29 research outputs found

    Spatial Aggregation in Scenario Tree Reduction

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    The solution of a multistage stochastic programming problem needs a suitable representation of uncertainty which may be obtained through a satisfactory scenario tree construction. There is a trade-off between the level of accuracy in the description of the stochastic component and the computational tractability of the resulting scenario-based problem. In order to face such a trade-off which plays a crucial role in the determination of the optimal solution, we discuss methods that allow progressive reductions of a given scenario tree by means of spatial aggregation. In this process it is important to take into account the choice of proper aggregation criteria in order to try to preserve all the relevant information

    An innovative method for the purification of anthocyanins from grape skin extracts by using liquid and sub-critical carbon dioxide

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    This work describes a new and innovative method for the purification of anthocyanins from grape skin extracts as liquid matrix (LM), by using carbon dioxide (CO2). The LM was obtained by extraction of anthocyanins from grape skins using a water/ethyl alcohol solution acidified with 0.2% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). The CO2 purification process produced a desired fraction (F1) containing pure anthocyanins, and a second fraction (F2) containing ethyl alcohol and other components of the grape skins. An yield of anthocyanin of about 85%, with respect to the starting overall anthocyanin content, was obtained under the following optimized process conditions: pressure 100–130 bar; temperature 30–40 ◦C; pH of LM 2–4; percentage of ethyl alcohol in the LM 25–30%; CO2 flow rate 25–50 ml/min; LM flow/CO2 flow ratio 3–10%. We have also demonstrated that the purification process allowed to eliminate ethyl alcohol from the anthocyanin extract without any thermal or chemical degradation, obtaining a high added value product which maintains its anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity unchanged