7 research outputs found
The Effects of Intraventricular Carbachol Injections on the Free-Running Activity Rhythm of the Hamster
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chronic morphine administration results in tolerance to delta opioid receptor-mediated antinociception
- Author
- A. Constantin
- A.A.A. Pradhan
- Adams
- Audigier
- Bilsky
- C. Siau
- Cahill
- Catheline
- Chaillet
- Connor
- Connor
- Dubuisson
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Fraser
- Galligan
- Haberstock-Debic
- Hack
- Hammond
- Hosohata
- Hurley
- Hyytia
- Kalso
- Kovelowski
- Kovelowski
- Melchiorri
- Mennicken
- Miller
- Milligan
- Morinville
- Ossipov
- P.B.S. Clarke
- Park
- Paxinos
- Porreca
- Porreca
- Pradhan
- Rossi
- Sanchez-Blazquez
- Sora
- Stevens
- Thorat
- Vaughan
- Yoburn
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Nicotinic receptor abnormalities in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Potential candidates for pacemakers. Survey of heart block and sinoatrial disorder (sick sinus syndrome).
- Author
- Averill K.H.
- C A Kekwick
- Campbell H.
- Clarke J.M.
- Conde C.A.
- D B Shaw
- Evans R.C.
- Fairfax A.J.
- Ferrer M.I.
- Fowler P.B.S.
- Furman S.
- Hartel G.
- Hosoda S.
- Johansson B.W.
- Mandel W.
- Medical British
- Mond H.G.
- Parsonnet V.
- Radford D.J.
- Rasmussen K.
- Rokseth R.
- Rubenstein J.J.
- Sauerwein H.P.
- Scarpa W.J.
- Shaw D.B.
- Shaw D.B.
- Siddons H.
- Slama R.
- Sowton E.
- Thalen H.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Arneric S.P.
- Badio B.
- Barlow R.B.
- Baron J.A.
- Breese C.R.
- Clarke P.B.S.
- Damaj M.I.
- Department
- Dubovsky S.
- Elliott K.
- Ernst M.
- Flores C.M.
- Flynn D.A.
- Giacobini E.
- Glennon R.A.
- Hughes J.R.
- Lloyd G.K.
- Manderscheid P.Z.
- Marks M.J.
- McConville B.J.
- Morens D.M.
- Olin B.R.
- Pabreza L.A.
- Sacaan A.I.
- Schneider F.H.
- Schulz D.W.
- Schwartz R.D.
- Sequela P.
- Shapiro A.K.
- Smith J.B.
- Sullivan J.P.
- Taylor P.
- Taylor P.
- Wright I.S.
- Wyatt R.J.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Molecular Diversity of Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors
- Author
- Albuquerque E.X.
- Alkondon M.
- Anand R.
- Bertrand D.
- Bertrand D.
- Boulter J.
- Brussaard A.B.
- Charnet P.
- Clarke P.B.S.
- Colquhoun L.M.
- Conroy W.G.
- Corriveau R.A.
- Costa A.C.S.
- Couturier S.
- Crabtree G.
- Engisch K.L.
- Forsayeth J.R.
- Frazier C.J.
- Gerzanich V.
- Gerzanich V.
- Guo J.Z.
- Heinemann S.
- Jacob M.H.
- Listerud M.
- Luetje C.W.
- Luetje C.W.
- Luetje C.W.
- Luetje C.W.
- Moss B.L.
- Nef P.
- Orr-Urtreger A.
- Papke R.L.
- Papke R.L.
- Picciotto M.R.
- Sargent P.B.
- Seguela P.
- Tan W.
- Yu C.R.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Molecular Basis of Curaremimetic Snake Neurotoxin Specificity for Neuronal Nicotinic Receptor Subtypes
- Author
- Abramson S.N.
- Abramson S.N.
- Agard D.A.
- Alkondon M.
- Alkondon M.
- Alkondon M.
- Anand R.
- Aronheim A.
- Atassi M.Z.
- Ballivet M.
- Banks B.E.C.
- Barchan D.
- Barlow R.B.
- Basus V.J.
- Basus V.J.
- Bertazzon A.
- Bertrand D.
- Bertrand D.
- Betz H
- Blount P.
- Bossy B.
- Boulter J
- Boulter J.
- Boulter J.
- Boulter J.
- Bourne P.E.
- Boyd R.T.
- Breer H.
- Britto L.R.G.
- Brown D.A.
- Brown D.A.
- Buller A.L.
- Buller A.L.
- Burden S.J.
- Cachelin A.B.
- Carbonetto S.T.
- Chang C.-C.
- Changeux J.-P.
- Chaturvedi V.
- Chiappinelli V.A
- Chiappinelli V.A
- Chiappinelli V.A
- Chiappinelli V.A
- Chiappinelli V.A.
- Chiappinelli V.A.
- Chiappinelli V.A.
- Chiappinelli V.A.
- Chiappinelli V.A.
- Chiappinelli V.A.
- Chiara D.C.
- Chini B.
- Clarke P.B.S
- Clarke P.B.S.
- Clarke P.B.S.
- Claudio T
- Cohen J.B.
- Conroy W.G.
- Conti-Tronconi B.M.
- Conti-Tronconi B.M.
- Conti-Tronconi B.M.
- Conti-Tronconi B.M.
- Cooper E.
- Couturier S.
- Couturier S.
- Czajkowski C.
- Danse J.-M.
- De la Garza R.
- De la Garza R.
- Deneris E.S.
- Donnelly-Roberts D.L.
- Donnelly-Roberts D.L.
- Drasdo A.
- Dufton M.J.
- Duggan A.W.
- Duvoisin R.M.
- Egan T.M.
- Eldefrawi A.T.
- Endo T.
- Endo T.
- Endo T.
- Fairclough R.H.
- Figl A.
- Fiordalisi J.J.
- Fornasari D.
- Fraenkel Y.
- Fraenkel Y.
- Galzi J.-L.
- Galzi J.-L.
- Galzi J.-L.
- Galzi J.-L.
- Galzi J.-L.
- Garcia-Borron J.C.
- Gasic G.P.
- Gershoni J.M.
- Goodman C.
- Gorczyca M.G.
- Gotti C.
- Gotti C.
- Gotti C.
- Gotti C.
- Gotti C.
- Grant G.A.
- Grant G.A.
- Griesmann G.E.
- Gross A.
- Gu Y.
- Gundelfinger E.D
- Halvorsen S.W.
- Halvorsen S.W.
- Halvorsen S.W.
- Hartman D.S.
- Hawrot E.
- Hawrot E.
- Hayashi E.
- Hieber V.
- Higgins L.S.
- Holtzman E.
- Housley G.D.
- Härfstrand A.
- Jacob M.H.
- Jansen K.U.
- Jonas P.
- Kao P.N.
- Karlin A
- Karlin A.
- Karlsson E
- Karlsson E.
- Kato E
- Kellaris K.V.
- Kemp G.
- Keyser K.T.
- Kim H.S.
- Kosen P.A
- Kouvelas E.D.
- Lamar E.
- Lees G.
- Lentz T.L
- Lentz T.L.
- Lentz T.L.
- Lin S.-R.
- Lin S.-R.
- Lindstrom J.
- Lindstrom J.
- Listerud M.
- Loring R.H.
- Loring R.H.
- Loring R.H.
- Loring R.H.
- Loring R.H.
- Loring R.H.
- Loring R.H.
- Love R.A.
- Low B.M.
- Luetje C.W.
- Luetje C.W.
- Luetje C.W.
- Luetje C.W.
- Lukas R.J.
- Lukas R.J.
- Maeda N.
- Maelicke A.
- Margiotta J.K.
- Marshall J.
- Marshall L.A
- McDaniel C.S.
- McLane K.E.
- McLane K.E.
- McLane K.E.
- McLane K.E.
- McLane K.E.
- McLane K.E.
- Mebs D.
- Methfessel C.
- Middleton R.E.
- Mihovilovic M.
- Mishina M.
- Morris B.J.
- Moss B.L.
- Moss B.L.
- Mulac-Jericevic B.
- Mulle C.
- Mulle C.
- Myers R.A.
- MĂ©nez A.
- Nef P.
- Neubig R.R.
- Neumann D.
- Nishida S.
- Noda M.
- Noda M.
- Norman R.I.
- O'Leary M.E.
- Ohana B.
- Ohta M.
- Oswald R.E.
- Papke R.L.
- Papke R.L.
- Paton W.D.M.
- Patrick J.
- Patrick J.
- Patrick J.
- Pearce S.F.A.
- Pedersen S.E.
- Pfeiffer-Linn C.
- Pinnock R.D.
- Quik M
- Quik M
- Quik M.
- Quik M.
- Quik M.
- Ravdin P.M.
- Ravdin P.M.
- Reiter M.J.
- Revah F.
- Role L.W
- Sachettini J.C.
- Saiani L.
- Sakmann B.
- Sargent P.B
- Sargent P.B.
- Sato S.
- Sattelle D.B
- Sawruk E.
- Schloss P.
- Schloss P.
- Schloss P.
- Schlyer B.D.
- Schmidt J
- Schoepfer R.
- Schoepfer R.
- Schuetze S
- Schulz D.W.
- Silman I.
- Sorenson E.M
- Sorenson E.M.
- Sorenson E.M.
- Steinbach J.H.
- Stollberg J.
- Stroud R.M.
- Sutcliffe M.J.
- Swanson K.L.
- Swanson L.
- Séguéla P.
- Takai T.
- Talib S.
- Tamiya N
- Taylor P.
- Tomaselli G.F.
- Tsernoglou D.
- Tsernoglou D.
- Tzartos S.
- Tzartos S.J.
- Vidal C.
- Vijayaraghavan S.
- Wada E.
- Wada K.
- Walkinshaw M.D.
- Ward J.M.
- Whiting P.
- Whiting P.J.
- Whiting P.J.
- Wilson P.T.
- Wilson P.T.
- Wolf K.M.
- Wong L.A.
- Wong L.A.
- Wonnacott S.
- Zingsheim H.P.
- Zorumski C.F.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study