43 research outputs found

    Developing a digital mind body medicine supportive care intervention for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using stakeholder engagement and design thinking

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    Background Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease (ALS) is also called the disease of a thousand farewells. Consequently, it is important to offer supportive care interventions that can be applied continuously during the whole course of the disease. People with ALS are interested in complementary and integrative medicine. Due to ALS’ progressive nature, digital solutions might be most feasible and accessible for people with ALS in the long-term. Objectives In our study, we explored with stakeholders which digital complementary and integrative medicine interventions and formats are considered as supportive for people with ALS, and which settings are needed by the people with ALS to incorporate the interventions in everyday life. Methods We used a participatory research approach and conducted a stakeholder engagement process, applying a design thinking process with qualitative research methods (interviews, workshops). Results Due to the unpredictable course of the disease on their loss of abilities, people with ALS welcome online settings because they are accessible and easy to implement in their daily life. Stakeholders considered the following implementation factors for a complementary and integrative medicine intervention as essential: short-term realization of planned interventions, short duration of interventions, and user-friendliness in terms of accessibility and applicability. Concerning the complementary and integrative medicine interventions, the people with ALS preferred mind body medicine interventions, such as breathing, mindfulness and relaxation exercises. Conclusions Short-term treatment intervals and short online mind body medicine interventions align with the needs of people with ALS. The complementary and integrative medicine interventions as well as the digital infrastructure must meet the special accessibility and applicability needs of people with ALS

    Erfahrungsbericht ĂŒber eine autoethnografische Schreibwerkstatt an der UniversitĂ€t ZĂŒrich. Ein Dialog zwischen Dozentin und Studentin

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    Im FrĂŒhjahrssemester 2013 wurde Studierenden an der UniversitĂ€t ZĂŒrich am Institut fĂŒr PopulĂ€re Kulturen eine autoethnografische Schreibwerkstatt als Studienmodul angeboten. Der folgende autoethnografische Dialog schaut aus zwei rollenverschiedenen Sichten, der der Dozentin und der einer Studierenden, zurĂŒck auf intensive und fruchtbare Auseinandersetzungen zum autoethnografischen Schreiben wĂ€hrend der Werkstatt. Im gesamten Forschungsprozess aufmerksam fĂŒr die eigene Verfasstheit zu bleiben ist abseits aktueller Themen immer relevant. Es scheint einerseits verlĂ€ssliche Forschungsergebnisse wahrscheinlicher zu machen und andererseits forschende Personen permanent im Lernen zu halten. Letzteres ist auch ein zentrales Ziel der Hochschuldidaktik. (Herausgeber)In the spring semester of 2013, students at the University of Zurich\u27s Institute for Popular Cultures were offered an autoethnographic writing workshop as a study module. The following autoethnographic dialogue looks back from two different perspectives, that of the lecturer and that of a student, on intensive and fruitful discussions about autoethnographic writing during the workshop. Remaining attentive to one\u27s own constitution throughout the research process is always relevant apart from current issues. On the one hand, it seems to make reliable research results more probable and, on the other hand, to keep researching persons permanently in learning. The latter is also a central goal of university didactics. (Editor

    Effects of blended learning training for oncology physicians to advise their patients about complementary and integrative therapies: results from the multicenter cluster-randomized KOKON-KTO trial

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    Background: Many oncology physicians are confronted with the topic of complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) by cancer patients. This study examined whether a blended learning (e-learning and a workshop) to train oncology physicians in providing advice on CIM therapies to their cancer patients, in addition to distributing an information leaflet about reputable CIM websites, had different effects on physician-reported outcomes in regard to consultations compared with only distributing the leaflet. Methods: In a multicenter, cluster-randomized trial, 48 oncology physicians were randomly allocated to an intervention group (CIM consultation and an information leaflet) or a control group (information leaflet only). After the training, the oncology physicians conducted 297 consultations with their cancer patients. Measurements were assessed at oncology physician, physician-patient-interaction (measured by external reviewers), and patient levels. This analysis focused on the physician outcomes of stress reaction and perceived consultation skill competency. In addition, qualitative interviews were conducted with a subsample of oncology physicians who experienced both, the intervention and control condition. Results: The oncology physicians in the intervention group showed a lower stress reaction in all measured dimensions after CIM consultations than those in the control group. There was no significant difference between oncology physicians in the intervention and control groups regarding the perceived consultation skill competency (overburden: intervention 1.4 [95% CI: 0.7;2.1]; control 2.1 [95% CI: 1.4;2.7], tension: 1.3 [95% CI: 0.7;2.0] vs. 1.9 [95% CI: 1.3;2.5], and discomfort with consultation situations: 1.0 [95% CI: 0.4;1.7]; vs. 1.7 [95% CI: 1.2;2.3]). The qualitative data showed that only providing the leaflet seemed impersonal to oncology physicians, while the training made them feel well prepared to conduct a full conversation about CIM and provide the information leaflet. Conclusions: In our exploratory study providing structured CIM consultations showed positive effects on the perceived stress of oncology physicians, and the training was subjectively experienced as an approach that improved physician preparation for advising cancer patients about CIM, however no effects regarding perceived consultation skill competency were found

    Effects of training oncology physicians advising patients on complementary and integrative therapies on patient‐reported outcomes: A multicenter, cluster‐randomized trial

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    Background: Many patients with cancer do not disclose complementary medicine use but want their physician's advice on this matter. This study evaluated whether using blended learning (e-learning plus a workshop) to train oncology physicians in providing advice on complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) therapies to their patients with cancer, in addition to distributing an information leaflet on reputable CIM websites, had different effects on patient-reported outcomes for the consultation than only distributing the leaflet. Methods: In this multicenter, cluster-randomized trial, patients from private practices/hospital departments, recruited by 48 oncology physicians randomly allocated to an intervention group (CIM consultation plus information leaflet) or a control group (information leaflet), received CIM information. Patient-reported outcomes included satisfaction (Patient Satisfaction With Information on Cancer Treatment), readiness to make a decision (Preparation for Decision Making), and physician-patient communication (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire and Communication 26 [EORTC QLQ-COMU26]) for the consultation. Qualitative interviews were conducted with a physician subsample. Results: A total of 291 patients (128 in the intervention group and 169 in the control group) advised by 41 physicians participated. Patients in the intervention group rated physician-patient communication higher on all EORTC QLQ-COMU26 scales (mean total score, 84.3 [95% CI, 79.5-89.2] vs 73.6 [95% CI, 69.3-78.0]; P = .002), were more satisfied with the advice (mean, 4.2 [95% CI, 4.0-4.4] vs 3.7 [95% CI, 3.5-3.8]; P < .001), and were readier to make a decision (mean, 63.5 [95% CI, 57.4-69.6] vs 53.2 [95% CI, 47.8-58.7]; P = .016) than the control group. Physicians who reported patients in both settings seemed satisfied with the advice given. Conclusions: This study evaluated a novel education intervention for training oncology physicians in providing CIM advice in routine care. Providing structured CIM consultations had positive effects on patient satisfaction, readiness to make decisions, and physician-patient communication

    Training oncology physicians to advise their patients on complementary and integrative medicine: An implementation study for a manual‐guided consultation

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    Background: The unmonitored use of complementary medicine in patients with cancer can be associated with an increased risk of safety-related issues, such as lower adherence to conventional cancer therapies. Training oncology physicians to advise their patients about the effectiveness and safety of these therapies could improve this situation. Methods: The objective of this study was to develop and pretest a consultation framework that has high potential to be widely implemented. The framework comprises: 1) a systematically developed and tested, manualized, guided consultation; and 2) blended learning training (e-learning and communication skills training workshop) to upskill oncology physicians in advising their patients on complementary and integrative medicine (CIM). For this implementation study, mixed methods were used to develop the manual (literature review, consensus procedure, pilot testing) and the training (questionnaires and interviews with oncology physicians and patients with cancer and an examination of the skills in a setting with standardized patients). Results: The training was tested with 47 oncology physicians from across Germany. The manual-guided consultation (context: general information on the setting and communication techniques; inform: consultation duration and content; capture: previous CIM use; prioritize: focus on consultation; advise: evidence-based CIM recommendations; discuss, advise, accept, or advise against other CIM; concretize advice: summary and implementation; and monitor: documentation) was considered suitable. The structure and time frame (maximum, 20 minutes) of the consultation as well as the training were feasible and well accepted. Conclusions: The current study demonstrates that the KOKON-KTO framework (a German acronym for Competence Network for Complementary Medicine - Consultation Training for Oncology Physicians) is suitable for training oncology physicians. Its implementation can lead to better physician-patient communication about CIM in cancer

    Patient-Reported Experiences of Supportive Cancer Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people affected by cancer were in need of information about the virus and about the (self-) management of cancer symptoms and treatment. It is important to understand how patients with cancer navigated through the pandemic and to explore their experience relating to their supportive care needs. Aim. This study aimed to describe the experience of Swiss oncological patients during the COVID-19 pandemic with additional supportive cancer care. Methods. A single-center study was conducted in 2021. Patients with melanoma, breast, lung, or colon cancer who received active systemic anticancer treatment at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and who were additionally seeing either oncology clinical nurse specialists, integrative medicine physicians, or both were included. We conducted semistructured interviews alongside the patient-reported quantitative assessment of distress and resilience. Thematic analysis was performed for the qualitative data and descriptive statistics for the quantitative data. Results. Eighteen patients with cancer were interviewed. Patients seeing an integrative medicine physician highlighted that they positively felt being addressed as a whole person during the consultations. The oncology clinical nurse specialists were perceived as the first point of contact for the patients and had more time during the pandemic compared to what the patients normally received. In general, patients did not experience delays or disruptions in their cancer treatment. As immunosuppressed and fatigued patients with cancer, they felt supported by the restrictions and hygienic measures. Access to vaccination reassured patients against the risk of infection. These results were reflected in the quantitative data, as we found moderate distress levels (M = 4.1; SD = 2.5) and high resilience scores (M = 7.5; SD = 0.9) in this patient population. Conclusion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, patients with cancer felt particularly supported by integrative medicine and cancer nurse consultations. Secured resources for nursing consultations and integrative medicine services can help to address the supportive care needs of patients with cancer

    Patient-reported experiences of cancer care related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland

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    Purpose This study aims to describe the experience of Swiss oncological patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A national multi-center study including five hospitals covering the three main language regions of Switzerland was conducted between March and July 2021. Patients with melanoma, breast, lung, or colon cancer receiving active systemic anti-cancer treatment at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic were included. We conducted semi-structured telephone or onsite interviews alongside the administration of distress and resilience-validated questionnaires. Thematic analysis was performed for the qualitative data and descriptive statistics for the quantitative data. Results Sixty-two cancer patients with a mean age of 61 (SD=14) (58% female) were interviewed. Based on the interviews, we identified that the experience of having cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic was related to five dimensions: psychological, social, support, healthcare, and vaccination. Three themes transverse the five dimensions: (a) needs, (b) positive changes, and (c) phases of the pandemic. In general, patients did not experience delays or disruptions in their cancer treatment nor felt additionally burdened by the pandemic. Lockdown and isolation were reported as mixed experiences (positive and negative), and access to vaccination reassured patients against the risk of infection and instilled hope to return to normalcy. Additionally, we found low distress levels (M=2.9; SD=2.5) and high resilience scores (M=7; SD=1.3) in these patients. Conclusion Swiss patients with cancer did not express major needs or disruptions in their care during this period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Results identify the mixed experiences of patients and highlight the high resilience levels

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    «My image of good teaching was a 45-Minute Show by the teacher» – How prospective teachers experience teaching in upper secondary schools

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    Angehende Gymnasiallehrpersonen begegnen wĂ€hrend ihres Lehrdiplomstudiums einer Unterrichtskultur im Gymnasium, die mit ihren Vorstellungen aus der eigenen Schulzeit nicht ĂŒbereinstimmt. Auf der Datengrundlage von 220 Selbstreflexionen wird mit einer phĂ€nomenologischen Vorgehensweise der Frage nachgegangen, was es fĂŒr Lehrdiplomstudierende bedeutet, im Gymnasium unterrichten zu lernen. Von Interesse ist dabei, wie sie den Unterricht in ihrer neuen Rolle als Lehrperson erfahren, welche Schwierigkeiten sie zu bewĂ€ltigen haben, welche Rolle die fachdidaktisch-rekonstruierende Aufarbeitung der fachwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen spielt und wie sie lernen, theoretische Konzepte mit praktischen Erfahrungen zu verbinden. Die neu erworbene FĂ€higkeit zur Reflexion und Kritik von Lehr- und Lernsituationen erweist sich dabei als eines der wichtigsten Elemente in der subjektiven Wahrnehmung der Studierenden. (DIPF/Orig.)Teacher students on their way to becoming a teacher at upper secondary schools («Gymnasium») are faced with a school culture which does not match up anymore with their images built up during their own time at school. On the basis of 220 written self-reflections and using a phenomenological approach, we investigate the question as to what it means for students to learn how to teach at an upper secondary school. We are interested in how they experience their new role as a teacher, which difficulties they have to deal with, to what extent the pedagogical-reconstructive revision of their subject-specific knowledge is important, and how they learn to integrate theoretical educational concepts into their own practical experience. The newly acquired ability to reflect and criticize teaching-learning settings emerges as one of the most important elements in the students’ subjective perception. (DIPF/Orig.