27 research outputs found

    Detección precoz y abordaje de enfermería ante la violencia de género en atención primaria

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    Introducción: la violencia de género es un problema de salud muy importante en la actualidad, tanto a nivel mundial como en España. La atención primaria es el nivel sanitario que más confianza genera en las mujeres cuando acuden a pedir ayuda si sufren este tipo de violencia. Sin embargo existen estudios que han demostrado que los enfermeros y enfermeras de los centros de salud poseen escasa formación para abordar este tema. Objetivos: mejorar la formación de las y los profesionales de enfermería de atención primaria para la correcta intervención en los casos de Violencia de género. Metodología: se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica para obtener información actualizada y precisa con la que desarrollar un plan de actuación de enfermería en la detección precoz y actuación en casos de violencia de género dirigido a los y las enfermeros/as de atención primaria. Conclusiones: tras la aplicación del plan de actuación de enfermería, los y las profesionales tienen más confianza al tratar con una paciente víctima de violencia de género debido al nivel de conocimientos adquirido. Palabras clave: violencia de género, enfermería, atención primaria, centro de salud, detección, prevención, actuación, abordaje.<br /

    Detección precoz y abordaje de enfermería ante la violencia de género en atención primaria

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    La Violencia de Género es un problema de salud muy importante en la actualidad, tanto a nivel mundial como en España. La atención primaria es el nivel sanitario que más confianza genera en las mujeres cuando acuden a pedir ayuda si sufren este tipo de violencia. Sin embargo existen estudios que han demostrado que los enfermeros y enfermeras de los Centros de Salud poseen escasa formación para abordar este tema.<br /

    CD10 − /ALDH − Cells are the Sole Cisplatin-Resistant Component of a Novel Ovarian Cancer Stem Cell Hierarchy

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    AbstractIt is long established that tumour-initiating cancer stem cells (CSCs) possess chemoresistant properties. However, little is known of the mechanisms involved, particularly with respect to the organisation of CSCs as stem-progenitor-differentiated cell hierarchies. Here we aimed to elucidate the relationship between CSC hierarchies and chemoresistance in an ovarian cancer model. Using a single cell-based approach to CSC discovery and validation, we report a novel, four-component CSC hierarchy based around the markers cluster of differentiation 10 (CD10) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). In a change to our understanding of CSC biology, resistance to chemotherapy drug cisplatin was found to be the sole property of CD10−/ALDH− CSCs, while all four CSC types were sensitive to chemotherapy drug paclitaxel. Cisplatin treatment quickly altered the hierarchy, resulting in a three-component hierarchy dominated by the cisplatin-resistant CD10−/ALDH− CSC. This organisation was found to be hard-wired in a long-term cisplatin-adapted model, where again CD10−/ALDH− CSCs were the sole cisplatin-resistant component, and all CSC types remained paclitaxel-sensitive. Molecular analysis indicated that cisplatin resistance is associated with inherent- and adaptive-specific drug efflux and DNA-damage repair mechanisms. Clinically, low CD10 expression was consistent with a specific set of ovarian cancer patient samples. Collectively, these data advance our understanding of the relationship between CSC hierarchies and chemoresistance, which was shown to be CSC- and drug-type specific, and facilitated by specific and synergistic inherent and adaptive mechanisms. Furthermore, our data indicate that primary stage targeting of CD10−/ALDH− CSCs in specific ovarian cancer patients in future may facilitate targeting of recurrent disease, before it ever develops.</jats:p

    Swabian MOSES 2021: An interdisciplinary field campaign for investigating convective storms and their event chains

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    The Neckar Valley and the Swabian Jura in southwest Germany comprise a hotspot for severe convective storms, causing tens of millions of euros in damage each year. Possible reasons for the high frequency of thunderstorms and the associated event chain across compartments were investigated in detail during the hydro-meteorological field campaign Swabian MOSES carried out between May and September 2021. Researchers from various disciplines established more than 25 temporary ground-based stations equipped with state-of-the-art in situ and remote sensing observation systems, such as lidars, dual-polarization X- and C-band Doppler weather radars, radiosondes including stratospheric balloons, an aerosol cloud chamber, masts to measure vertical fluxes, autosamplers for water probes in rivers, and networks of disdrometers, soil moisture, and hail sensors. These fixed-site observations were supplemented by mobile observation systems, such as a research aircraft with scanning Doppler lidar, a cosmic ray neutron sensing rover, and a storm chasing team launching swarmsondes in the vicinity of hailstorms. Seven Intensive Observation Periods (IOPs) were conducted on a total of 21 operating days. An exceptionally high number of convective events, including both unorganized and organized thunderstorms such as multicells or supercells, occurred during the study period. This paper gives an overview of the Swabian MOSES (Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems) field campaign, briefly describes the observation strategy, and presents observational highlights for two IOPs

    Jardins per a la salut

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia. Assignatura: Botànica farmacèutica. Curs: 2014-2015. Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són el recull de les fitxes botàniques de 128 espècies presents en el Jardí Ferran Soldevila de l’Edifici Històric de la UB. Els treballs han estat realitzats manera individual per part dels estudiants dels grups M-3 i T-1 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos de febrer a maig del curs 2014-15 com a resultat final del Projecte d’Innovació Docent «Jardins per a la salut: aprenentatge servei a Botànica farmacèutica» (codi 2014PID-UB/054). Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pels professors de l’assignatura. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica. També s’ha pretès motivar els estudiants a través del retorn de part del seu esforç a la societat a través d’una experiència d’Aprenentatge-Servei, deixant disponible finalment el treball dels estudiants per a poder ser consultable a través d’una Web pública amb la possibilitat de poder-ho fer in-situ en el propi jardí mitjançant codis QR amb un smartphone

    Estudio longitudinal de las tomografías computerizadas de la cabeza realizadas a los casos clínicos recibidos en el SCRUM.

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    Hoy en día, la tomografía computerizada (TC) es una técnica habitual de la medicina veterinaria y es muy usada en el Servicio Clínico de Rumiantes de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Se trata de una prueba diagnóstica que, a través del uso de rayos X, permite obtener imágenes radiográficas del interior del organismo en forma de cortes trasversales y transformarlos en secciones axiales, longitudinales, coronales o en forma de imágenes tridimensionales. Es una de las técnicas por imagen más rápida y exacta en el diagnóstico depatologías.Por todo lo anterior, se necesitan continuas referencias que expliquen los hallazgos obtenidos a través de las imágenes que nos proporciona, en nuestro caso en la especie ovina ya que, aunque está muy lejos de ser utilizada en el sector ganadero de manera rutinaria, es de gran utilidad a nivel diagnóstico, educativo e informativo.Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de describir los fundamentos de la TC como herramienta diagnóstica, describir las patologías más importantes ubicadas en la cabeza del ganado ovino y, por último, un análisis comparado usando la bibliografía e imágenes del archivo clínico de los animales.<br /

    Catching moving targets: Cancer stem cell hierarchies, therapy-resistance & considerations for clinical intervention

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    It is widely believed that targeting the tumour-initiating cancer stem cell (CSC) component of malignancy has great therapeutic potential, particularly in therapy-resistant disease. However, despite concerted efforts, CSC-targeting strategies have not been efficiently translated to the clinic. This is partly due to our incomplete understanding of the mechanisms underlying CSC therapy-resistance. In particular, the relationship between therapy-resistance and the organisation of CSCs as Stem-Progenitor-Differentiated cell hierarchies has not been widely studied. In this review we argue that modern clinical strategies should appreciate that the CSC hierarchy is a dynamic target that contains sensitive and resistant components and expresses a collection of therapy-resisting mechanisms. We propose that the CSC hierarchy at primary presentation changes in response to clinical intervention, resulting in a recurrent malignancy that should be targeted differently. As such, addressing the hierarchical organisation of CSCs into our bench-side theory should expedite translation of CSC-targeting to bed-side practice. In conclusion, we discuss strategies through which we can catch these moving clinical targets to specifically compromise therapy-resistant disease

    Evaluation of new motorized articulating laparoscopic instruments by laparoscopic novices using a standardized laparoscopic skills curriculum

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    Background!#!Motorized articulating laparoscopic instruments (ALI) offer more degrees of freedom than conventional laparoscopic instruments (CLI). However, a difficult learning curve and complex instrument handling are still a problem of ALI. We compared the performance of new prototypes of motorized ALI with CLI in a series of standardized laparoscopic tasks performed by laparoscopic novices. Further, usability of the new ALI was assessed.!##!Methods!#!A randomized cross-over study with 50 laparoscopic novices who either started with CLI and then changed to ALI (CA) or vice versa (AC) was conducted. All participants performed the European training in basic laparoscopic urological skills (E-BLUS) with each instrument in given order. Time and errors were measured for each exercise. Instrument usability was assessed.!##!Results!#!Overall, using CLI was significantly faster (CLI 4:27 min vs. ALI 4:50 min; p-value 0.005) and associated with fewer exercise failures in needle guidance (CLI 0 vs. ALI 12; p-value 0.0005) than ALI. Median amount of errors was similar for both instruments. Instrument sequence did not matter, as CA and AC showed comparable completion times. Regarding the learning effect, participants were significantly faster in the second attempt of exercises than in the first. In the needle guidance task, participants using CLI last demonstrated a significant speed improvement, whereas ALI were significantly slower in the second run. Regarding usability, CLI were preferred over ALI due to lighter weight and easier handling. Nevertheless, participants valued ALI's additional degrees of freedom.!##!Conclusion!#!Using new motorized ALI in the E-BLUS examination by laparoscopic novices led to a worse performance compared to CLI. An explanation could be that participants felt overwhelmed by ALI and that ALI have an own distinct learning curve. As participants valued ALI's additional degrees of freedom, however, a future application of ALI could be for training purposes, ideally in combination with CLI

    MicroRNA-17 is downregulated in esophageal adenocarcinoma cancer stem-like cells and promotes a radioresistant phenotype

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    Resistance to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy (CRT) remains a critical barrier to the effective treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). Cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) are a distinct subpopulation of cells implicated in the resistance of tumors to anti-cancer therapy. However, their role in the resistance of EAC to CRT is largely unknown. In this study, using a novel in vitro isogenic model of radioresistant EAC, we demonstrate that radioresistant EAC cells have enhanced tumorigenicity in vivo, increased expression of CSC-associated markers and enhanced holoclone forming ability. Further investigation identified a subpopulation of cells that are characterised by high aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity, enhanced radioresistance and decreased expression of miR-17-5p. In vitro, miR-17-5p was demonstrated to significantly sensitise radioresistant cells to X-ray radiation and promoted the repression of genes with miR-17-5p binding sites, such as C6orf120. In vivo, miR-17-5p was significantly decreased, whilst C6orf120 was significantly increased, in pre-treatment EAC tumour samples from patients who demonstrated a poor response to neoadjuvant CRT. This study sheds novel insights into the role of CSCs in the resistance of EAC to CRT and highlights miR-17-5p as a potential biomarker of CRT sensitivity and novel therapeutic target in treatment resistant EAC