23 research outputs found

    Conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem sobre prevenção da úlcera por pressão

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    This study aimed to describe and to analyze knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention among nursing team members working in direct care to adult and elderly patients at a university hospital. A descriptive and exploratory research was carried out between January and March 2009, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee at the study institution. Data were collected through a validated questionnaire. Participants were 386 professionals, of whom 64.8% were nursing auxiliaries/technicians and 35.2% baccalaureate nurses (BSN). The mean percentage of correct answers on the knowledge test was 79.4% (SD=8.3%) for nurses and 73.6% (SD=9.8%) for nursing auxiliaries/technicians. Both professional categories display knowledge deficits in some areas related to the theme. The identification of deficient areas can guide strategic planning with a view to the dissemination and adoption of prevention measures by the team.Este estudio tuvo por objetivo describir y analizar el conocimiento de los miembros del equipo de enfermería, que actúan directamente en la asistencia a pacientes adultos y ancianos, en un hospital universitario, sobre la prevención de la úlcera por presión. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio, realizado entre enero y marzo de 2009, aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación de la institución. Los datos fueron recolectaos por medio de un cuestionario validado. De los 386 participantes, 64,8% eran auxiliares/técnicos de enfermería y 35,2%, enfermeros. El porcentaje promedio de aciertos en la prueba de conocimiento fue 79,4% (de=8,3%) para los enfermeros y 73,6% (de=9,8%) para los auxiliares/técnicos de enfermería. Concluimos que ambas categorías de profesionales presentan déficits de conocimiento en algunas áreas del tema en referencia. La identificación de las áreas deficientes puede orientar la planificación de estrategias para diseminación y adopción de medidas preventivas por el equipo.O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever e analisar o conhecimento dos membros da equipe de enfermagem que atuam diretamente na assistência a pacientes adultos e idosos, em um hospital universitário, sobre a prevenção da úlcera por pressão. Trata-se de estudo descritivo-exploratório, realizado entre janeiro e março de 2009, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da instituição. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário validado. Participaram deste estudo 386 indivíduos, 64,8% eram auxiliares/técnicos de enfermagem e 35,2%, enfermeiros. Vê-se, pelos resultados, que a porcentagem média de acertos no teste de conhecimento foi de 79,4% (dp=8,3%) para os enfermeiros e 73,6% (dp=9,8%) para os auxiliares/técnicos de enfermagem. Conclui-se que ambas as categorias de profissionais apresentam déficits de conhecimento em algumas áreas referentes ao tema. A identificação das áreas deficientes pode nortear o planejamento de estratégias para disseminação e para adoção de medidas preventivas pela equipe

    Micro X-ray Fluorescence Imaging in a Tabletop Full Field-X-ray Fluorescence Instrument and in a Full Field-Particle Induced X-ray Emission End Station

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    A full field-X-ray camera (FF-XRC) was developed for performing the simultaneous mapping of chemical elements with a high lateral resolution. The device is based on a conventional CCD detector coupled to a straight shaped polycapillary. Samples are illuminated at once with a broad primary beam that can consist of X-rays or charged particles in two different analytical setups. The characteristic photons induced in the samples are guided by the polycapillary to the detector allowing the elemental imaging without the need for scanning. A single photon counting detection operated in a multiframe acquisition mode and a processing algorithm developed for event hitting reconstruction have enabled one to use the CCD as a high energy resolution X-ray detector. A novel software with a graphical user interface (GUI) programmed in Matlab allows full control of the device and the real-time imaging with a region-of-interest (ROI) method. At the end of the measurement, the software produces spectra for each of the pixels in the detector allowing the application of a least-squares fitting with external analytical tools. The FF-XRC is very compact and can be installed in different experimental setups. This work shows the potentialities of the instrument in both a full field-micro X-ray fluorescence (FF-MXRF) tabletop device and in a full field-micro particle induced X-ray emission (FF-MPIXE) end-station operated with an external proton beam. Some examples of applications are given as well

    A mobile xrf scanner for a real-time elemental imaging of painted artworks

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    Painted artworks are complex multi-layered materials studied over the time with several sophisticated imaging techniques. Scanning MA-XRF technique provides information on pigment materials and their distribution over the painted surface in non-invasive manner. Further, it provides information on conservation state of artworks and also their authenticity can be approached. The penetrating nature of X-rays allows visualizing overpainted hidden pictorial compositions, not visible to naked eye. In the present PhD activity an advanced XRF scanning system for a real time imaging of painted artworks has been developed at the LANDIS laboratory of LNS-INFN and IBAM-CNR in Catania (Italy).The MA-XRF scanner presents a modular set-up to be assembled/disassembled in a short time (30-60 min) and easily moved in museums for analyses in situ. Spectrometric head is moved by three linear stages covering an area up to 110 × 70 × 20 cm3 (XYZ) . All motion sensors and their synchronization with the acquisition system are fully controlled by a custom developed and programmed Control Unit (CU) and all instrument operations can be in real-time monitored by a graphical user interface (GUI). The CU controls also the Z-axis movement, along the focal distance, via the communication with a laser triangulation sensor maintaining dynamically constant the painting-spectrometer distance in case of non-flat sample surface. Further, the CU interrupts immediately the scan if the safety distance is overcame. SDD detector coupled to a Digital X-ray Processors (DXP) that works in a time-list event mode (TLIST) allows to perform scans in real time (or in continuous mode). Ultra-fast scans can be performed up to 100 mm/sec covering the total area in 4.2 hours. The MA-XRF device is aimed to the macroscopic analysis of large size paintings. However, the use of a polycapillary lens equipping the X-ray source, allows to combine imaging at both the macro and micro scale of length with a simple adjustment of the sample position along the focal distance obtaining a lateral resolution up to 35 µm. A long range optical microscope is used for the accurate positioning of the painting. To date, performances of this device in terms of lateral resolution, scanning speed and dimensions of the scanning area, makes it as one of the most (or even the most) efficient portable MA-XRF systems available in the scientific community for studying paintings. X-ray spectra are processed in real-time during the scanning by the non-linear least-squares fitting procedure developed in PyMCa and integrated in the in-house programmed analysis software with a maximum processing speed of 5000 fitted spectra per second. Further a number of editing and mathematical tools for processing the images in live-mode are available. During the present research activity, the scanner was validated by studying three painted artworks on different support (canvas, wood and paper) and different size, for which the instrument has been moved in situ. MA-XRF provided valuable information through the determination of the pigment palette on painting techniques and artist connections with other workshops, the degradation state of the paintings, the reconstruction of the creative process by revealing overpainted figure and hidden inscriptions as well by the identification of changes introduced during the creation of the work. Analytical results obtained by MA-XRF analysis of the Paston Treasure , a mid-1670s oil on canvas painting at the Norwich Castle Museum (UK); painted wooden coffers belonging to the funerary collection of the tomb of Kha and Merit (1549-1292 BC) at the Museo Egizio in Torino (Italy); and an Italian illuminated manuscripts manufactured in the 14th century at the Fitzwilliam Museums (Cambridge) are presented and discussed

    Naples Yellow Revisited: Insights into Trades and Use in 17th-Century Sicily from the Macro X-ray Fluorescence Scanning of Matthias Stomer’s ‘The Mocking of Christ’

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    In a recent non-destructive analytical campaign at Museo Civico, Castello Ursino, in Catania, Italy, several paintings in the permanent collection were investigated by MA-XRF scanning, with a special focus on Matthias Stomer’s production. On one depiction of the Mocking of Christ (ca. 1640) donated to the municipality of Catania by G.B. Finocchiaro in 1826, the analysis documented the use of Naples yellow. Sb with Pb was detected in yellow areas of the Mocking of Christ, but not in his work Tobias healing his father. This finding possibly suggested an early use of lead antimonate yellow in South Italy, although it is generally accepted that this pigment was introduced in painting in the eighteenth century. Further details on his technique and later conservation treatments are provided, as well as literary comparisons with the artistic production during the same period, in Sicily and elsewhere. A systematic study of Stomer’s works, for example examining paintings produced while he was in Naples or Rome, might determine whether this material choice depended on local availability. Overall, it would shed light on his technique, as well as on the history of Naples yellow in southern Italy and beyond, before this pigment became so popular in the eighteenth century

    IR Reflectography, Pulse-Compression Thermography, MA-XRF, and Radiography: A Full-Thickness Study of a 16th-Century Panel Painting Copy of Raphael

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    The potential of any multi-analytical and non-invasive approach to the study of cultural heritage, both for conservation and scientific investigation purposes, is gaining increasing interest, and it was tested in this paper, focusing on the panel painting Madonna della Tenda (Musei Reali, Turin), identified as a 16th-century copy of the painting by Raffaello Sanzio. As a part of a broader diagnostic campaign carried out at the Centro Conservazione e Restauro, La Venaria Reale in Turin, Italy, the potential of the combination of X-ray radiography, pulse-compression thermography, macro X-ray fluorescence, and IR reflectography was tested to investigate the wooden support and all the preparatory phases for the realization of the painting. The results of the optical microscopy and SEM/EDS analyses on a multi-layered micro-sample were used for a precise comparison, integration, and/or confirmation of what was suggested by the non-invasive techniques. Particularly, the radiographic and thermographic techniques allowed for an in-depth study of a hole, interestingly present on the panel’s back surface, detecting the trajectory of the wood grain and confirming the presence of an old wood knot, as well as of a tau-shaped element—potentially a cracked and unfilled area of the wooden support—near the hollow. The combination of radiography, macro X-ray fluorescence, Near Infrared (NIR), and Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) reflectography allowed for an inspection of the ground layer, imprimitura, engravings, and underdrawing, not only revealing interesting technical-executive aspects of the artwork realization, but also highlighting the advantages of an integrated reading of data obtained from the different analytical techniques

    Dos grandes lienzos de Murillo analizados con diferentes técnicas analíticas y de imagen

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    Durante la reciente restauración de dos pinturas de gran tamaño de Murillo se llevaron a cabo varios estudios sobre los materiales empleados. Se utilizaron varias técnicas analíticas, como luz visible, UV, IRR, MA-XRF, XRF, SEM-EDX y GC-MS, con el fin de caracterizar los diferentes componentes de las pinturas –capa de preparación, pigmentos y aglutinantes–. Los métodos utilizados durante el estudio se describirán en este trabajo, prestando especial atención al dispositivo móvil MA-XRF, que proporciona imágenes elementales en tiempo real de las pinturas. Los resultados muestran que la preparación fue realizada de la manera habitual del artista, en dos capas, utilizando tierras, calcita y albayalde. La policromía está compuesta de albayalde mezclado con varios pigmentos: ocres rojo y amarillo, bermellón, azurita, esmalte, amarillo plomo-estaño, sombra y negro de carbón. El mapeo con MA-XRF permitió determinar la distribución espacial y la combinación de estos pigmentos a lo largo de la superficie de ambas obra

    The “lost art” of Archaic Greek painting: revealing new evidence on the Pitsa pinakes through MA-XRF and imaging techniques

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    In the present work, four wooden panels dated to the second half of the 6th century B.C., discovered in 1934 inside a cave located in Corinthia near the ancient city of Sicyon, are examined. The “Pitsa pinakes” are the oldest known examples of panel painting in ancient Greece. The application of non-invasive and non-contact imaging and analytical techniques (imaging techniques, including infrared-reflected and visible-induced luminescence, microscopy and mapping XRF) has brought to light significant evidence on the materials and the technology of the paintings. Multiple figurative elements that had remained previously “unseen”, due to the losses and degradation of the original paint layers, were recovered, allowing for a better understanding of the original iconography. Furthermore, imaging techniques have largely contributed to an enhanced reading and understanding of the inscriptions preserved on the panels, including the personal name “Kalypso” on the panel depicting a ritual dance (inv. 16467); this name had hitherto been known only through literary sources.La présente étude concerne quatre tablettes en bois de la seconde moitié du vie siècle avant J.-C., découvertes en 1934 dans une grotte située en Corinthie, près de l’antique cité de Sicyone. Les « pinakes de Pitsa » sont les plus anciens exemples connus de peinture sur bois dans la Grèce antique. Les techniques d’imagerie et d’analyse non-invasives hors contact (notamment par réflectographie infrarouge, luminescence induite visible, microscopie et macro-spectrométrie de fluorescence X) ont livré des données importantes sur les matériaux et techniques picturales. En faisant réapparaître de nombreux éléments figuratifs restés inaperçus jusque-là, en raison des lacunes et dégradations des couches picturales antiques, elles ont permis de mieux comprendre l’iconographie originale. En outre, les procédés d’imagerie employés ont contribué à un meilleur déchiffrage des inscriptions préservées sur les tablettes, notamment (sur la tablette 16467) le nom propre Calypso, connu jusque-là uniquement par les sources littéraires