6 research outputs found

    Educación superior, desarrollo territorial y el rol de la universidad pública frente a la pandemia del Covid-19: El caso del IDEI-UNTDF

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    Desde que la oms declara la Pandemia producida por el Coronavirus causante de la covid-19 durante el mes de marzo 2020, las noticias referentes a esta nueva enfermedad ya habían comenzado a difundirse ampliamente. Esta inédita situación que ha afectado fundamentalmente la salud, la economía, la educación y las relaciones entre las personas, también ha repercutido de diferentes maneras en el comportamiento de los individuos, los grupos y las instituciones.Fil: Kataishi, Rodrigo Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Huertas, Francisco Omar. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego; ArgentinaFil: Koremblit Pellegrini, Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego; ArgentinaFil: Clas, Claudia Norma. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego; Argentin

    Globalização dentro de casa. Do ponto de vista insular.: Desde una mirada insular

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    This article analyzes the implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic at the territorial level. In particular, it addresses the case of the Province of Tierra del Fuego to highlight different manifestations of the crisis, putting into discussion the interaction between the global, territorial, and individual dimensions of this phenomenon. The final reflections focus on discussing new challenges for the State, in particular for the provincial and municipal levels.El presente artículo analiza las implicancias de la Pandemia del Covid-19 a nivel territorial. En particular, aborda el caso de la Provincia de Tierra del Fuego para destacar diferentes manifestaciones de la crisis, poniendo en discusión la interacción entre la dimensión global, la territorial y la individual de este fenómeno. El eje de las reflexiones finales se centra en discutir nuevos desafíos para el Estado, en particular para los niveles provinciales y municipales.Cet article analyse les implications de la pandémie de Covid-19 au niveau territorial. En particulier, il aborde le cas de la Province de Terre de Feu pour mettre en évidence différentes manifestations de la crise, mettant en discussion l'interaction entre les dimensions globale, territoriale et individuelle de ce phénomène. Les réflexions finales portent sur la discussion des nouveaux défis pour l'État, en particulier pour les niveaux provincial et municipal.Questo articolo analizza le implicazioni della Pandemia di Covid-19 a livello territoriale. In particolare, affronta il caso della Provincia della Terra del Fuoco per evidenziare diverse manifestazioni della crisi, mettendo in discussione l'interazione tra le dimensioni globale, territoriale e individuale di questo fenomeno. Le riflessioni finali vertono sulla discussione delle nuove sfide per lo Stato, in particolare per il livello provinciale e comunale.Este artigo analisa as implicações da Pandemia Covid-19 no nível territorial. Em particular, aborda o caso da Província de Tierra del Fuego para destacar diferentes manifestações da crise, colocando em discussão a interação entre as dimensões global, territorial e individual deste fenômeno. As reflexões finais centram-se na discussão de novos desafios para o Estado, em particular para os níveis provincial e municipal


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    MC1R variants in childhood and adolescent melanoma: a retrospective pooled analysis of a multicentre cohort

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    Background: Germline variants in the melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R) might increase the risk of childhood and adolescent melanoma, but a clear conclusion is challenging because of the low number of studies and cases. We assessed the association of MC1R variants with childhood and adolescent melanoma in a large study comparing the prevalence of MC1R variants in child or adolescent patients with melanoma to that in adult patients with melanoma and in healthy adult controls. Methods: In this retrospective pooled analysis, we used the M-SKIP Project, the Italian Melanoma Intergroup, and other European groups (with participants from Australia, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, and the USA) to assemble an international multicentre cohort. We gathered phenotypic and genetic data from children or adolescents diagnosed with sporadic single-primary cutaneous melanoma at age 20 years or younger, adult patients with sporadic single-primary cutaneous melanoma diagnosed at age 35 years or older, and healthy adult individuals as controls. We calculated odds ratios (ORs) for childhood and adolescent melanoma associated with MC1R variants by multivariable logistic regression. Subgroup analysis was done for children aged 18 or younger and 14 years or younger. Findings: We analysed data from 233 young patients, 932 adult patients, and 932 healthy adult controls. Children and adolescents had higher odds of carrying MC1R r variants than did adult patients (OR 1\ub754, 95% CI 1\ub702\u20132\ub733), including when analysis was restricted to patients aged 18 years or younger (1\ub780, 1\ub706\u20133\ub707). All investigated variants, except Arg160Trp, tended, to varying degrees, to have higher frequencies in young patients than in adult patients, with significantly higher frequencies found for Val60Leu (OR 1\ub760, 95% CI 1\ub705\u20132\ub744; p=0\ub704) and Asp294His (2\ub715, 1\ub705\u20134\ub740; p=0\ub704). Compared with those of healthy controls, young patients with melanoma had significantly higher frequencies of any MC1R variants. Interpretation: Our pooled analysis of MC1R genetic data of young patients with melanoma showed that MC1R r variants were more prevalent in childhood and adolescent melanoma than in adult melanoma, especially in patients aged 18 years or younger. Our findings support the role of MC1R in childhood and adolescent melanoma susceptibility, with a potential clinical relevance for developing early melanoma detection and preventive strategies. Funding: SPD-Pilot/Project-Award-2015; AIRC-MFAG-11831