343 research outputs found

    A Chemical Composition Survey of the Iron-Complex Globular Cluster NGC 6273 (M 19)

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    Recent observations have shown that a growing number of the most massive Galactic globular clusters contain multiple populations of stars with different [Fe/H] and neutron-capture element abundances. NGC 6273 has only recently been recognized as a member of this "iron-complex" cluster class, and we provide here a chemical and kinematic analysis of > 300 red giant branch (RGB) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) member stars using high resolution spectra obtained with the Magellan-M2FS and VLT-FLAMES instruments. Multiple lines of evidence indicate that NGC 6273 possesses an intrinsic metallicity spread that ranges from about [Fe/H] = -2 to -1 dex, and may include at least three populations with different [Fe/H] values. The three populations identified here contain separate first (Na/Al-poor) and second (Na/Al-rich) generation stars, but a Mg-Al anti-correlation may only be present in stars with [Fe/H] > -1.65. The strong correlation between [La/Eu] and [Fe/H] suggests that the s-process must have dominated the heavy element enrichment at higher metallicities. A small group of stars with low [alpha/Fe] is identified and may have been accreted from a former surrounding field star population. The cluster's large abundance variations are coupled with a complex, extended, and multimodal blue horizontal branch (HB). The HB morphology and chemical abundances suggest that NGC 6273 may have an origin that is similar to omega Cen and M 54.Comment: Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 50 pages; 18 figures; 8 tables; higher resolution figures are available upon request or in the published journal articl

    Carbon monoxide poisoning: novel magnetic resonance imaging pattern in the acute setting

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    The presentation of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is non-specific and highly variable. The diagnosis is made when a compatible history and examination occur in a patient with elevated carboxyhaemoglobin levels. The severity of intoxication is difficult to assess accurately based on laboratory markers alone. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been shown to have superior sensitivity to computed tomography for the detection of abnormalities post CO poisoning. We report a novel imaging pattern on MRI undertaken in the acute setting in a patient with CO intoxication. We also discuss the management and follow up of patients with CO poisoning

    Carbon monoxide poisoning: Novel magnetic resonance imaging pattern in the acute setting

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    The presentation of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is non-specific and highly variable. The diagnosis is made when a compatible history and examination occur in a patient with elevated carboxyhaemoglobin levels. The severity of intoxication is difficult to assess accurately based on laboratory markers alone. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been shown to have superior sensitivity to computed tomography for the detection of abnormalities post CO poisoning. We report a novel imaging pattern on MRI undertaken in the acute setting in a patient with CO intoxication. We also discuss the management and follow up of patients with CO poisoning

    The First Detection of Blue Straggler Stars in the Milky Way Bulge

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    We report the first detections of Blue Straggler Stars (BSS) in the bulge of the Milky Way galaxy. Proper motions from extensive space-based observations along a single sight-line allow us to separate a sufficiently clean and well-characterized bulge sample that we are able to detect a small population of bulge objects in the region of the color-magnitude diagram commonly occupied young objects and blue strgglers. However, variability measurements of these objects clearly establish that a fraction of them are blue stragglers. Out of the 42 objects found in this region of the color-magnitude diagram, we estimate that at least 18 are genuine BSS. We normalize the BSS population by our estimate of the number of horizontal branch stars in the bulge in order to compare the bulge to other stellar systems. The BSS fraction is clearly discrepant from that found in stellar clusters. The blue straggler population of dwarf spheroidals remains a subject of debate; some authors claim an anticorrelation between the normalised blue straggler fraction and integrated light. If this trend is real, then the bulge may extend it by three orders of magnitude in mass. Conversely, we find that the genuinely young (~5Gy or younger) population in the bulge, must be at most 3.4% under the most conservative scenario for the BSS population.Comment: ApJ in press; 25 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Dynamic Coupling and Allosteric Behavior in a Nonallosteric Protein †

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    Long-range intraprotein interactions give rise to many important protein behaviors. Understanding how energy is transduced through protein structures to either transmit a signal or elicit conformational changes is therefore a current challenge in structural biology. In an effort to understand such linkages, multiple V→A mutations were made in the small globular protein eglin c. The physical responses, as mapped by NMR spin relaxation, residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), and scalar couplings, illustrate that the interior of this non-allosteric protein forms a dynamic network and that local perturbations are transmitted as dynamic and structural changes to distal sites as far as 16 Å away. Two basic types of propagation responses were observed: contiguous pathways of enhanced (attenuated) dynamics with no change in structure; and dispersed (non-contiguous) changes in methyl rotation rates that appear to result from subtle deformation of backbone structure. In addition, energy transmission is found to be unidirectional. In one mutant, an allosteric conformational change of a side chain is seen in the context of a pathway of propagated changes in ps-ns dynamics. The observation of so many long-range interactions in a small, rigid system lends experimental weight to the idea that all well-folded proteins inherently possess allosteric features [Gunasekaran et al. (2004) Proteins 57, 433−443], and that dynamics are a rich source of information for mapping and gaining mechanistic insight into communication pathways in individual proteins

    Common Representation of Information Flows for Dynamic Coalitions

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    We propose a formal foundation for reasoning about access control policies within a Dynamic Coalition, defining an abstraction over existing access control models and providing mechanisms for translation of those models into information-flow domain. The abstracted information-flow domain model, called a Common Representation, can then be used for defining a way to control the evolution of Dynamic Coalitions with respect to information flow

    Stellar Proper Motions in the Galactic Bulge from deep HST ACS/WFC Photometry

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    We present stellar proper motions in the Galactic bulge from the Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Search (SWEEPS) project using ACS/WFC on HST. Proper motions are extracted for more than 180,000 objects, with >81,000 measured to accuracy better than 0.3 mas/yr in both coordinates. We report several results based on these measurements: 1. Kinematic separation of bulge from disk allows a sample of >15,000 bulge objects to be extracted based on >6-sigma detections of proper motion, with <0.2% contamination from the disk. This includes the first detection of a candidate bulge Blue Straggler population. 2. Armed with a photometric distance modulus on a star by star basis, and using the large number of stars with high-quality proper motion measurements to overcome intrinsic scatter, we dissect the kinematic properties of the bulge as a function of distance along the line of sight. This allows us to extract the stellar circular speed curve from proper motions alone, which we compare with the circular speed curve obtained from radial velocities. 3. We trace the variation of the {l,b} velocity ellipse as a function of depth. 4. Finally, we use the density-weighted {l,b} proper motion ellipse produced from the tracer stars to assess the kinematic membership of the sixteen transiting planet candidates discovered in the Sagittarius Window; the kinematic distribution of the planet candidates is consistent with that of the disk and bulge stellar populations.Comment: 71 pages, 30 figures, ApJ Accepte
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