8 research outputs found

    Brownfield redevelopment as a measure for climate changes mitigation

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    This paper explores brownfield renewal as a measure of sustainable land use. The aim was to highlight the brownfield redevelopment as a strategy for mitigation of negative effects of climate changes. Emphasis was put on innovative concepts in brownfield redevelopment, which involve land recycling, application of ecological and sustainable solutions. Main case studies are from Austria. Their analysis and evaluation show which concepts and strategies are used in successful redevelopment projects, and which strategies give the best results. This shows that brownfield renewal can have positive effects on regulation and mitigation of climate changes. Finally, guidelines for climate changes accountable and redevelopment will be derived. Research methodology is qualitative and combined, comprising of data analysis, case studies (field work, interviews with relevant actors), analysis of case studies and evaluation according to previously defined criteria, synthesis of results and generalisation and interpretation of results

    Aktivacija nekadašnjih industrijskih područja: Kreativni i civilni sektor kao glavni akteri prevladavanja institucionalnih ograničenja u Srbiji

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    The subject of the research is the reuse of former industrial areas through innovative and bottom-up initiatives. These approaches have already been applied in other countries and are gradually emerging in Serbia, while facing several limitations. The first hypothesis is that the institutional framework and the existing policy for activation of these locations in Serbia are inadequate. The second hypothesis is that initiatives of the civil and creative sector can improve the results of the activation of former industrial buildings. The task was to investigate the practice of the activation in Serbia, to examine the limitations of this process and to indicate the possibilities for its improvement. Research methodology is qualitative and it involved interviews with relevant actors. The research focused on two case studies from Serbia: 1. Former brick factory complex - Trudbenik in Belgrade, and 2. Former industrial complex Kineska četvrt in Novi Sad. The research has shown that limitations in the institutional framework for the activation of former industrial buildings in Serbia could be overcome through a greater inclusion of non-institutional initiatives. The research resulted with an identification of guidelines aiming to introduce these innovations in urban development process.Predmet istraživanja ponovna je upotreba nekadašnjih industrijskih područja, kroz inovativne, bottom-up inicijative. Takvi se pristupi već primjenjuju u razvijenim zemljama i postepeno se pojavljuju i u Srbiji, suočavajući se s brojnim ograničenjima. Prva je hipoteza da su institucionalni okvir i postojeća politika aktivacije takvih lokacija u Srbiji neadekvatni. Druga je hipoteza da inicijative civilnog i kreativnog sektora mogu unaprijediti rezultate aktivacije nekadašnjih industrijskih područja. Zadatak je bio ispitati praksu aktivacije u Srbiji, ispitati ograničenja tog procesa i ukazati na mogućnosti za njegovo unapređenje. Metodologija je istraživanja kvalitativna i uključivala je intervjue s relevantnim akterima. Istraživanje se fokusiralo na dvije studije slučaja iz Srbije: 1. kompleks nekadašnje ciglane Trudbenik u Beogradu i 2. nekadašnji industrijski kompleks Kineska četvrt u Novom Sadu. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ograničenja u institucionalnom okviru za aktivaciju nekadašnjih industrijskih objekata u Srbiji mogu biti prevladana kroz veću uključenost neinstitucionalnih inicijativa. Istraživanje je rezultiralo identifikacijom preporuka čiji je cilj uvođenje tih inovacija u proces planiranja urbanog razvoja


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    Abstract. The aim of this research was to examine the role of creative and civil initiatives in the transformation of former industrial sites in the Czech Republic, to indicate positive effects of this approach, as well as to identify limitations and offer recommendations. Research is based on two hypotheses. Based on the evidence of monuments left to decay, being demolished or inadequately used by dominantly commercial interests, the first hypothesis is that the complexity of the re-use of heritage requires new, innovative approaches. Second hypothesis is that, since the creative use of former industrial sites can contribute to the city and its residents trough several significant aspects, it should play a more important role in urban planning and heritage management. This paper is a result of the qualitative research based on observation of the phenomenon of the activation of former industrial buildings and establishing the relationship with theoretical concepts. Key words: urban regeneration, identity, community, publi

    Re-use of derelict industrial sites: Opportunities for regeneration of industrial heritage in Pancevo, Serbia

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    Subject of the paper is industrial heritage and its regeneration. Emphasis has been put on industrial objects that have lost their primary function and now have historical, social and architectural value. Condition and problems of industrial heritage were discussed through the example of Pancevo, one of the first and biggest industrial cities in Serbia. Aim was to examine the current policy and practice in redevelopment and investigate in which way and to what extent can good examples from the international practice be applied to Pancevo. Findings of the research are given through set of recommendations, discussed through four themes: 1) culture-led regeneration - development of cultural activities in former industrial buildings, 2) industrial heritage as a tool for improving the ecological image of the city, 3) industrial heritage as a potential for development of tourism, 4) heritage as a potential for economic development. Value of paper lies in drawing attention on significance of the industrial heritage and problem of its dereliction, and investigation of application of international models on Serbian situation. As one of the biggest industrial cities in the region, Pancevo can serve as a model not only for Serbia, but also for cities in other countries that are in similar situation

    Utjecaj urbane regeneracije na industrijsko nasljeđe i lokalnu zajednicu – Studija slučaja: Leeds, UK

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    The paper examines the current policy, practices and the outcome of urban regeneration in Leeds, with a special focus on the industrial heritage of the city. It uses a critical and analytical problem-oriented approach. Due to its architectural, social, historical and technological significance, industrial heritage is a recognised factor of the identity of many cities today and is often associated with interests of the local community. As a former industrial city, Leeds has a number of unused industrial buildings and a lot of potential for developing on this base. Still, as the research shows, regeneration projects mostly focus on the promotion of commercial facilities and attempt to attract primarily tourists, students and young professionals to the city. Regeneration causes effects such as gentrification, lack of public facilities and the local community involvement and the loss of the sense of place. Some examples of alternative projects in Leeds are researched and different approaches to the city development suggested. A holistic and integral approach, oriented towards the needs of the local community is recognised as a possible direction for the future development.U radu se ispituju tekuća politika, praksa i rezultati urbane regeneracije u Leedsu, s posebnim naglaskom na industrijskoj baštini grada. Ovo je pregledni rad s kritičkim i analitičkim pristupom orijentiranim na problem. Zbog svog arhitektonskog, socijalnog, povijesnog i tehnološkog značaja, industrijska baština je prepoznata kao značajna u identitetu mnogih gradova i danas je često povezana s interesima lokalne zajednice. Kao bivši industrijski grad, Leeds ima niz neiskorištenih industrijskih zgrada i mnogo potencijala za razvoj na toj bazi. Ipak, kao što je istraživanje pokazalo, projekti regeneracije se fokusiraju na poticanje komercijalnih funkcija, te se u grad pokušavaju privući prvenstveno turisti, studenti i mladi profesionalci. Regeneracija uzrokuje gentrifikaciju, nedostatak javnih objekata i angažmana lokalne zajednice, kao i gubitak karaktera prostora. Neki primjeri alternativnih projekata u Leedsu su istraženi i predloženi su mogući drugačiji pristupi razvoju grada. Holistički i integralni pristup, orijentiran prema potrebama lokalne zajednice je prepoznat kao mogući pravac u kom bi se razvoj trebao kretati

    The Role of Bottom-up Initiatives in Waterfront Development in Venice, Italy. Case Study: The Venetian Arsenal

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    The paper explores the process of redevelopment of Venetian waterfront areas through the initiatives of the local civil and creative sector. The important aspect of the research is the investigation of the role of these initiatives in protecting the heritage and the common good from the dominantly commercial development and unsustainable forms of tourism. The hypothesis is that non-institutional initiatives have the capacity, as well as the need to protect and use underused heritage buildings, and that they can influence and improve the results of the activation of these places through providing the innovations that would contribute to adapting the current planning practice. The research methodology is qualitative and combined: the main research method was a case study of policy and practice related to the activation of the Venetian Arsenal. The research consisted of the review of previous research and literature, field work at the chosen location, participating in events related to the research topic, meetings with experts and interviews with relevant actors. The aims of the research were: to investigate the current policy and practice regarding the activation of unused waterfront sites; to explore the role of bottom-up initiatives in this process; to examine how the existing institutional framework relates to such innovative initiatives; and to examine the limitations of this process and the possibilities for its improvement.Rad istražuje proces prenamjene priobalnih područja u Veneciji kroz inicijative lokalnoga civilnog i kreativnog sektora. Važan aspekt istraživanja predstavlja ispitivanje uloge ovih inicijativa u zaštiti baštine i zajedničkog dobra od dominantno komercijalnog razvoja i neodrživih oblika turizma. Hipoteza je da neinstitucionalne inicijative imaju kapacitet i potrebu da štite i koriste neiskorištene objekte kulturne baštine, i da mogu unaprijediti rezultate aktivacije ovih prostora, kroz osiguravanje inovacija koje doprinose prilagodbi postojeće planerske prakse. Metodologija istraživanja je kvalitativna i mješovita: glavna istraživačka metoda je studija slučaja politike i prakse aktivacije Venecijanskog Arsenala. Istraživanje se sastojalo od pregleda prethodnih istraživanja i literature, terenskog rada na odabranoj lokaciji, sudjelovanja u događanjima povezanim s temom istraživanja, kao i od sastanaka s ekspertima i intervjua s relevantnim akterima. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su sljedeći: istražiti postojeću politiku i praksu aktivacije neiskorištenih lokacija u priobalju; istražiti ulogu ‘bottom-up’ inicijativa u ovom procesu; istražiti kako se postojeći institucionalni okvir odnosi prema ovim inicijativama i ispitati ograničenja ovog procesa i mogućnosti za njegovo unaprjeđenje

    Heritage making through community archaeology and the spatial humanities

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    The archaeology of postindustrial landscapes is still relatively undeveloped. The impact of economic, social, and urban development efforts on both tangible and intangible heritage complicate our attempts to understand these places. Despite this, integrating heritage practice and promotion into the regeneration of a postindustrial landscape continues to grow in popularity. Within this context, genuine public-expert collaboration is the most effective means towards developing a sustainable compromise between protecting community heritage values and fostering economic development and regeneration. In this paper, we suggest three broad categories of challenges for studying and promoting heritage in postindustrial regions – physical, social, and political – and propose a digital data-focused geospatial approach to how community archaeologists and heritage specialists may overcome these challenges. We argue that coupling this data and technology with a robust research agenda and public programming can serve as a crucial two-way link, enabling long-term sustainable heritage-promotion and protection in post-industrial communities