11 research outputs found

    A new chronobiological approach to discriminate between acute and chronic depression using peripheral temperature, rest-activity, and light exposure parameters

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    Background: Circadian theories for major depressive disorder have suggested that the rhythm of the circadian pacemaker is misaligned. Stable phase relationships between internal rhythms, such as temperature and rest/activity, and the external day-night cycle, are considered to be crucial for adapting to life in the external environmental. Therefore, the relationship and possible alterations among (i) light exposure, (ii) activity rhythm, and (iii) temperature rhythm could be important factors in clinical depression. This study aimed to investigate the rhythmic alterations in depression and evaluate the ability of chronobiological parameters to discriminate between healthy subjects and depressed patients. Methods: Thirty female subjects, including healthy subjects, depressed patients in the first episode, and major recurrent depression patients. Symptoms were assessed using Hamilton Depression Scale, Beck Depression Inventory and Montgomery-Äsberg Scale. Motor activity, temperature, and light values were determined for 7 days by actigraph, and circadian rhythms were calculated. Results: Depressed groups showed a lower amplitude in the circadian rhythm of activity and light exposure, but a higher amplitude in the rhythm of peripheral temperature. The correlation between temperature and activity values was different in the day and night among the control and depressed groups. For the same level of activity, depressed patients had lowest temperature values during the day. The amplitudes of temperature and activity were the highest discriminant parameters. Conclusions: These results indicate that the study of rhythms is useful for diagnosis and therapy for depressive mood disorders

    Avaliação do acoplamento entre os ritmos atividade-repouso e temperatura cutânea em uma amostra de pacientes deprimidas

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    Distúrbios cronobiológicos na Depressão podem ser explicados pela perda do poder ou estabilidade circadiana observados pela diminuição da amplitude dos ritmos e o maior número de frequências ou ritmos ultradianos (ritmos com períodos menores que 20 horas). A perda da sincronização entre os ritmos pode ser decodificada pelos sistemas fisiológicos como um estressor, capaz de iniciar, acelerar, perpetuar e exacerbar sintomas neuropsiquiátricos, visto que há uma integração de redes rítmicas estruturais e funcionais Métodos Foram avaliadas 10 pacientes com Depressão Maior em seu primeiro episódio, ainda sem uso de medicação antidepressiva, 10 pacientes com Depressão Recorrente em tratamento e 10 controles saudáveis, todas do sexo feminino. O diagnóstico de Transtorno Depressivo foi realizado através do SCID e CID 10. Os sintomas depressivos foram avaliados através das escalas Beck, MADRS e Hamilton. Os ritmos biológicos atividade-repouso e temperatura cutânea foram medidos com o actímetro Act 1.1 durante 7 dias. Também se avaliou a exposição à luz de cada sujeito. Foi utilizado o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para confirmar se as varáveis tinham distribuição normal. Parâmetros de ritmos e diferenças sócio-demográficas foram analisados através de ANOVA/Tukey. O coeficiente de correlação de Rank-Spearman foi utilizado para analisar a correlação entre temperatura e atividade. Para avaliar diferenças nos escores das escalas entre os dois grupos de deprimidas foi utilizado teste t de Student para amostras independentes. Para variáveis categóricas, foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado. Resultados O grupo de deprmidas apresentou amplitude de temperatura mais alta e amplitude de atividade mais baixa do que as controles saudáveis. Também, a correlação entre temperatura e atividade nas deprimidas apresentou maior diferença durante o dia e durante a noite do que nas controles saudáveis. Não houve diferença significativa entre deprimidas no seu primeiro episódio sem medicação e pacientes com Depressão Recorrente com medicação no que se refere à amplitude dos ritmos de temperatura e atividade-repouso. Houve acoplamento dos ritmos estudados nos três grupos Discussão Em nosso estudo, as pacientes depressivas apresentaram maior amplitude de temperatura que indivíduos saudáveis, apesar do uso de antidepressivos; as controles saudáveis demonstraram menos diferença entre os ritmos durante o dia e à noite, o que talvez foi causado pela maior atividade em pessoas saudáveis mascarando o ritmo de temperatura. Outra explicação para o aumento da amplitude circadiana em pacientes depressivas é o aumento do arrastamento pelos zeitgebers externos, provavelmente para a manutenção dos mais robustos zeitgebers -social e biológico - que são essenciais para a vida.Changes of circadian rhythms in Depression may be explained by the loss of power or stability circadian observed by decreasing the amplitude of the rhythms and the higher number of frequencies or ultradian rhythms (rhythms with periods less than 20h). The lack of synchronization between the rhythms can be decoded by physiological systems as a stressor capable of starting, accelerating, perpetuate and exacerbate neuropsychiatric symptoms, since there is an integration of rhythmic structural and functional network Method Were evaluated 10 patients with Major Depression first episode without antidepressant medication, 10 patients with Recurrent Depression treated and 10 voluntary healthy controls, all female. The diagnosis of Depressive Disorder was conducted through the SCID and CID 10. Depressive symptoms were assessed by the Beck, MADRS and Hamilton Depression Scale. The biological rhythms as temperature and activity-rest were measured with the actímetro Act 1.1 for 7 days. Exposure to light also was evaluated. We used the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to confirm if the variables were normal distribution. Parameters of rhythms and socio-demographic differences were analyzed by ANOVA/Tukey. The correlation coefficient of Rank-Spearman was used to analyse the correlation between temperature and activity. To evaluate differences in scores of scales between the two groups of depressed was used Student's t test for independent samples. Chi-square was tsed for categorical variables Results Depressive patients presented higher amplitude of temperature, and lower amplitude of activity than healthy subjects. Also, the correlation between temperature and activity in depressive subjects present higher difference during day and night than healthy subjects. There was no significant difference between depressive patient in the first episode without treatment and depressive patient with Recurrent Depression in relation to amplitude of temperature and activity rhythms Discussion In our sample depressive patients presented higher temperature amplitude that healthy subjects, in spite of the use of antidepressant; the correlation between temperature and activity, healthy subject demonstrated less difference between day and night, than maybe the higher activity in healthy people can mask the temperature rhythm. Another explanation for increase circadian amplitude in depressive patients is the increase of entrainment to by external zeitgebers, probably for the mainttenancy of only robust social and biological zeitgebers that are essential for life

    Avaliação do acoplamento entre os ritmos atividade-repouso e temperatura cutânea em uma amostra de pacientes deprimidas

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    Distúrbios cronobiológicos na Depressão podem ser explicados pela perda do poder ou estabilidade circadiana observados pela diminuição da amplitude dos ritmos e o maior número de frequências ou ritmos ultradianos (ritmos com períodos menores que 20 horas). A perda da sincronização entre os ritmos pode ser decodificada pelos sistemas fisiológicos como um estressor, capaz de iniciar, acelerar, perpetuar e exacerbar sintomas neuropsiquiátricos, visto que há uma integração de redes rítmicas estruturais e funcionais Métodos Foram avaliadas 10 pacientes com Depressão Maior em seu primeiro episódio, ainda sem uso de medicação antidepressiva, 10 pacientes com Depressão Recorrente em tratamento e 10 controles saudáveis, todas do sexo feminino. O diagnóstico de Transtorno Depressivo foi realizado através do SCID e CID 10. Os sintomas depressivos foram avaliados através das escalas Beck, MADRS e Hamilton. Os ritmos biológicos atividade-repouso e temperatura cutânea foram medidos com o actímetro Act 1.1 durante 7 dias. Também se avaliou a exposição à luz de cada sujeito. Foi utilizado o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para confirmar se as varáveis tinham distribuição normal. Parâmetros de ritmos e diferenças sócio-demográficas foram analisados através de ANOVA/Tukey. O coeficiente de correlação de Rank-Spearman foi utilizado para analisar a correlação entre temperatura e atividade. Para avaliar diferenças nos escores das escalas entre os dois grupos de deprimidas foi utilizado teste t de Student para amostras independentes. Para variáveis categóricas, foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado. Resultados O grupo de deprmidas apresentou amplitude de temperatura mais alta e amplitude de atividade mais baixa do que as controles saudáveis. Também, a correlação entre temperatura e atividade nas deprimidas apresentou maior diferença durante o dia e durante a noite do que nas controles saudáveis. Não houve diferença significativa entre deprimidas no seu primeiro episódio sem medicação e pacientes com Depressão Recorrente com medicação no que se refere à amplitude dos ritmos de temperatura e atividade-repouso. Houve acoplamento dos ritmos estudados nos três grupos Discussão Em nosso estudo, as pacientes depressivas apresentaram maior amplitude de temperatura que indivíduos saudáveis, apesar do uso de antidepressivos; as controles saudáveis demonstraram menos diferença entre os ritmos durante o dia e à noite, o que talvez foi causado pela maior atividade em pessoas saudáveis mascarando o ritmo de temperatura. Outra explicação para o aumento da amplitude circadiana em pacientes depressivas é o aumento do arrastamento pelos zeitgebers externos, provavelmente para a manutenção dos mais robustos zeitgebers -social e biológico - que são essenciais para a vida.Changes of circadian rhythms in Depression may be explained by the loss of power or stability circadian observed by decreasing the amplitude of the rhythms and the higher number of frequencies or ultradian rhythms (rhythms with periods less than 20h). The lack of synchronization between the rhythms can be decoded by physiological systems as a stressor capable of starting, accelerating, perpetuate and exacerbate neuropsychiatric symptoms, since there is an integration of rhythmic structural and functional network Method Were evaluated 10 patients with Major Depression first episode without antidepressant medication, 10 patients with Recurrent Depression treated and 10 voluntary healthy controls, all female. The diagnosis of Depressive Disorder was conducted through the SCID and CID 10. Depressive symptoms were assessed by the Beck, MADRS and Hamilton Depression Scale. The biological rhythms as temperature and activity-rest were measured with the actímetro Act 1.1 for 7 days. Exposure to light also was evaluated. We used the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to confirm if the variables were normal distribution. Parameters of rhythms and socio-demographic differences were analyzed by ANOVA/Tukey. The correlation coefficient of Rank-Spearman was used to analyse the correlation between temperature and activity. To evaluate differences in scores of scales between the two groups of depressed was used Student's t test for independent samples. Chi-square was tsed for categorical variables Results Depressive patients presented higher amplitude of temperature, and lower amplitude of activity than healthy subjects. Also, the correlation between temperature and activity in depressive subjects present higher difference during day and night than healthy subjects. There was no significant difference between depressive patient in the first episode without treatment and depressive patient with Recurrent Depression in relation to amplitude of temperature and activity rhythms Discussion In our sample depressive patients presented higher temperature amplitude that healthy subjects, in spite of the use of antidepressant; the correlation between temperature and activity, healthy subject demonstrated less difference between day and night, than maybe the higher activity in healthy people can mask the temperature rhythm. Another explanation for increase circadian amplitude in depressive patients is the increase of entrainment to by external zeitgebers, probably for the mainttenancy of only robust social and biological zeitgebers that are essential for life

    A new chronobiological approach to discriminate between acute and chronic depression using peripheral temperature, rest-activity, and light exposure parameters

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    Background: Circadian theories for major depressive disorder have suggested that the rhythm of the circadian pacemaker is misaligned. Stable phase relationships between internal rhythms, such as temperature and rest/activity, and the external day-night cycle, are considered to be crucial for adapting to life in the external environmental. Therefore, the relationship and possible alterations among (i) light exposure, (ii) activity rhythm, and (iii) temperature rhythm could be important factors in clinical depression. This study aimed to investigate the rhythmic alterations in depression and evaluate the ability of chronobiological parameters to discriminate between healthy subjects and depressed patients. Methods: Thirty female subjects, including healthy subjects, depressed patients in the first episode, and major recurrent depression patients. Symptoms were assessed using Hamilton Depression Scale, Beck Depression Inventory and Montgomery-Äsberg Scale. Motor activity, temperature, and light values were determined for 7 days by actigraph, and circadian rhythms were calculated. Results: Depressed groups showed a lower amplitude in the circadian rhythm of activity and light exposure, but a higher amplitude in the rhythm of peripheral temperature. The correlation between temperature and activity values was different in the day and night among the control and depressed groups. For the same level of activity, depressed patients had lowest temperature values during the day. The amplitudes of temperature and activity were the highest discriminant parameters. Conclusions: These results indicate that the study of rhythms is useful for diagnosis and therapy for depressive mood disorders