and/or perfect their science writing skills. Thus, each issue of the journal (two per year and at least two supplements) will contain professional articles from any academic field, authored by domestic and international academics. The goal of this journal is to pass on relevant information to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students as well as to fellow academics and researchers; the topics covered are unlimited, considering its multi-disciplinary profile. Regarding the national and international visibility of Research and Science Today, it is indexed in over 30 international databases (IDB) and is present in over 200 online libraries and catalogues; therefore, anybody can easily consult the articles featured in each issue by accessing the databases or simply the website

    Research and Science Today

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