1,192 research outputs found

    A geomorphological overview of glacial landforms on the Icelandic continental shelf

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    The availability of a bathymetric database that covers about 80% of the Icelandic shelf has made it possible to produce a geomorphological map of the glacial landforms. The digital elevation model of the bathymetry was analyzed as a series of shaded relief images. Trough edges, bulging trough mouths, moraines, eskers, melt water channels, streamlined bedrock and streamlined drift, mostly hitherto unmapped, distributed all around the island have been identified. Moraines are found on the shelf, within troughs and inside fjords. Streamlined landforms are always confined to the bottom of troughs. Troughs appear to have been cut by ice streams draining an ice sheet that likely covered the entire shelf. At the shelf break, most troughs terminate with contours that bulge in a convex-outwards fashion. This suggests that an ice stream eroded, transported and finally deposited large amounts of sediment at the trough mouth. Overall, the glacial morphology of the shelf highlights a radial pattern that indicates a main ice divide near the centre of Iceland

    A geomorphological overview of glacial landforms on the Icelandic continental shelf

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    The availability of a bathymetric database that covers about 80% of the Icelandic shelf has made it possible to produce a geomorphological map of the glacial landforms. The digital elevation model of the bathymetry was analyzed as a series of shaded relief images. Trough edges, bulging trough mouths, moraines, eskers, melt water channels, streamlined bedrock and streamlined drift, mostly hitherto unmapped, distributed all around the island have been identified. Moraines are found on the shelf, within troughs and inside fjords. Streamlined landforms are always confined to the bottom of troughs. Troughs appear to have been cut by ice streams draining an ice sheet that likely covered the entire shelf. At the shelf break, most troughs terminate with contours that bulge in a convex-outwards fashion. This suggests that an ice stream eroded, transported and finally deposited large amounts of sediment at the trough mouth. Overall, the glacial morphology of the shelf highlights a radial pattern that indicates a main ice divide near the centre of Iceland

    A last glacial ice sheet on the Pacific Russian coast and catastrophic change arising from coupled ice–volcanic interaction

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    Controversy exists over the extent of glaciation in Eastern Asia at the Last Glacial Maximum: complete ice sheet cover vs. restricted mountain icefields (an area discrepancy equivalent to 3.7 Greenland Ice Sheets). Current arguments favour the latter. However, significant last glacial ice-rafted debris (IRD) exists in NW Pacific ocean cores, which must have been sourced from a major ice sheet somewhere bordering the North Pacific. The origin of this IRD is addressed through a combination of marine core analysis, iceberg trajectory modelling and remote sensing of glacial geomorphology. We find compelling evidence for two stages of glaciation centred on the Kamchatka area of maritime southeast Russia during the last glacial, with ice extent intermediate in size between previous maximum and minimum reconstructions. Furthermore, a significant increase in iceberg flux precedes, and accompanies, a substantial marine core ash deposit at around 40ka BP. We speculate that rapid decay of the first stage of the ice sheet may have triggered substantial volcanic activity

    Morphological properties of tunnel valleys of the southern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and implications for their formation

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    Tunnel valleys have been widely reported on the bed of former ice sheets and are considered an important expression of subglacial meltwater drainage. Although known to have been cut by erosive meltwater flow, the water source and development of channels has been widely debated; ranging between outburst flood events through to gradually occurring channel propagation. We have mapped and analysed the spatial pattern and morphometry of tunnel valleys and associated glacial landforms along the southern sector of the former Laurentide Ice Sheet from high-resolution digital elevation models. Around 2000 tunnel valleys have been mapped, revealing an organised pattern of sub-parallel, semi-regularly spaced valleys that form in distinctive clusters. The tunnel valleys are typically <20 km long, and 0.5-3 km wide, although their width varies considerably down-valley. They preferentially terminate at moraines, which suggests that formation is time dependent, while we also observe some tunnel valleys that have grown headwards out of hill-hole pairs. Analysis of cross-cutting relationships between tunnel valleys, moraines and outwash fans permits reconstruction of channel development in relation to the retreating ice margin. This palaeo-drainage reconstruction demonstrates incremental growth of most valleys, with some used repeatedly or for long periods, during deglaciation, while others were abandoned shortly after their formation. Our data and interpretation supports gradual (rather than a single-event) formation of most tunnel valleys with secondary contributions from flood drainage of subglacial and or supraglacially stored water down individual tunnel valleys. The distribution and morphology of tunnel valleys is shown to be sensitive to regional factors such as basal thermal regime, ice and bed topography, timing and climate

    Ice streams in the Laurentide Ice Sheet: identification, characteristics and comparison to modern ice sheets

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    This paper presents a comprehensive review and synthesis of ice streams in the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) based on a new mapping inventory that includes previously hypothesised ice streams and includes a concerted effort to search for others from across the entire ice sheet bed. The inventory includes 117 ice streams, which have been identified based on a variety of evidence including their bedform imprint, large-scale geomorphology/topography, till properties, and ice rafted debris in ocean sediment records. Despite uncertainty in identifying ice streams in hard bedrock areas, it is unlikely that any major ice streams have been missed. During the Last Glacial Maximum, Laurentide ice streams formed a drainage pattern that bears close resemblance to the present day velocity patterns in modern ice sheets. Large ice streams had extensive onset zones and were fed by multiple tributaries and, where ice drained through regions of high relief, the spacing of ice streams shows a degree of spatial self-organisation which has hitherto not been recognised. Topography exerted a primary control on the location of ice streams, but there were large areas along the western and southern margin of the ice sheet where the bed was composed of weaker sedimentary bedrock, and where networks of ice streams switched direction repeatedly and probably over short time scales. As the ice sheet retreated onto its low relief interior, several ice streams show no correspondence with topography or underlying geology, perhaps facilitated by localised build-up of pressurised subglacial meltwater. They differed from most other ice stream tracks in having much lower length-to-width ratios and have no modern analogues. There have been very few attempts to date the initiation and cessation of ice streams, but it is clear that ice streams switched on and off during deglaciation, rather than maintaining the same trajectory as the ice margin retreated. We provide a first order estimate of changes in ice stream activity during deglaciation and show that around 30% of the margin was drained by ice streams at the LGM (similar to that for present day Antarctic ice sheets), but this decreases to 15% and 12% at 12 cal ka BP and 10 cal ka BP, respectively. The extent to which these changes in the ice stream drainage network represent a simple and predictable readjustment to a changing mass balance driven by climate, or internal ice dynamical feedbacks unrelated to climate (or both) is largely unknown and represents a key area for future work to address

    A model for interaction between conduits and surrounding hydraulically connected distributed drainage based on geomorphological evidence from Keewatin, Canada

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    © 2020 Author(s). We identify and map visible traces of subglacial meltwater drainage around the former Keewatin Ice Divide, Canada, from high-resolution Arctic Digital Elevation Model (ArcticDEM) data. We find similarities in the characteristics and spatial locations of landforms traditionally treated separately (i.e. meltwater channels, meltwater tracks and eskers) and propose that creating an integrated map of meltwater routes captures a more holistic picture of the large-scale drainage in this area. We propose the grouping of meltwater channels and meltwater tracks under the term meltwater corridor and suggest that these features in the order of 10s-100sm wide, commonly surrounding eskers and transitioning along flow between different types, represent the interaction between a central conduit (the esker) and surrounding hydraulically connected distributed drainage system (the meltwater corridor). Our proposed model is based on contemporary observations and modelling which suggest that connections between conduits and the surrounding distributed drainage system within the ablation zone occur as a result of overpressurisation of the conduit. The widespread aerial coverage of meltwater corridors (5%-36% of the bed) provides constraints on the extent of basal uncoupling induced by basal water pressure fluctuations. Geomorphic work resulting from repeated connection to the surrounding hydraulically connected distributed drainage system suggests that basal sediment can be widely accessed and evacuated by meltwater

    On the expression and distribution of glacial trimlines: a case study of Little Ice Age trimlines on Svalbard

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    Glacial trimlines are important features for constraining 3-dimensional palaeoglaciological reconstructions, but relatively little is known about the processes of their formation and preservation. A new classification scheme for the expression of glacial trimlines was presented by Rootes and Clark (2020), with the aim to encourage further research into the processes of formation and preservation for trimlines. Here we present the first application of the trimline classification scheme to a case study location in central western Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Little Ice Age trimlines were mapped using remotely sensed imagery and the classification scheme applied. These data are presented and used to examine the factors that may influence the distribution and expression of trimlines in order to explore controls on their formation and preservation. Preliminary analysis suggests that the type of glacier, and geology, particularly the bedrock erodibility, may have an influence over the location and expression of glacial trimlines in Svalbard. These findings open the potential for trimlines to be used as part of diagnostic landsystems for specific types of glacier, such as marine-terminating tidewater glaciers, terrestrial glaciers or surge-type glaciers, and indicates that further research into glacial trimlines may enable these landforms to yield additional information about palaeo-ice masses than has previously been the case

    On the size and shape of drumlins

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    We provide a mechanistic explanation for observed metrics for drumlins, which represent their sizes and shapes. Our explanation is based on a concept of drumlin growth occurring through a process of instability, whereby small amplitude wave forms first grow as ice slides over a bed of deformable sediments, followed by a coarsening process, in which the wavelength as well as the relief of the drumlins continues to grow. The observations then provide inferences about the growth process itself