89 research outputs found

    Estudo da fauna mamalĂłgica, ornitolĂłgica e malacolĂłgica recolhida nos contextos medievais de Frielas

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    É aqui apresentado o estudo preliminar dos conjuntos faunĂ­sticos compostos por restos osteolĂłgicos de mamĂ­feros e aves, bivalves e gastrĂłpodes, provenientes dos contextos medievais escavados, atĂ© ao ano de 2003 (inclusive), no complexo arqueolĂłgico da villa romana de Frielas. A colecção foi estudada durante o ano de 2004. Uma notĂ­cia preliminar foi jĂĄ disponibilizada na publicação periĂłdica da responsabilidade da cĂąmara de Loures e um segundo momento de divulgação foi o primeiro encontro de arqueologia medieval e moderna realizado em Castelo Novo em Agosto do ano de 20051. O sĂ­tio localiza-se na freguesia com o mesmo nome, no concelho de Loures, e tem vindo a ser intervencionado por uma equipa de arqueologia do Museu Municipal de Loures, sob a coordenação cientĂ­fica de Ana Raquel Silva

    A disaggregated framework for the analysis of structural developments in public finances

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    In this paper, we present a disaggregated framework for the analysis of past and projected structural developments in the most relevant revenue and expenditure categories and the fiscal balance. The framework, in particular, distinguishes between the effects of discretionary fiscal policy and of macroeconomic and other developments and is sufficiently standardised to be used in multi-country studies. Here, it is applied to Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal over the period 1998 to 2004. During this period the structural primary balance ratio clearly worsened in all countries except Finland. In Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, both revenue and expenditure contributed to the deterioration of the structural primary balance. In Germany the large deterioration in revenue was partially offset by the decline in the structural primary expenditure ratio, while the opposite was true for Portugal. The analysis highlights the various factors that contributed to these developments.

    A disaggregated framework for the analysis of structural developments in public finances

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    In this paper, we present a disaggregated framework for the analysis of past and projected structural developments in the most relevant revenue and expenditure categories and the fiscal balance. The framework, in particular, distinguishes between the effects of discretionary fiscal policy and of macroeconomic and other developments and is sufficiently standardised to be used in multi-country studies. Here, it is applied to Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal over the period 1998 to 2004. During this period the structural primary balance ratio clearly worsened in all countries except Finland. In Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, both revenue and expenditure contributed to the deterioration of the structural primary balance. In Germany the large deterioration in revenue was partially offset by the decline in the structural primary expenditure ratio, while the opposite was true for Portugal. The analysis highlights the various factors that contributed to these developments. --Structural budget balance,fiscal forecasting and monitoring,fiscal indicators

    A disaggregated framework for the analysis of structural developments in public finances

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    In this paper, we present a disaggregated framework for the analysis of past and projected structural developments in the most relevant revenue and expenditure categories and the fiscal balance. The framework, in particular, distinguishes between the effects of discretionary fiscal policy and of macroeconomic and other developments and is sufficiently standardised to be used in multi-country studies. Here, it is applied to Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal over the period 1998 to 2004. During this period the structural primary balance ratio clearly worsened in all countries except Finland. In Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, both revenue and expenditure contributed to the deterioration of the structural primary balance. In Germany the large deterioration in revenue was partially offset by the decline in the structural primary expenditure ratio, while the opposite was true for Portugal. The analysis highlights the various factors that contributed to these developments. JEL Classification: H20, H50, H60, E69Fiscal forecasting and monitoring, fiscal indicators, Structural budget balance

    Cuidar o doente crĂ­tico

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    Este relatĂłrio Ă© fruto das experiĂȘncias vivenciadas durante os ensinos clĂ­nicos efectuados na Delegação Regional do Norte do Instituto Nacional de EmergĂȘncia MĂ©dica (INEM) e no Serviço de Cuidados Intensivos CirĂșrgicos (SCIC) do Hospital Pedro Hispano. Privilegia uma reflexĂŁo crĂ­tica tendo por base os objectivos gerais e especĂ­ficos estabelecidos, tendo em conta as implicaçÔes Ă©ticas, legais e sociais dos mesmos e atestando a aptidĂŁo para comunicar de uma forma adequada as conclusĂ”es auferidas. Relata a aquisição e aprofundamento de conhecimentos e competĂȘncias para a assistĂȘncia de Enfermagem ao doente adulto e idoso que vivencia processos de saĂșde/doença crĂ­tica e em falĂȘncia orgĂąnica passĂ­vel de risco de vida, na ĂĄrea de Enfermagem MĂ©dico-CirĂșrgica. O ensino clĂ­nico Ă© um perĂ­odo crucial na formação de enfermeiros. A competĂȘncia sĂł existe quando Ă© aplicada, ou seja, a sua produção cabe Ă  escola e ao local da sua aplicação, tendo este Ășltimo uma intervenção crucial. A realização do ensino clĂ­nico na ĂĄrea da AssistĂȘncia PrĂ©-hospitalar permitiu desenvolver competĂȘncias no domĂ­nio do atendimento, triagem, aconselhamento, selecção e activação dos meios de socorro adequados para situaçÔes de urgĂȘncia/emergĂȘncia ou catĂĄstrofe, bem como a estabilização e o acompanhamento durante o transporte atĂ© Ă  unidade de saĂșde. Com a consciĂȘncia de que as necessidades em cuidados de saĂșde sĂŁo cada vez mais complexas, adoptei uma metodologia de trabalho baseada em protocolos e procedimentos definidos, respeitando as recomendaçÔes internacionais. Assim, os cuidados foram prestados de uma forma adequada, dirigida e especializada, garantindo a qualidade dos mesmos. O ensino clĂ­nico no SCIC permitiu a possibilidade de prestação de cuidados especializados e integrais ao doente com disfunção orgĂąnica, suportando, prevenindo e revertendo falĂȘncias com implicaçÔes vitais, permitindo a prestação de cuidados globais ao doente. Esta unidade facilitou a aquisição de competĂȘncias e aperfeiçoamento na prestação de cuidados ao doente grave em estado crĂ­tico, tido como recuperĂĄvel, com necessidade de uma vigilĂąncia e assistĂȘncia constante por parte das equipas mĂ©dica e de enfermagem. A combinação de conhecimentos, de saber-fazer e de experiĂȘncias e comportamentos exercidos, tanto no contexto do prĂ©-hospitalar como do intensivismo, possibilitaram a aquisição de competĂȘncias na ĂĄrea da especialização atravĂ©s de uma intervenção concertada na ĂĄrea de enfermagem, favorecendo a continuidade dos cuidados e a aquisição de autonomia no desempenho profissional.This report is the result of experiences during the clinical trainings spent in the North Regional Branch of the National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM) and the Department of Surgical Intensive Care (SCIC) of the Hospital Pedro Hispano. The report favours a critical reflection based on the general and specific objectives set, taking into account the ethical, legal and social aspects of them and proving the ability to communicate adequately the conclusions received. Reports the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills for nursing care of adult and elderly patients who experience various health/critical illness and organ failure which can lead to death, in the area of Medical-Surgical Nursing. The clinical training is a crucial period in the training for nurses. The jurisdiction exists only when it is applied, that means, its production is made by the school and by the place where it is applied, the latter having a crucial role. The performance on clinical training at the pre-hospital assistance made possible to develop skills in care, screening, counseling, selection and activation of appropriate means of assistance for emergency and rescue or disaster, and the stabilization and monitoring during transport to the health unit. With the awareness that the needs for health care are increasingly complex, I adopted a work methodology based on protocols and procedures defined, respecting the international recommendations. Thus, the care was provided in an appropriate manner, directed and specialized, ensuring their quality. The clinical training at SCIC allowed the provision of specialized and comprehensive care for patients with organ dysfunction, supporting, preventing and reversing failures with vital implications and enabling the delivery of comprehensive care to the patient. The unit has facilitated the acquisition of skills and training in providing care to critically ill patients in critical condition, believed to be recoverable, requiring a constant monitoring and assistance by teams of medical and nursing staff. The combination of knowledge, know-how and experience and behavior exercised, both within the pre-hospital and in intensive care, made possible the acquisition of skills in the area of specialization through concerted intervention in nursing, promoting continuity of care and the acquisition of autonomy in work performance


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    A presente pesquisa objetiva uma anĂĄlise das relaçÔes entre histĂłria, memĂłria, teatro e sociedade usando como instrumento duas obras do dramaturgo brasileiro Augusto Boal. Murro em ponta de faca (1978) foi escrita durante o perĂ­odo em que Boal ficou exilado em paĂ­ses da AmĂ©rica Latina e da Europa decorrĂȘncia da ditadura civil-militar no Brasil e revela os sofrimentos dos exilados pelos regimes autoritĂĄrios da Ă©poca. JĂĄ Hamlet e o filho do padeiro: memĂłrias imaginadas (2000), outra obra mencionada na pesquisa, reĂșne as memĂłrias do artista acerca de sua infĂąncia, juventude e vida adulta. Entre as memĂłrias de Boal enquanto indivĂ­duo, vemos tambĂ©m as articulaçÔes histĂłricas, polĂ­ticas e sociais que marcaram as escolhas estĂ©ticas do dramaturgo. Pretende-se, portanto, estudar o teatro em conjunto com a memĂłria (a partir dela ou por meio dela) como instrumento de reflexĂŁo e transformação social tal qual era o desejo de Boal.
