16 research outputs found

    Formulasi Sirup Analgesik Ekstrak Etanol Daun Songgolangit (Tridax procumbens L.)

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    ABSTRACTThe aims of this research were to testing the quality of songgolangit leaves ethanol extractanalgesic syrup. Songgolangit leaves ethanol extract analgesic syrup were make with 3various concentrations of active substances which are 40%, 50%, 60% and the quality weretesting. The outcome of quality testing of songgolangit leaves ethanol extract syrup has agood homogeneity. On organoleptic test, songgolangit leaves ethanol extract syrup wassmelling like extract, has a bitter taste, and colored yellow. The pH of songgolangit leavesethanol extract syrup be on the maximum stability which are on 5-7 pH. The average ofcastings time be on the similliar values with the positif control that become a parameter.Key words : analgesic, Tridax procumbens L

    Inovasi Dan Desain Turbin Hidrokinetik Darrieus Berdasarkan Bentuk Distribusi Kecepatan Aliran

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    Darrieus turbine use blades with a hydrofoil shape, so the rotational ability is influenced by lift force. This caused the initial rotation capability to be very low when compared to the drag turbine type. The flow velocity distribution in the vertical direction indicates a small cross-sectional speed of flow approaching the base of the flow channel, then rising towards the surface. Darrieus Spinning Top turbine is the result of innovation and design based on the concept of flow velocity distribution. Darrieus Spinning Top turbine’s blade shapes are circular-arc and straight-line, adjusting flow velocity distribution of 0.2H, 0.6H and 0.8H from the top of the turbine. In this study, a performance comparison was conducted between Darrieus turbine and Spinning Top Darrieus. Darrieus turbines produce RPM and torque values of 54.59 – 67.90 and 0.014 – 0.029 Nm, respectively. Darrieus Spinning Top turbines produce RPM values and torque of 69.24 – 82.02 and 0.012 – 0.020 Nm respectively. RPM improvements in Darrieus Spinning Top turbine design increase the influence of lift force (increased λ value). This results in a high lap rate, but requires a high self starting to perform the turbine rotation cycle

    Special Education Teacher Education Learning Packages to Increase Knowledge for Sustainable Development

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    This research aims to develop an instructional package of Education for Sustainable Development to improve the knowledge of teachers of Special Education about Education for Sustainable Development. The implementation of research in special schools that provide education for mentally disabled students in the East Jakarta area. The research method uses R & D with the development model of Dick and Carey (2009). The sample of the research were teachers of special education who provided learning for mentally disabled students in the East Jakarta area totaling 70 teachers. The sampling technique uses random sampling techniques. Product output is a knowledge textbook of Education for Sustainable Development. The research results show that knowledge books of Education for Sustainable Development can improve teacher knowledge about Education for Sustainable Development

    Survei Pendahuluan Biaya Tambahan Peserta BPJS Kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Faskes BPJS Kesehatan di Jabodetabek

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    Background: In many countries, universal health coverage rarely runs well in its first year of implementation. In this case, Indonesia is not an exception. The Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN/National Health Security) program in its first year of implementation found numerous operational obstacles. This survey investigated the presence an additional costs* paid by patient of BPJS to Health Service Provider in Jabodetabek during JKN implementation. Methodology: We conduct a face-to-face interview to 200 JKN patients in 20 hospitals in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) who have just received health care treatment. Results: From 200 patients, thirty seven (18.5%) paid additional cost for their health care. Ironically, additional costs are also found in public hospitals where JKN patients must pay for drugs. Twenty five JKN patients in private hospitals also pay additional costs for drugs, laboratory, medical equipment, radiology, procedures, and other services. All types of membership experienced additional cost including Premium Subsidy Recipient (PBI/the poor). In total, additional costs for inpatient care exceeds those of outpatient care. Conclusions: from 5 JKN patients, at least one must pay additional cost for their health treatment. Patients felt these additional costs as problems. In response to JKN proposal to implement cost sharing for certain health service, 87% JKN patients expressed their support. From those who supported, 65% prefer fixed-price cost sharing.Recommendation: We recommend a national scale in-depth study to obtain comprehensive inputs on cost sharing arrangements. Latar belakang: Tidak ada Universal Health Coverage yang pertama kali berjalan langsung sempurna. Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) yang belum genap berusia satu tahun ternyata juga mengalami ketidaksesuaian implementasi di lapangan.Survei ini menyelidiki kesesuaian implementasi JKN dari sisi ada/tidaknya biaya tambahan yang dibayarkan oleh Peserta BPJS Kesehatan di RS wilayah Jabodetabek. Metodologi: Wawancara tatap muka mengenai pengalaman dan usulan menggunakan kuesioner kepada 200 responden yang baru saja mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan di 20 Rumah Sakit Faskes BPJS Kesehatan di Jabodetabek. Hasil: Sebanyak 37 responden dari total 200 responden (18,5%) ditemukan membayar biaya tambahan.Ironinya, biaya tambahan ini juga terjadi di Rumah Sakit milik Pemerintah.Semua biaya tambahan di RS Pemerintah merupakan biaya tambahan obat. Sedangkan biaya tambahan di RS Swasta dialami oleh 25 responden, meliputi biaya tambahan obat, laboratorium, alat kesehatan, radiologi, tindakan, dan biaya di poli. Biaya tambahan ini dialami oleh semua jenis kepesertaan, termasuk peserta PBI, sebanyak 4peserta PBI membayar biaya tambahan di RS milik Pemerintah, 3 peserta PBI membayar di RS Swasta. Biaya tambahan pada rawat inap lebih besar daripada biaya tambahan pada rawat jalan.Peruntukan terbesar biaya tambahan adalah biaya tambahan obat.Kesimpulan: Satu dari lima peserta JKN membayar biaya tambahan di RS Faskes wilayah Jabodetabek. Biaya tambahan tersebut memberatkan dan masalah bagi mayoritas responden. Namun dari sisi usulan apabila nantinya JKN ingin menerapkan biaya tambahan pada jenis pelayanan tertentu, maka 87% dari total responden menunjukkan respons positif, yang terbanyak memilih bentuk urun biaya nominal tetap (64,5%). Rekomendasi: Survei ini merekomendasikan dilakukannya indepth study dengan skala nasional untuk mendapatkan masukan yang lebih komprehensif mengenai urun biaya pada jenis pelayanan apa saja dalam JKN

    Collaboration in Education Services for Children with Special Needs Inclusive School

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    Based on the observations and explanations of special guidance teachers in schools, inclusive education providers that the form of collaboration between teachers and stakeholders is still diverse. In general, this study aims to find out and obtain information about the implementation of collaboration between teachers and stakeholders in education services for children with special needs in schools providing inclusive education in Sukabumi. This research is a quantitative research. Data collection techniques are carried out by distributing questionnaires and recording initial data in the form of records that are understood by researchers without reducing the actual data. The results of the study can be concluded that collaboration in several aspects is still lacking such as teacher collaboration with SLB, teacher collaboration with related experts, lack of teacher collaboration with resource centers, teachers are also still lacking collaboration in carrying out learning activities. Meanwhile, there are several aspects that have begun to develop well, including teacher collaboration with parents, as well as teacher collaboration with special guidance teachers in inclusive schools, although not yet dehydrated, maximum results are expected to be a reference in building good collaboration between teachers and related stakeholders in creating effective learning in inclusive education. This study illustrates that inclusive education in its implementation process requires support from teachers and related stakeholders in order to run optimally

    Analisis Potensi Likuifaksi Pada Project Pembangunan Gudang Peti Kemas Tanjung Perak

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    Likuifaksi (liquefaction) adalah suatu proses atau kejadian  berubahnya sifat tanah dari keadaan padat menjadi keadaan cair, yang disebabkan oleh beban siklik pada waktu terjadi gempa sehingga tekanan air pori meningkat mendekati atau melampaui tegangan vertikal. Likuifaksi terjadi ketika tanah  non-kohesif (lanau sampai pasir) jenuh air yang kehilangan kuat gesernya  pada  saat  mengalami guncangan terutama disebabkan oleh  gempa.  Selama  diguncang gempa tanah lebih berlaku sebagai cairan daripada sebagai padatan, sehingga terjadilah likuifaksi yang membahayakan bangunan di atasnya. Salah satu jenis gempa yang sering memicu terjadinya likuifaksi  ialah gempa tektonik. Gempa bumi tektonik akibat  patahan  lempeng  bumi, merambatkan gelombang gempa ke permukaan bumi, mengakibatkan terjadinya gaya geser searah bolak balik atau dua arah (siklik dinamik),  sehingga  setiap lapisan tanah akan terjadi perubahan parameter tanah di saat terjadinya gempa tersebut. Kerusakan dapat diakibatkan oleh percepatan dan kecepatan gempa pada permukaan tanah/bumi juga dapat terjadi akibat terjadinya peristiwa likuifaksi.Hal ini yang juga melatarbelakangi penulis untuk menganalisis potensi likuifaksi pada rencana pembangunan gudang peti kemas di Tanjung Perak, Surabaya. Mencermati hal tersebut maka penulis akan  menyajikan data serta analisis dari interpretasi data CPT dan SPT pada lokasi tersebut untuk mengetahui potensi likuifaksi jika terjadi gempa.Parameter-parameter tanah yang dianalisis, yaitu pemeriksaan jenis tanah yang ada di lokasi menunjukkan jenis tanah sedang dengan nilai N rata-rata= 30 serta nilai tegangan total dan tegangan efektif untuk masing-masing titik bor BH-1. Analisis perhitungan yang didapat untuk setiap titik bor dengan variasi nilai MAT dan nilai magnitudo gempa, semuanya menunjukkan harga faktor keamanan lebih dari satu yang mengartikan untuk setiap titik bor tidak berpotensi terjadi likuifaksi dengan magnitudo gempa yang sudah divariasikan.Kata kunci: CPT; CRR; CSR; likuifaksi; SPT; Surabaya

    Sistem Pembayaran Mixed Method INA-CBGs dan Global Budget di Rumah Sakit: Tahap 1 Uji Coba Mixed Method INA-CBGs-Global Budget di Indonesia

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    AbstrakTidak ada sistem pembayaran pelayanan kesehatan yang sempurna dalam penerapannya termasuk sistem pembayaran DRG (Diagnosis-Related Groups) yang lebih dikenal dengan nama INA-CBGs (Indonesia Case-Based Groups) di Indonesia. Beberapa negara yang mengadopsi DRG telah menerapkan kebijakan pembayaran mixed method DRG-Global Budget dengan variasi implementasinya demi menjaga kesinambungan sistem jaminan kesehatan nasional di negaranya. BPJS Kesehatan menginisiasi studi operasional penerapan sistem pembayaran rumah sakit mixed-method INA-CBGs dan Global Budget mulai tahun 2018. Terdapat tiga tahapan dalam uji coba sistem pembayaran rumah sakit mixed-method INA-CBGs dan Global Budget ini. Tahap pertama adalah Global Budget Tanpa Resiko yang bertujuan untuk menguji metode penghitungan global budget dan mengidentifikasi tantangan yang dihadapi bila kebijakan mixed method INA-CBGs dan Global Budget ini diberlakukan. Studi dilakukan di 5 (lima) kabupaten/kota di 30 rumah sakit (RS). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa metodologi penghitungan global budget yang diterapkan cukup akurat untuk memprediksi realisasi klaim di RS. Penghitungan global budget di tingkat kabupaten/kota lebih akurat hasilnya dibandingkan dengan menghitung global budget di tingkat RS karena mengakomodir shifting pasien dari RS yang satu ke RS yang lainnya akibat perubahan kapasitas RS. Perubahan kapasitas RS di tahun berjalan dan adanya pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan adanya selisih antara penghitungan global budget dan realisasi klaim.AbstractWhen it comes to provider payment system, no one shoe fits all including DRG payment system which in Indonesia are known as INA-CBGs. In some countries that used DRG have mixed it with Global Budget in various mechanisms to maintain the sustainability of the national health insurance system in their countries. BPJS Kesehatan initiated a three-stage pilot study on the implementation of the mixed-method hospital payment system INA-CBGs and Global Budget starting in 2018. The first stage is the Non-Risk stage which aims to test the accuracy of the global budget calculation and prediction and to identify the challenges faced when the mixed-method payment is implemented. The pilot was conducted in 5 districts in 30 hospitals. Initial results show that the calculation and prediction method is accurate to predict the actual hospital claims in the following year. The calculation of the global budget at the district level is more accurate than the hospital level because it accommodates patient transfer from one hospital to another due to changes in hospital capacity. Changes in hospital capacity in the current year and the COVID-19 pandemic requires some adjustments to the budget calculation