29 research outputs found

    The Effect of Experiment-Based Discovery Learning Model on Psychomotor Learning Outcomes in Static Fluid Materials

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    This study aims to determine the differences in psychomotor learning outcomes of students using discovery learning models and problem-based learning (PBL) models in static fluid physics materials. The research location was conducted at SMAN 1 Boliyohuto for the 2021/2022 academic year in classes XI IPA type 1 and XI IPA type 2, each with 15 students. The research method used is quasi-experimental in the experimental class and the control class. The independent variable in this learning model is the discovery learning model. In contrast, the dependent variable is the results of students' psychomotor learning through observation sheets. Based on the analysis results, there were differences in student learning outcomes by applying the experimental-based discovery learning model to the PBL model. The control class scores were higher than the experimental class score

    Pendampingan Pendalaman Materi dan Pelatihan Pengembangan Konten Pembelajaran IPA Bagi Guru-Guru IPA di Desa Huntu Kecamatan Batudaa

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    Thematic Work Lecture Program of Building Village aims to train teachers in Batuda'a Subdistrict to be able to develop IPA learning content. Through this program, it is expected that field guidance lecturers and students will jointly collaborate to help teachers in developing IPA learning content. In addition, with the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program, Thematic Village Building students are expected to plunge into society, interact, socialize, and cooperate with the community. In this program, activities will be focused on training and fostering teachers in Batuda'a Sub-District to be able to develop IPA learning content. This activity was held in Huntu Village, Batudaa Subdistrict, Gorontalo Regency, and was integrated with Real Work Lecture (KKN), Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Gorontalo State University (UNG) in 2021. This activity is supported directly by the Huntu Village apparatus, led by the Huntu Village Chief as a partner in this program.


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    Improving Student Results At Science Learning Magnetism Concept Through Model Inquiri in Class V Elementary School I Kaliyoso Kecamatan Bongomeme. About problem in this research (a) is model inquiri learning on magnetism concept can increase student studying result, (b), how student activity on inquiri learning, to reach good result, notably on magnetism concept at class V SDN 1 Kaliyoso Kecamatan Bongomeme there is even that as aim in obevational it, ti increase studying result and student activity via inkuiri learning one that as sample in observational it is student class V total one 28 person, 16 daughters and 12 son. This observational method utilize action research method brazes (PTK). Via preparation phase/observation, action performing phase, watch and evaluation what do happen deep 2 cycles and its result be described through phase analisis datas. Action observational result ones at analisis bases cycle 1 and 2 become step-ups namely of 46,4% gets one assesses to be more than 65 and absorbing powers 65 worked up as 92% by absorbing powers 66% thus can at concludes that inquiri Learningcan increase student studying result


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    Dalam gelombang datar dari partikel yang bertenaga tunggal, sesudah melewati potensial penghambur, akan keluar menjadi gelombang yang bersifat radial sentral, dan untuk menurunkan fungsi gelombang yang terhambur dapat menggunakan persamaan schrodinger. Banyakknya partikel yang terhambur dengan sudut keluar dari potensial V sebesar dw sebanding dengan keboleh jadian menemukan partikel atau rapat partikel r dan luasnya. Sehingga banyaknya partikel yang terhambur persatuan sudut ruang disebut tambang lintang hamburan ( crossection ). Penyelesaian persamaan schrodinger secara superposisi dapat lebih lengkap. Pada fungsi gelombang radial dapat dicontohkan dalam koordinat bola yaitu hamburan partikel pada potensial bentuk sentral sumur

    The Effect of Discovery Learning Based on Blended Learning on Student Learning Outcomes at SMA Negeri 1 Boliyohuto

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the blended learning-based discovery learning model on student learning outcomes on sound waves. This research was conducted in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The research method is an experiment using one experimental class and two replication classes. This research was carried out in SMA Negeri 1 Boliyohuto in class XI IPA 1 with a total of 25 students, class XI IPA 2 with a total of 26 students, and class XI IPA 4 with a total of 27 students. The data collection of learning outcomes is based on the test results. Research data analysis using normality test, hypothesis testing, and n-gain test. Based on hypothesis testing, the experimental class obtained tcount 5.97 and ttable 2.78, replication class 1 obtained tcount 7.76 and ttable 2.77, and replication class 2 obtained tcount 6.25 and ttable 2.77. The hypothesis from the three classes H0 received because tcount>ttable. It influences the blended learning-based discovery learning model on student learning outcomes on sound wave material with high n-gain


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan dari pengaruh teknik pembelajaran Probing-Prompting dengan media simulasi berbantuan PhET terhadap hasil belajar siswa dengan model pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing berbantuan alat peraga pada percobaan sederhana pada materi gelombang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Lolak menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan design Posttest Only Control Group Design, dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 2 kelas yaitu kelas XI MIA 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan teknik pembelajaran Probing-Prompting berbantan media simulasi PhET dan kelas pembanding yaitu XI MIA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol menggunakan model Inkuiri Terbimbing berbantuan alat peraga pada percobaan sederhana. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu tes hasil belajar dengan 8 butir soal dalam bentuk tes uraian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji-t. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah t_hitungĀ  = 3,36 lebih dari t_tabelĀ  = 1,69, maka kesimpulannya terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan teknik pembelajaran Probing-Prompting berbantuan media PhET dengan model pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing berbantuan alat peraga sederhana

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pengolahan Bahan Baku Ikan Tuna Menjadi Abon Ikan Untuk Mendukung Parawisata Lokal Di Desa Langgula Kecamatan Batudaa Pantai Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengolahan abon ikan pada kelompok usaha merupakan usaha untuk memaksimalkan kemampuan dari masyarakat dalam mengembangkan individu melalui kelompok agar dapat mencapai kesejahteraan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yaitu agar masyarakat, khususnya pelaku usaha dapat membuat olahan ikan menjadi abon dengan cita rasa yang berbeda dari abon lain. Dalam hal pemberdayaan kelompok usaha terhadap individu atau anggota diharapkan dapat memanajemen keuangan, memanfaatkan sumber daya manusia, dan inovasi dalam pemasaran. Dengan dilaksanakannya kegiatan ini diharapkan masyarakat dapat membuat olahan ikan menjadi abon dengan rasa yang berbeda dari abon yang lain, serta menambah wawasan mengenai faktor penting dalamkolompok usaha sehingga tercapai suatu kesejahteraan.