7 research outputs found

    Validation of UV spectrophotometric method for telithromycin in pharmaceutical formulations and comparison with HPLC and microbiological assay

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    An ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometric method was developed for the analysis of telithromycin, member of the ketolides, in drug substance and coated tablets. The method validation yielded good results, such as the range, linearity, intra and inter-day precision, accuracy, recovery specificity, and robustness. UV spectrophotometric determinations were performed at 258 nm. Good linearity was obtained between 10.0 and 70.0/ ÎŒg mL. A prospective validation showed that the method is linear (r = 1) with precise relative standard deviation (RSD) of 0.4 %. The intra and inter-day precision values were < 2 % for all samples analyzed. The comparison between UV spectrophotometric, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and microbiological assay showed no significant difference between the methodologies. The proposed method is appropriate for the determination of telithromycin in tablets and can be used in routine quality controlColegio de FarmacĂ©uticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Development and validation of a dissolution test for telithromycin in coated tablets

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    A dissolution test for telithromycin tablets was validated and developed. In order to choose the most discriminatory one, the conditions to carry out are 900 mL of sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7.5, paddles at 50 rpm stirring speed, time test set to 60 min and using USP apparatus 2 with paddles. The UV spectrophotometric method for determination of telithromycin released was developed and validated. The method presents linearity (r = 1) in the concentration range of 20-60 ”g/mL. Precision and recoveries were good, 100.62 and 97.06%, respectively. The method was successfully used for the dissolution test of telithromycin tablets

    Dissolution method for delapril and manidipine combination tablets based on an absorption profile of manidipine

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    The present study describes the development and validation of a dissolution method for delapril (DEL) and manidipine (MAN) combination tablets, using a simulated absorption profile based on in vivo data for MAN. The suitable in vitro dissolution profile for this formulation was obtained using 900 mL of citrate buffer pH 3.2 at 37 °C±0.5 °C as dissolution medium and USP apparatus 2 (paddle) at 75 rpm. All samples were analyzed by a liquid chromatography (LC) method. Under these conditions, a significant linear relationship between the absorbed (calculated by deconvolution approach) and dissolved fractions of MAN was obtained (R=0.997) and an in vivo-in vitro (IVIV) correlation for this particular formulation containing MAN can be established. Validation parameters for dissolution methodology such as the specificity, linearity, accuracy and precision were also evaluated according to the international guidelines, giving results within the acceptable range. Therefore, the proposed dissolution conditions can be applied for the simultaneous release analysis of DEL and MAN from the solid dosage form, contributing to the improvement of the quality control of pharmaceutics and minimizing the number of bioavailability studies

    Gemifloxacin mesylate (GFM) stability evaluation applying a validated bioassay method and in vitro cytotoxic study

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    AbstractThe validation of a microbiological assay applying the cylinder–plate method to determine the quinolone gemifloxacin mesylate (GFM) content is described. Using a strain of Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 as the test organism, the GFM content in tablets at concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 4.5ÎŒgmL−1 could be determined. A standard curve was obtained by plotting three values derived from the diameters of the growth inhibition zone. A prospective validation showed that the method developed is linear (r=0.9966), precise (repeatability and intermediate precision), accurate (100.63%), specific and robust. GFM solutions (from the drug product) exposed to direct UVA radiation (352nm), alkaline hydrolysis, acid hydrolysis, thermal stress, hydrogen peroxide causing oxidation, and a synthetic impurity were used to evaluate the specificity of the bioassay. The bioassay and the previously validated high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method were compared using Student's t test, which indicated that there was no statistically significant difference between these two validated methods. These studies demonstrate the validity of the proposed bioassay, which allows reliable quantification of GFM in tablets and can be used as a useful alternative methodology for GFM analysis in stability studies and routine quality control. The GFM reference standard (RS), photodegraded GFM RS, and synthetic impurity samples were also studied in order to determine the preliminary in vitro cytotoxicity to peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The results indicated that the GFM RS and photodegraded GFM RS were potentially more cytotoxic than the synthetic impurity under the conditions of analysis applied

    Stability-indicating comparative methods using mekc and lc for determination of olmesartan medoxomil

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    A stability-indicating method using MEKC was validated for the analysis of olmesartan medoxomil in tablets. Successful separation was achieved using a fused silica capillary (40 cm x 50 ”m i.d.); background electrolyte consisted of a combination of 10 mmol L-1 borate buffer and 5 mmol L-1 anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (95:5; v/v) pH 6.5; hydrodynamic mode at 50 mBar for 5 s; 25 kV separation voltage at 25 ÂșC; and column temperature 25 ÂșC with detection at 257 nm. The proposed method, validated following ICH guidelines, was applied to the determination of this antihypertensive with good results compared with an LC method