259 research outputs found

    Moody\u27s 2007 Operating Plan on Public Finance, Global Structured Finance and Investor Services

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    Moodys Brian Clarkson Email Regarding June YTD AFG by Analyst

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    Former President of Moody\u27s, Brian Clarkson Testimony Before the FCIC

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    Clarkson Email to Bankole at el re June YTD AFG

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    Spectral imaging of thermal damage induced during microwave ablation in the liver

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    Induction of thermal damage to tissue through delivery of microwave energy is frequently applied in surgery to destroy diseased tissue such as cancer cells. Minimization of unwanted harm to healthy tissue is still achieved subjectively, and the surgeon has few tools at their disposal to monitor the spread of the induced damage. This work describes the use of optical methods to monitor the time course of changes to the tissue during delivery of microwave energy in the porcine liver. Multispectral imaging and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy are used to monitor temporal changes in optical properties in parallel with thermal imaging. The results demonstrate the ability to monitor the spatial extent of thermal damage on a whole organ, including possible secondary effects due to vascular damage. Future applications of this type of imaging may see the multispectral data used as a feedback mechanism to avoid collateral damage to critical healthy structures and to potentially verify sufficient application of energy to the diseased tissue.Comment: 4pg,6fig. Copyright 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Large scale simulation of labeled intraoperative scenes in unity

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    PURPOSE: The use of synthetic or simulated data has the potential to greatly improve the availability and volume of training data for image guided surgery and other medical applications, where access to real-life training data is limited. METHODS: By using the Unity game engine, complex intraoperative scenes can be simulated. The Unity Perception package allows for randomisation of paremeters within the scene, and automatic labelling, to make simulating large data sets a trivial operation. In this work, the approach has been prototyped for liver segmentation from laparoscopic video images. 50,000 simulated images were used to train a U-Net, without the need for any manual labelling. The use of simulated data was compared against a model trained with 950 manually labelled laparoscopic images. RESULTS: When evaluated on data from 10 separate patients, synthetic data outperformed real data in 4 out of 10 cases. Average DICE scores across the 10 cases were 0.59 (synthetic data), 0.64 (real data) and 0.75 (both synthetic and real data). CONCLUSION: Synthetic data generated using this method is able to make valid inferences on real data, with average performance slightly below models trained on real data. The use of the simulated data for pre-training boosts model performance, when compared with training on real data only

    Big Foot Art Site, Cania Gorge: Site report

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    This site report presents a description of archaeological investigations undertaken at Big Foot Art Site, a large rockshelter and art site located at Cania Gorge, eastern Central Queensland. Field and laboratory methods are outlined and results presented. Excavation revealed evidence for occupation spanning from before 7,700 cal BP to at least 300 cal BP, with a significant peak in stone artefact discard between c.4,200-3,200 cal BP. Results are compared to analyses undertaken in the adjacent Central Queensland Highlands

    Life patterns : structure from wearable sensors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, February 2003.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 123-129).In this thesis I develop and evaluate computational methods for extracting life's patterns from wearable sensor data. Life patterns are the reoccurring events in daily behavior, such as those induced by the regular cycle of night and day, weekdays and weekends, work and play, eating and sleeping. My hypothesis is that since a "raw, low-level" wearable sensor stream is intimately connected to the individual's life, it provides the means to directly match similar events, statistically model habitual behavior and highlight hidden structures in a corpus of recorded memories. I approach the problem of computationally modeling daily human experience as a task of statistical data mining similar to the earlier efforts of speech researchers searching for the building block that were believed to make up speech. First we find the atomic immutable events that mark the succession of our daily activities. These are like the "phonemes" of our lives, but don't necessarily take on their finite and discrete nature. Since our activities and behaviors operate at multiple time-scales from seconds to weeks, we look at how these events combine into sequences, and then sequences of sequences, and so on. These are the words, sentences and grammars of an individual's daily experience. I have collected 100 days of wearable sensor data from an individual's life. I show through quantitative experiments that clustering, classification, and prediction is feasible on a data set of this nature. I give methods and results for determining the similarity between memories recorded at different moments in time, which allow me to associate almost every moment of an individual's life to another similar moment. I present models that accurately and automatically classify the sensor data into location and activity.(cont.) Finally, I show how to use the redundancies in an individual's life to predict his actions from his past behavior.by Brian Patrick Clarkson.Ph.D
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