122 research outputs found


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    L' esperienza è quello che passiamo, oppure quello che ci succede, o quello che ci colpisce. Il soggetto dell' esperienza sarebbe come un territorio di passaggio, nel quale quello che passa colpisce in alcun modo. La documentazione pedagogica è veduta come una possibilità di diventare visibile la costruzione della memoria del gruppo di bambini nel suo contesto scolastico, portando i concetti di osservazione, registro e riflessione come azioni struturanti, frarelazionate ed inerenti al processo documentale. Pare passo che l'avvenimento esperienza succede nel contesto scolastico, ne rapporti e interazioni tra bambini-bambini e bambini-adulti, la strategia della documentazione pedagogica si fa importante nel senso di rivisitare, ricordare, rivelare gli apprendimenti dei bambini. PAROLE CHIAVE: Esperienza - Documentazione Pedagogica - Scuola Materna - Contesto Scolastico - BambiniEste trabalho apresenta o conceito de experiência fundamentado em Larrosa (2002, 2004) e a sua articulação com a documentação pedagógica. A experiência é o que nos passa, ou o que nos acontece, ou o que nos toca. O sujeito da experiência seria como um território de passagem, na qual aquilo que passa afeta de algum modo. A documentação pedagógica é vista como uma possibilidade de tornar visível a construção da memória do grupo de crianças em seu contexto escolar, trazendo os conceitos de observação, registro e reflexão como ações estruturantes, inter-relacionadas e inerentes ao processo documentar. Na medida em que o acontecimento experiência ocorre no contexto escolar, nas relações e interações entre criança-criança e crianças-adultos, a estratégia da documentação pedagógica se faz importante no sentido de revisitar, relembrar, revelar as aprendizagens das crianças. PALAVRAS CHAVES: Experiência. Documentação Pedagógica. Educação Infantil. Contexto escolar. Criança

    Seasonal availability of floral resources and ambient temperature shape stingless bee foraging behavior (Scaptotrigona aff. depilis)

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    International audienceAbstractThe foraging success of a bee species is related to a combination of climatic factors and resource availability. Here, we analyzed how food storage by the stingless bee Scaptotrigona aff. depilis relates to the seasonal variation in floral resources availability in a tropical environment with two well-defined seasons. We found a positive relationship between the amount of food stored and resource availability, suggesting that colonies intensify food collection in the season with higher food availability (rainy season). This ensures the perennial state of stingless bee colonies during the dry season (food scarcity and lower ambient temperatures). Bees collected pollen from at least 60 plant species, but food pots were dominated by just nine plants. Additionally, S. aff depilis attempted to unevenly use the plant species for food storage in the rainy season, which indicates that the colonies maximize their food intake as soon as resources are available

    Part I: A systematic review of sampling and motor tasks

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    The purpose of this study was to review the methods used to analyze the kinematics of upper limbs (ULs) of healthy and poststroke adults, namely specificities of sampling and motor tasks. A database of articles published in the last decade was compiled using the following search terms combinations: (“upper extremity” OR “upper limb” OR arm) AND (kinematics OR motion OR movement) AND (analysis OR assessment OR measurement). The articles included in this review (1) had the purpose to analyze objectively a three-dimension kinematics of ULs, (2) studied functional movements or activities of daily living (ADL) involving uppers limbs, and (3) studied healthy and/or poststroke adults. Fourteen articles were included (four studied a healthy sample, three analyzed poststroke patients, and seven examined both poststroke and healthy participants). Most of the recommended demographic and stroke information, such as some pre existing conditions to stroke, initial stroke severity, and stroke location, were not collected by all or most of the articles. Time poststroke onset was presented in all articles but showed great variability. Few articles identified anthropometric characteristics and adjusted task environment to them. Most of the samples were composed mainly by males and had a low mean age, which does not represent poststroke population. Most articles analyzed “functional movements”, namely simulations of ADL. Future research should identify the recommended information to allow an adequate stratification. Acute phase after stroke, real ADL with different complexities, and ipsilesional UL should be studied.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neutral Sterols of Cephalic Glands of Stingless Bees and Their Correlation with Sterols from Pollen

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    Sterols are essential molecules in the membrane lipid composition and precursors of important sterol hormones that regulate many developmental processes. Insects are unable to synthesize sterols de novo and, thus, all phytophagous insects depend on an exogenous source of sterols for growth, development, and reproduction. The sterol requirements of social bees are not fully known due to the fact that there is no well-defined diet available throughout the year with regard to floral resources. Our study aimed to characterize the sterols present in pollen stored in Melipona marginata and Melipona scutellaris colonies, as well as evaluating their presence in the mandibular, hypopharyngeal, and cephalic salivary gland secretions. We analyzed the chemical composition of pollen stored in the colonies and the composition of the cephalic glands of workers in three adult functional phases (newly emerged, nurses, and foragers) by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The results showed that the pollen analyzed contained campesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol, isofucosterol, lanosterol, and small amounts of cholesterol. The glands showed the same compounds found in the pollen analyzed, except lanosterol that was not found in M. scutellaris glands. Surprisingly, cholesterol was found in some glands with relative ratios greater than those found in pollen

    Bionomic Aspects of the Solitary Bee Tetrapedia diversipes Klug, 1810 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Tetrapediini)

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    The study aimed to describe bionomic aspects of Tetrapedia diversipes Klug, 1810 in order to allow the conservation or breeding of these bees. The nesting biology was studied using trap nests made with cardboard-paper tubes and plastic straws during the period between December 2014 and September 2015, in the Bee Unit of the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. A total of 135 nests were obtained with 593 brood cells, from which emerged 448 adults and individuals of two parasitic species. The proportion of females (n = 297) was higher than that of males (n = 151) resulting in a sex ratio of 1.97:1. The total mortality in the nests was 24.45% and the majority of deaths recorded occurred at the pupal stage (33.1%). During their reproductive life, females of this bee species were able to construct up to 16 brood cells. The trap-nests removal and transfer to the laboratory shortly after finished by the bees reduced the attack of natural enemies

    Validade de peso, estatura e IMC referidos por puérperas do estudo Nascer no Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a acurácia das informações de peso pré-gestacional, estatura, índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional e peso na última consulta de pré-natal, segundo características maternas, variáveis sociodemográficas e de pré-natal. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi desenvolvido com dados do questionário face a face e do cartão da gestante (padrão-ouro) do estudo “Nascer no Brasil, 2011–2012”. Para avaliar as diferenças entre as variáveis antropométricas medidas e referidas, utilizou-se o teste de Kruskal-Wallis para as variáveis dividas em quartis. Para as variáveis contínuas, adotou-se o teste de Wilcoxon, gráficos de Bland e Altman, diferença média entre as informações medidas e referidas pelas mulheres. Estimou-se a sensibilidade e o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse. RESULTADOS: No estudo, 17.093 mulheres possuíam cartão de gestante. Observou-se uma subestimação do peso pré-gestacional em 1,51 kg (DP = 3,44) e do índice de massa corporal em 0,79 kg/m2 (DP = 1,72), e superestimação da estatura em 0,75 cm (DP = 3,03) e do peso na última consulta em 0,22 kg (DP = 2,09). Os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse (CCIC) obtidos para as variáveis antropométricas foram: estatura (CCIC = 0,89), peso pré-gestacional (CCIC = 0,96), índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional (CCIC = 0,92) e peso na última consulta (CCIC = 0,98). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que as variáveis antropométricas referidas foram válidas para a população de estudo, e podem ser utilizadas em estudos com populações que tenham características semelhantes.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy of information on pre-gestational weight, height, pre-gestational body mass index, and weight at the last prenatal appointment, according to maternal characteristics and sociodemographic and prenatal variables. METHODS: The study was developed using data from the face-to-face questionnaire and prenatal card (gold standard) of the study “Birth in Brazil, 2011–2012”. To evaluate the differences between the measured and self-reported anthropometric variables, we used the the Kruskal-Wallis test for the variables divided into quartiles. For the continuous variables, we used the Wilcoxon test, Bland-Altman plot, and average difference between the information measured and reported by the women. We estimated sensitivity and the intraclass correlation coefficient. RESULTS: In the study, 17,093 women had the prenatal card. There was an underestimation of pre-gestational weight of 1.51 kg (SD = 3.44) and body mass index of 0.79 kg/m2 (SD = 1.72) andoverestimation of height of 0.75 cm (SD = 3.03) and weight at the last appointment of 0.22 kg (SD = 2.09). The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) obtained for the anthropometric variables were: height (ICC = 0.89), pre-gestational weight (ICC = 0.96), pre-gestational body mass index (ICC = 0.92), and weight at the last appointment (ICC = 0.98). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the mentioned anthropometric variables were valid for the study population, and they may be used in studies of populations with similar characteristics

    Pollen Niche from Tetrapedia diversipes Klug (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Tetrapediini) in a Brazilian Semi-deciduous Lowland Forest

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    Tetrapedia diversipes Klug (Apidae) is a solitary bee with wide geographical distribution. Females of this species usually nest in pre-existing cavities and although their biology is relatively well known, studies on their trophic niche are still scarce. Thus, the present study aimed to identify the plant species used in the diet of immature T. diversipes through the analysis of residual pollen material. The nests used in the study were obtained through the use of trap nests during the period between December 2014 and October 2015, distributed in an area of coastal forest in northeastern Brazil. For the study of the trophic niche, samples of post-emergency residue (feces) from cells of offspring of males (n = 31) and females (n = 66) of T. diversipes were analyzed. In total, 29 pollen types were identified in the feeding of T. diversipes, being of the pollen types identified, only seven were not used by both sexes. Although a significant difference was found in the amplitude in the trophic niche between the sexes, there was a high overlap for Horn-Morisita index (CH = 0.989), with no significant difference being found in the frequency distribution of male and female food items (D = 0.214; p = 0.341). In this study we concluded that the diet of T. diversipes in coastal forest is polyletic, similarly to the pattern found in other studies of pollen resources in different vegetation in Brazil, with a predominance of pollen from the families Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae and Onagraceae

    The allmeet project and the intercultural dialogue between european and russian partners

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    The ALLMEET - «Actions of lifelong learning addressing multicultural education and tolerance in Russia» - is a TEMPUS project in a partnership between six Russian Higher Education and Research Institutions (Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education SAR; Mari State University; Kazan - Volga region - Federal University; Siberian Federal University; Moscow City Pedagogical University; and Northern - Arctic - Federal University), three European universities (Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna, from Italy; Universidade Nova de Lisboa - FCSH/UNL -, from Portugal; and University of Glasgow, UK), and the European Center-Valuation of Prior Learning (Netherlands). The project is coordinated by the partner from University of Bologna and has financial support of the European Commission - TEMPUS project. The wider objective of the project is to support the modernization of Higher Education in Russia, enabling them to play the role of key-actors in promoting actions of Lifelong Learning on topics such as migration, intercultural education and human rights. Pedagogical materials are being produced and intercultural practices will be promoted during the project, aiming to build a common theoretical background on concepts regarding intercultural education and to map the existing knowledge, practices and policies regarding migration and conflict resolution at local, regional and national level. It is a way to respond to challenges regarding ethnic diversity, multilingualism and immigration in the Russian Federation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A inclusão de minorias no desenho de territórios educativos interculturais : reflexões a partir do Projecto ALLMEET

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    Num contexto de diversidade de grupos populacionais em convivência, acelerado pelos processos de globalização das mobilidades, o diálogo intercultural vem-se afirmando como processo educativo de sucesso para o respeito da diversidade e a promoção da coesão social. Considerado uma boa prática da União Europeia (UE), o diálogo intercultural está na base da proposta do projecto ALLMEET, que prevê a implementação de plataformas educativas interculturais em contextos urbanos diferenciados de cinco regiões da Federação Russa. A reflexão e a partilha de experiências no âmbito da rede de trabalho constituída neste projecto conduziu-nos a uma discussão sobre as finalidades educativas e seu enquadramento de grupos minoritários, a criação de territórios educativos prioritários e a interculturalidade em contexto de desigualdades sociais.In a context of sociability of diverse population groups, intercultural dialogue has been affirming as a successful educational idea for the respect of diversity and for the promotion of social cohesion. Considered among the best practices of the European Union, intercultural dialogue is at the basis of the proposal of ALLMEET project, which aims to implement intercultural education platforms in different urban contexts of five regions in Russian Federation. The debate and sharing experiences, within the network constituted in this project, led us to a discussion about educational aims and their framing of minority groups, the creation of priority education territories, and interculturalism in a context of social inequity

    Bionomy and Nesting Behavior of the Bee Epanthidium tigrinum (Schrottky, 1905) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Trap-Nests

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    About 85% of pollinating bees are solitary, but few are used for agricultural pollination. The Anthidiini tribe looks very promising in Brazil, in the light of ecosystem utility, but  it is still a species with poorly scientific research[EdM1] . To fill this gap studies on the bionomics of this species may collaborate on future studies on use of Epanthidium tigrinum as pollinator. Presented research results aims to describe the bionomy and the biological cycle of the bee E. tigrinum (SCHROTTKY, 1905) in pre-existing cavities. Conventional trap-nests inserted in wooden blocks were placed in covered spaces and daily observations of spontaneous nesting as well as individually tagged bees and nests incubated in B.O.D. were carried out during 11 months in Fortaleza-CE. The results showed that the competition with other species of bees for the pre-existing cavities and the lack of food resources or nest building materials are limiting factors for the establishment of E. tigrinum populations. However, once these problems were remedied, the bees showed multivoltine behavior, nesting throughout the experimental period. Data from 16 nests studied showed that bee foraging began on average at 7:50 a.m., foragers collected pollen in the morning and resin in the afternoon, took on average 15 days to complete a nest and there was a negative correlation with the temperature for the number of nests and for the number of cells constructed. The offspring took 43 days for the emergency, presented sexual ratio of 1.2: 1 (n = 66 emerged bees) and a mortality rate of 18.5%. The number of nests constructed per female ranged from 1 to 4 with an average size of 7.97 mm. It is concluded that E. tigrinum shows potential to rational rearing in trap nests aiming crop pollination. [EdM1