45,889 research outputs found

    A representative sample of Be Stars I: Sample Selection, Spectral Classification and Rotational Velocities

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    We present a sample of 58 Be stars containing objects of spectral types O9 to B8.5 and luminosity classes III to V. We have obtained 3670 - 5070 Angstrom spectra of the sample which are used to derive spectral types and rotational velocities. We discuss the distribution of spectral types and rotational velocities obtained and conclude that there are no significant selection effects in our sample.Comment: 10 Pages, 9 Figures, Accepted for publication in A&A

    Prospects for transient gravitational waves at r-mode frequencies associated with pulsar glitches

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    t Glitches in pulsars are likely to trigger oscillation modes in the fluid interior of neutron stars. We examined these oscillations specifically at r-mode frequencies. The excited r-modes will emit gravitational waves and can have long damping time scales (minutes - days). We use simple estimates of how much energy the glitch might put into the r-mode and assess the detectability of the emitted gravitational waves with future interferometers

    The nature of 1WGA J1958.2+3232: a new intermediate polar

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    We present low and intermediate resolution spectroscopy of the optical counterpart to the recently discovered pulsating X-ray source 1WGA J1958.2+3232. The presence of strong HI , HeI and HeII emission lines together with the absence of absorption features rules out the possibility that the object is a massive star, as had recently been suggested. The observed X-ray and optical characteristics are consistent with the object being an intermediate polar. The double-peaked structure of the emission lines indicates that an accretion disc is present

    The massive binary population of the starburst cluster Westerlund 1

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    We present initial results from a long-baseline radial velocity survey for massive binaries in the cluster Westerlund 1. Four systems are examined: the dust-producing WC binary W239, the double-lined eclipsing binary W13, and the single-lined B0 supergiants W43a and W3003. Finally, the evolutionary implications for the population of massive stars in Westerlund 1 are discussed

    Disc loss and renewal in A0535+26

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    This paper presents observations of the Be/X-ray binary system A0535+26 revealing the first observed loss of its circumstellar disc, demonstrated by the loss of its JHK infrared excess and optical/IR line emission. However optical/IR spectroscopy reveals the formation of a new inner disc with significant density and emission strength at small radii; the disc has proven to be stable over 5 months in this intermediate state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted by MNRAS, uses mn.st

    Ionisation-induced star formation II: External irradiation of a turbulent molecular cloud

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    In this paper, we examine numerically the difference between triggered and revealed star formation. We present Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of the impact on a turbulent 10^4 solar-mass molecular cloud of irradiation by an external source of ionising photons. In particular, using a control model, we investigate the triggering of star formation within the cloud. We find that, although feedback has a dramatic effect on the morphology of our model cloud, its impact on star formation is relatively minor. We show that external irradiation has both positive and negative effects, accelerating the formation of some objects, delaying the formation of others, and inducing the formation of some that would not otherwise have formed. Overall, the calculation in which feedback is included forms nearly twice as many objects over a period of \sim0.5 freefall times (\sim2.4 Myr), resulting in a star--formation efficiency approximately one third higher (\sim4% as opposed to \sim3% at this epoch) as in the control run in which feedback is absent. Unfortunately, there appear to be no observable characteristics which could be used to differentiate objects whose formation was triggered from those which were forming anyway and which were simply revealed by the effects of radiation, although this could be an effect of poor statistics.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Ampoule sealing apparatus and process

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    An apparatus and process for sealing fused quartz ampoules housing a semiconductor growth charge under vacuum is described. An elongated fused quartz ampoule having an enlarged diameter open end and a reduced diameter closed end is vertically retained in a vacuum assembly. A semiconductor charge is disposed within the reduced diameter portion of the ampoule. A quartz plug of substantially the same diameter as the reduced diameter portion is suspended within the open and of the ampoule via a rotary vacuum feed. After evacuation of the ampoule a plug is lowered into the reduced diameter area and sealed therein while maintaining the vacuum on the ampoule. The charged ampoule area is then separated from the remaining structure by breaking along the scored line

    Radio emission from the massive stars in the Galactic Super Star Cluster Westerlund 1

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    Current mass-loss rate estimates imply that main sequence winds are not sufficient to strip away the H-rich envelope to yield Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. The rich transitional population of Westerlund 1 (Wd 1) provides an ideal laboratory to observe mass-loss processes throughout the transitional phase of stellar evolution. An analysis of deep radio continuum observations of Wd 1 is presented. We detect 18 cluster members. The radio properties of the sample are diverse, with thermal, non-thermal and composite thermal/non-thermal sources present. Mass-loss rates are ~10^{-5} solar mass/year across all spectral types, insufficient to form WRs during a massive star lifetime, and the stars must undergo a period of enhanced mass loss. The sgB[e] star W9 may provide an example, with a mass-loss rate an order of magnitude higher than the other cluster members, and an extended nebula of density ~3 times the current wind. This structure is reminiscent of luminous blue variables, and one with evidence of two eras of high, possibly eruptive, mass loss. Three OB supergiants are detected, implying unusually dense winds. They also may have composite spectra, suggesting binarity. Spatially resolved nebulae are associated with three of the four RSGs and three of the six YHGs in the cluster, which are due to quiescent mass loss rather than outbursts. For some of the cool star winds, the ionizing source may be a companion star though the cluster radiation density is sufficiently high to provide the necessary ionizing radiation. Five WR stars are detected with composite spectra, interpreted as arising in colliding-wind binaries.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    High mass X-ray binaries in the NIRorbital solutions of two highly obscured systems

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    The maximum mass of a neutron star (NS) is poorly defined. Theoretical attempts to define this mass have thus far been unsuccessful. Observational results currently provide the only means of narrowing this mass range down. Eclipsing X-ray binary (XRB) pulsar systems are the only interacting binaries in which the mass of the NS may be measured directly. Only 10 such systems are known to exist, 6 of which have yielded NS masses in the range 1.06 - 1.86 M_{\odot}.We present the first orbital solutions of two further eclipsing systems, OAO 1657-415 and EXO 1722-363, whose donor stars have only recently been identified. Using observations obtained using the VLT/ISAAC NIR spectrograph, our initial work was concerned with providing an accurate spectral classification of the two counterpart stars, leading to a consistent explanation of the mechanism for spin period evolution of OAO 1657-415. Calculating radial velocities allowed orbital solutions for both systems to be computed. These are the first accurate determinations of the NS and counterpart masses in XRB pulsar systems to be made employing NIR spectroscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the proceedings of "The multi-wavelength view of hot, massive stars", 39th Li`ege Int. Astroph. Coll., 12-16 July 201

    The Akulov-Volkov Lagrangian, Symmetry Currents and Spontaneously Broken Extended Supersymmetry

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    A generalization of the Akulov-Volkov effective Lagrangian governing the self interactions of the Nambu-Goldstone fermions associated with spontaneously broken extended supersymmetry as well as their coupling to matter is presented and scrutinized. The resulting currents associated with R-symmetry, supersymmetry and space-time translations are constructed and seen to form a supermultiplet structure.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX; Title, abstract and introduction changes, references adde