13 research outputs found

    A Defined Network of Fast-Spiking Interneurons in Orbitofrontal Cortex: Responses to Behavioral Contingencies and Ketamine Administration

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    Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is a region of prefrontal cortex implicated in the motivational control of behavior and in related abnormalities seen in psychosis and depression. It has been hypothesized that a critical mechanism in these disorders is the dysfunction of GABAergic interneurons that normally regulate prefrontal information processing. Here, we studied a subclass of interneurons isolated in rat OFC using extracellular waveform and spike train analysis. During performance of a goal-directed behavioral task, the firing of this class of putative fast-spiking (FS) interneurons showed robust temporal correlations indicative of a functionally coherent network. FS cell activity also co-varied with behavioral response latency, a key indicator of motivational state. Systemic administration of ketamine, a drug that can mimic psychosis, preferentially inhibited this cell class. Together, these results support the idea that OFC–FS interneurons form a critical link in the regulation of motivation by prefrontal circuits during normal and abnormal brain and behavioral states

    Whole-Brain Activity Maps Reveal Stereotyped, Distributed Networks for Visuomotor Behavior

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    Most behaviors, even simple innate reflexes, are mediated by circuits of neurons spanning areas throughout the brain. However, in most cases, the distribution and dynamics of firing patterns of these neurons during behavior are not known. We imaged activity, with cellular resolution, throughout the whole brains of zebrafish performing the optokinetic response. We found a sparse, broadly distributed network that has an elaborate but ordered pattern, with a bilaterally symmetrical organization. Activity patterns fell into distinct clusters reflecting sensory and motor processing. By correlating neuronal responses with an array of sensory and motor variables, we find that the network can be clearly divided into distinct functional modules. Comparing aligned data from multiple fish, we find that the spatiotemporal activity dynamics and functional organization are highly stereotyped across individuals. These experiments systematically reveal the functional architecture of neural circuits underlying a sensorimotor behavior in a vertebrate brain.Molecular and Cellular Biolog

    Linking adult olfactory neurogenesis to social behavior

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    In the adult brain, new neurons are added to two brain areas: the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus. Newly-generated neurons integrate into the preexisting circuits, bringing a set of unique properties, such as increased plasticity and responsiveness to stimuli. However, the functional implications of the constant addition of these neurons remain unclear, although they are believed to be important for learning and memory. The levels of neurogenesis are regulated by a variety of environmental factors, as well as during learning, suggesting that new neurons could be important for coping with changing environmental demands. Notably, neurogenesis has been shown to be physiologically regulated in relation to reproductive behavior: neurogenesis increases in female mice upon exposure to cues of the mating partners, during pregnancy and lactation, and in male mice upon exposure to their offspring. In this scenario, and because of the key contribution of olfaction to maternal behavior, we sought to investigate the contribution of adult-generated neurons in the olfactory system to maternal behavior and offspring recognition. To do so, we selectively disrupted neurogenesis in the olfactory pathway of female mice using focal irradiation. Disruption of adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb did not affect maternal behavior, or the ability of female mice to discriminate familiar from unfamiliar pups. However, reduction of olfactory neurogenesis resulted in abnormal social interaction of female mice, specifically with male conspecifics. Because the olfactory system is crucial for sex recognition, we suggest that the abnormal interaction with males could result from the inability to detect or discriminate male-specific odors and could therefore have implications for the recognition of potential mating partners. Here, I review the results of this and other studies, and discuss their implications for our understanding of the function of adult neurogenesis

    Dimensionality reduction reveals separate translation and rotation populations in the zebrafish hindbrain

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    In many brain areas, neuronal activity is associated with a variety of behavioral and environmental variables. In particular, neuronal responses in the zebrafish hindbrain relate to oculomotor and swimming variables as well as sensory information. However, the precise functional organization of the neurons has been difficult to unravel because neuronal responses are heterogeneous. Here, we used dimensionality reduction methods on neuronal population data to reveal the role of the hindbrain in visually driven oculomotor behavior and swimming. We imaged neuronal activity in zebrafish expressing GCaMP6s in the nucleus of almost all neu-rons while monitoring the behavioral response to gratings that rotated with different speeds. We then used reduced-rank regression, a method that condenses the sensory and motor variables into a smaller number of features,to predict the fluorescence traces of all ROIs (regions of interest). Despite the potential complexity of the visuo-motor transformation, our analysis revealed that a large fraction of the population activity can be explained by only two features. Based on the contribution of these features to each ROI's activity, ROIs formed three clusters. One cluster was related to vergent movements and swimming, whereas the other two clusters related to leftward and rightward rotation. Voxels corresponding to these clusters were segregated anatomically, with leftward and rightward rotation clusters located selectively to the left and right hemispheres, respectively. Just as described in many cortical areas, our analysis revealed that single-neuron complexity co-exists with a simpler population-level description, thereby providing insights into the organization of visuo-motor transformations in the hindbrain