11 research outputs found

    The British Army, information management and the First World War revolution in military affairs

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    Information Management (IM) – the systematic ordering, processing and channelling of information within organisations – forms a critical component of modern military command and control systems. As a subject of scholarly enquiry, however, the history of military IM has been relatively poorly served. Employing new and under-utilised archival sources, this article takes the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) of the First World War as its case study and assesses the extent to which its IM system contributed to the emergence of the modern battlefield in 1918. It argues that the demands of fighting a modern war resulted in a general, but not universal, improvement in the BEF’s IM techniques, which in turn laid the groundwork, albeit in embryonic form, for the IM systems of modern armies. KEY WORDS: British Army, Information Management, First World War, Revolution in Military Affairs, Adaptatio


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    This paper documents the impact of siblings on the education of men and women born in the United States between 1920 and 1965. We examine the effect of the number and sex composition of a boy or girl's siblings on that child's educational attainment. We find that throughout the century women's educational choices have been systematically affected by the sex composition of her siblings, and that men's choices have not. Women raised only with brothers have received on average significantly more education than women raised with any sisters, controlling for household size. Since sibling sex composition affects women's educational attainment and plausibly may be unrelated to other determinants of earnings, it may provide a useful instrument for education in earnings functions for women. Our results suggest that standard estimates significantly underestimate the return to schooling for women

    Avaliação da composição corporal, nível de hemoglobina e perfil nutricional de atletas de handebol

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    Estudou-se uma equipe feminina de handebol, composta por 14 atletas com idade entre 12 e 14 anos, com o objetivo de avaliar o estado nutricional, através do IMC, composição corporal, níveis de hemoglobina e hábitos alimentares. Foi utilizado como instrumento uma balança digital, marca Filizolla, de plataforma com capacidade máxima para 150 Kg e uma fita métrica francesa com subdivisão 0,1cm, para avaliar a massa corporal e a estatura; o compasso de dobras cutâneas Lange, escala de 65mm e precisão de + 1mm, para avaliar a composição corporal; o exame de sangue para dosagem da hemoglobina e um questionário de freqüência alimentar, para avaliar a dieta habitual. Resultados: Os resultados indicaram que 85,71% das atletas avaliadas eram eutróficas. Na composição corporal, o percentual de gordura foi de 24%. O IMC apresentou uma correlação significativa com o percentual de gordura nas atletas. A prevalência de anemia entre as atletas avaliadas foi de 14,29%. A dieta habitual demonstrou-se inadequada, embora se verifique a presença de todos os grupos alimentares, destacando-se o grupo dos cereais, leguminosas (feijão) e frutas (na forma de sucos); os vegetais foram os alimentos menos consumidos pelas atletas; enquanto chocolate, doces e balas foram consumidos diariamente por mais da metade do grupo. Conclusão: Apesar da ingestão alimentar ser bastante variada, a dieta das atletas estudadas apresentou-se inadequada, constatando se a necessidade de acompanhamento nutricional especializado, tendo em vista a manutenção da saúde e a melhoria da performance


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    First flavor-tagged determination of bounds on mixing-induced CP violation in B-s(0)-> J/psi phi decays

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    Direct search for Dirac magnetic monopoles in pbarppbar{p} collisions at sqrts=1.96sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV

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