7,714 research outputs found

    KS3 and KS4 learners' use of Web 2.0 technologies in and out of school - summary

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    This is a summary of the second report from research commissioned by Becta into Web 2.0 technologies for learning at Key Stages 3 and 4. This report describes findings from data collected using a guided survey of 2,611 Year 8 and Year 10 pupils and 60 focus groups held with approximately 300 learners. The analysis explores learner use of Web 2.0 technologies and their motivations for using social networking sites and the implications of these findings for teachers and providers

    Comparative metabolomics in primates reveals the effects of diet and gene regulatory variation on metabolic divergence.

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    Human diets differ from those of non-human primates. Among few obvious differences, humans consume more meat than most non-human primates and regularly cook their food. It is hypothesized that a dietary shift during human evolution has been accompanied by molecular adaptations in metabolic pathways. Consistent with this notion, comparative studies of gene expression levels in primates have found that the regulation of genes with metabolic functions tend to evolve rapidly in the human lineage. The metabolic consequences of these regulatory differences, however, remained unknown. To address this gap, we performed a comparative study using a combination of gene expression and metabolomic profiling in livers from humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus macaques. We show that dietary differences between species have a strong effect on metabolic concentrations. In addition, we found that differences in metabolic concentration across species are correlated with inter-species differences in the expression of the corresponding enzymes, which control the same metabolic reaction. We identified a number of metabolic compounds with lineage-specific profiles, including examples of human-species metabolic differences that may be directly related to dietary differences

    An Economic Analysis of Texas Shrimp Season Closures

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    Management of the Texas penaeid shrimp fishery is aimed at increasing revenue from brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, landings and decreasing the level of discards. Since 1960 Texas has closed its territorial sea for 45-60 days during peak migration of brown shrimp to the Gulf of Mexico. In 1981 the closure was extended to 200 miles to include the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. Simulation modeling is used in this paper to estimate the changes in landings, revenue, costs, and economic rent attributable to the Texas closure. Four additional analyses were conducted to estimate the effects of closing the Gulf 1- to 4-fathom zone for 45 and 60 days, with and without effort redirected to inshore waters. Distributional impacts are analyzed in terms of costs, revenues, and rents, by vessel class, shrimp species, vessel owner, and crew

    Hidden spin-orbital texture at the Γˉ\bar{\Gamma}-located valence band maximum of a transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductor

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    Finding stimuli capable of driving an imbalance of spin-polarised electrons within a solid is the central challenge in the development of spintronic devices. However, without the aid of magnetism, routes towards this goal are highly constrained with only a few suitable pairings of compounds and driving mechanisms found to date. Here, through spin- and angle-resolved photoemission along with density functional theory, we establish how the pp-derived bulk valence bands of semiconducting 1T-HfSe2_2 possess a local, ground-state spin texture spatially confined within each Se-sublayer due to strong sublayer-localised electric dipoles orientated along the cc-axis. This hidden spin-polarisation manifests in a `coupled spin-orbital texture' with in-equivalent contributions from the constituent pp-orbitals. While the overall spin-orbital texture for each Se sublayer is in strict adherence to time-reversal symmetry (TRS), spin-orbital mixing terms with net polarisations at time-reversal invariant momenta are locally maintained. These apparent TRS-breaking contributions dominate, and can be selectively tuned between with a choice of linear light polarisation, facilitating the observation of pronounced spin-polarisations at the Brillouin zone centre for all kzk_z. We discuss the implications for the generation of spin-polarised populations from 1T-structured transition metal dichalcogenides using a fixed energy, linearly polarised light source.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Primary and secondary controls on reservoir quality: relationships between lithofacies and the development of deformation bands

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    Primary sedimentological processes in mixed eolian-fluvial systems can result in lithological variability at the sub-seismic scale. This variation in genetic origin has a direct control on the porosity and permeability of a body of sediment, with variations in lithofacies types, their assemblages and contacts responsible for creating fluid pathways or baffles. Post-depositional near-surface and deep process diagenesis affects original porosity and permeabilities through mineral dissolution and re-precipitation, and the generation of stress induced fractures. Examination of bedrock exposure and drillcore from the depositionally heterogeneous Triassic Sherwood Sandstone of north-west England demonstrates that there is a strong facies control on the presence and type of secondary processes, namely in the form of deformation bands. This is despite the entire range of lithofacies being subject to the same regional and local stresses. The mixed eolian-fluvial Sherwood Sandstone Group exhibits a wide range of facies types which allows a good insight in to those most susceptible to deformation band formation. Preliminary work indicates that the eolian grainfall and grainflow facies types are at most risk of being host to deformation bands above all other facies types (both eolian and fluvial). This is significant as both of these facies have very good permeabilities in excess of 6000 mD (millidarcy), whilst the deformation bands have significantly less ranging from 0.1-10 mD. The deformation bands are also identified to occur in a range of styles that vary from: i) isolated thin (1-2 mm thick) individual seams, ii) complex conjugate interlocking sets, and iii) chaotic thick amalgamations of multiple deformation bands ranging from 5-120 cm thick. Each of the deformation types has been constrained in three dimensions and a range of idealised conceptual models are presented that indicate the potential of effects on reservoir quality

    α2-chimaerin regulates a key axon guidance transition during development of the oculomotor projection

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    The ocular motor system consists of three nerves which innervate six muscles to control eye movements. In humans, defective development of this system leads to eye movement disorders, such as Duane Retraction Syndrome, which can result from mutations in the α2-chimaerin signaling molecule. We have used the zebrafish to model the role of α2-chimaerin during development of the ocular motor system. We first mapped ocular motor spatiotemporal development, which occurs between 24 and 72 h postfertilization (hpf), with the oculomotor nerve following an invariant sequence of growth and branching to its muscle targets. We identified 52 hpf as a key axon guidance “transition,” when oculomotor axons reach the orbit and select their muscle targets. Live imaging and quantitation showed that, at 52 hpf, axons undergo a switch in behavior, with striking changes in the dynamics of filopodia. We tested the role of α2-chimaerin in this guidance process and found that axons expressing gain-of-function α2-chimaerin isoforms failed to undergo the 52 hpf transition in filopodial dynamics, leading to axon stalling. α2-chimaerin loss of function led to ecotopic and misguided branching and hypoplasia of oculomotor axons; embryos had defective eye movements as measured by the optokinetic reflex. Manipulation of chimaerin signaling in oculomotor neurons in vitro led to changes in microtubule stability. These findings demonstrate that a correct level of α2-chimaerin signaling is required for key oculomotor axon guidance decisions, and provide a zebrafish model for Duane Retraction Syndrome

    Detection of Hydrophilic Coating on Biomedical Devices via Fluorescent Nanoparticles

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    Coatings are an important component of many medical devices. They can change the characteristics of these medical devices including biocompatibility, lubricity, and effectiveness. Many of Merit Medical’s devices, including their transradial catheter, rely on hydrophilic coating to function properly. The hydrophilic coating found on the introducer sheath comes into direct contact with a patient’s vascular and dermal tissue to ease the insertion of the catheter. An incomplete coating on this device could lead to tissue damage, patient discomfort or pain, and device failure. These coatings are often difficult to detect since the coating is completely colorless. In current practices, the only method used to determine coating presence uses Congo Red, a toxic dye that renders the catheter unusable. If a statistically significant number of these devices fail this test, the entire batch is assumed to be faulty and must be rejected, resulting in the loss of tens of thousands of dollars. Our design aims to introduce a fluorescent additive to the hydrophilic coating to detect the presence of uncoated areas without destroying the device. This additive must also comply with biocompatibility parameters. If successful, this method could be patented and/or implemented in the manufacturing process of this device

    Introducing argumentative and discursive enterprise leading and management

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    Leading an enterprise requires, obviously, decision making. However, these decisions require explanations in order to make it possible for stakeholders to get an understanding about the enterprise's strategic direction. This is even more important when these stakeholders are in charge to transpose such strategic decision into their tactical or operational work. Enterprise modelling may be capable of depicting strategies per se, but it is rather a vessel of communication than of explanation. Whilst, a strategy may be accordingly modelled, those who receive such a model needs to purposeful interpret and successfully implement it. However, without any insights, justifications or references that go beyond the claim of a model, it is dificult to embrace the theory of the actual modeller. Therefore, in this paper argumentative modelling will be specifically applied to the domain of strategic management. Moreover it will be elucidated how modelled strategic arguments can be used as a basis for enterprise architecture alignment and management. As it will be shown in the paper, the application of argumentative modelling overcomes classical restrictions and makes it possible to support a discourse, which can be later on used as an explanation for the intentions of the modeller

    Using teacher inquiry to support technology-enhanced formative assessment: a review of the literature to inform a new method

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    In this paper we review the literature on teacher inquiry (TI) to explore the possibility that this process can equip teachers to investigate students’ learning as a step towards the process of formative assessment. We draw a distinction between formative assessment and summative forms of assessment [CRELL. (2009). The transition to computer-based assessment: New approaches to skills assessment and implications for large-scale testing. In F. Scheuermann & J. Björnsson (Eds.), JRC Scientific and technical reports. Ispra: Author; Webb, M. (2010). Beginning teacher education and collaborative formative e-assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35, 597–618; EACEA. (2009). National testing of pupils in Europe: Objectives, organisation and use of results. Brussels: Eurydice; OECD. (2010b). Assessing the effects of ICT in education (F. Scheuermann & E. Pedró, Eds.). Paris: JRC, OECD]. Our review of TI is combined with a review of the research concerning the way that practices with technology can support the assessment process. We conclude with a comparison of TI and teacher design research from which we extract the characteristics for a method of TI that can be used to develop technology-enhanced formative assessment: teacher inquiry into student learning. In this review, our primary focus is upon enabling teachers to use technology effectively to inquire about their students’ learning progress
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