28 research outputs found

    The role of health insurance in the coverage of oral health care in Senegal

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    Oral diseases costs are among the most expensive health care benefits. In Senegal, households contribute up to 37.6% of the national health spending through direct payments. The aim of this work was to study the role of health insurance in the coverage of oral health care in Senegal. The study was based on health insurance agents and policyholders. The study reveals that oral health care coverage through health insurance still does not meet requirements for treatment of oral infections. In financial terms, oral health care costs health insurance too much. As a result, carriers cover them partially. On top of that, the majority of the population’s lack of knowledge about mutual, because they have a little background on oral health care, the latter weighs heavily on health insurance leading to the use of self-medication, traditional medicine and handicraft prosthetists. The analysis reveals an unequal access to oral health care through the health insurance system. To bring under control the expenditure for oral health care, carriers and dental surgeons must work together to raise the populations’ awareness on community solidarity

    Machine Translation for Nko: Tools, Corpora and Baseline Results

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    Currently, there is no usable machine translation system for Nko, a language spoken by tens of millions of people across multiple West African countries, which holds significant cultural and educational value. To address this issue, we present a set of tools, resources, and baseline results aimed towards the development of usable machine translation systems for Nko and other languages that do not currently have sufficiently large parallel text corpora available. (1) Fria∄\parallelel: A novel collaborative parallel text curation software that incorporates quality control through copyedit-based workflows. (2) Expansion of the FLoRes-200 and NLLB-Seed corpora with 2,009 and 6,193 high-quality Nko translations in parallel with 204 and 40 other languages. (3) nicolingua-0005: A collection of trilingual and bilingual corpora with 130,850 parallel segments and monolingual corpora containing over 3 million Nko words. (4) Baseline bilingual and multilingual neural machine translation results with the best model scoring 30.83 English-Nko chrF++ on FLoRes-devtest

    Desiring Bollywood: Re-staging racism, exploring difference

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    In this article I engage with the insights that emerged through the making of Desiring Bollywood, a collaborative ethno-fiction project I produced in 2018. The project recruited academics, amateur actors, novice filmmakers, and enthusiastic university students to narrate the story of Jason, an aspiring actor and filmmaker from Nigeria who I first met in 2013 soon after his release from Tihar Prison in Delhi, India. My goals are two-fold: first, to share a few scenes from the film – embedded in this article as video clips – to broadly theorize the affordances and limits of what I call re-staging, the collaborative, performance-based multimodal method we devised and deployed to produce Desiring Bollywood. Second, and more central to the article, I aim to analyze these very same scenes to show how re-staging, as it offered participants involved in the project the opportunity to reflexively explore how Jason’s experiences of discrimination in Delhi and the aspirations and desires that led him there in the first place, create a rich site of analysis to engage with the nuances of anti-Black racism in India in a moment where ‘India-Africa’ economic relationships are on the rise. RESUMEN En este artĂ­culo examino el entendimiento que surgiĂł a travĂ©s de la producciĂłn de Desiring Bollywood, un proyecto colaborativo de etno-ficciĂłn que realicĂ© en 2018. El proyecto reclutĂł acadĂ©micos, actores amateurs, productores cinematogrĂĄficos novicios y entusiastas estudiantes universitarios para narrar la historia de Jason, un aspirante a actor y productor cinematogrĂĄfico, de Nigeria a quien conocĂ­ en 2013, poco despuĂ©s de su puesta en libertad de la PrisiĂłn Tihar en Delhi, India. Mi propĂłsito es doble: primero, compartir algunas escenas del filme – embebidas en este artĂ­culo como video clips– para teorizar ampliamente las affordances y lĂ­mites de lo que llamo remontaje, el colaborativo mĂ©todo multimodal basado en performance, que nosotros ideamos y utilizamos para producir Desiring Bollywood. Segundo, y mĂĄs central al artĂ­culo, tengo como objetivo analizar estas mismas escenas para mostrar cĂłmo el remontaje, en la medida que ofreciĂł a los participantes involucrados en el proyecto la oportunidad de explorar reflexivamente cĂłmo las experiencias de Jason de discriminaciĂłn en Delhi y las aspiraciones y deseos que lo llevaron allĂ­ en primer lugar, crea un sitio profundo de anĂĄlisis para abordar los matices del racismo anti-negro en India en un momento donde las relaciones econĂłmicas “India-África” estĂĄn en aumento

    South South Migration and Trade : chinese traders in Senegal and African traders in China

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    China Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Institute of Migration, Turku, Finland, 6 April 2016

    La gestion des établissements d'enseignement moyen et secondaire de la région de Kaolack (Sénégal) dans le contexte de la décentralisation administrative

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    La gestion scolaire n'est pas statique. Elle est tributaire de situations politiques, administratives, Ă©conomiques et sociales toujours changeantes. Donc, toute rĂ©forme, dans ce cadre, imprime, immanquablement, une dĂ©marche nouvelle Ă  l' administration des Ă©coles. En fonction du contexte, les choses peuvent alors s'amĂ©liorer ou se dĂ©tĂ©riorer. Sous ce rapport, cette recherche a Ă©tĂ© entreprise dans le but de voir, depuis dix ans qu ' elle y participe, ce que la collectivitĂ© locale de la rĂ©gion a apportĂ© Ă  la gestion des Ă©tablissements scolaires de l' enseignement moyen et secondaire au SĂ©nĂ©gal. Le champ de l' Ă©tude est circonscrit Ă  une seule rĂ©gion dans la pensĂ©e que les rĂ©sultats obtenus peuvent ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©s. La rĂ©gion choisie est celle de Kaolack. Dans une dĂ©marche qualitative, des entrevues ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es avec des chefs d 'Ă©tablissements, des acteurs de l'Ă©cole, des responsables en charge de l' Ă©ducation, dans la rĂ©gion, aussi bien au niveau politique qu'au niveau acadĂ©mique. Les rĂ©sultats de l'Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšlent principalement deux faits. D'une part, la participation de la rĂ©gion Ă  la gestion des Ă©tablissements d'enseignement moyen et secondaire est porteuse d'une gestion de proximitĂ© saluĂ©e par tous. D ' autre part, l'État qui a transfĂ©rĂ© Ă  la rĂ©gion la compĂ©tence de l'Ă©ducation ne lui donne pas, concomitamment, les moyens de prendre correctement en charge ses missions par rapport Ă  l' Ă©cole. Des recommandations qui se fondent sur les avis recueillis ont Ă©tĂ© formulĂ©es pour encourager ce qui se fait de positif et corriger les dysfonctionnements en vue d' amĂ©liorer le mode de gestion actuel des lycĂ©es et collĂšges du SĂ©nĂ©gal

    Repeated treatment of recurrent uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Senegal with fixed-dose artesunate plus amodiaquine versus fixed-dose artemether plus lumefantrine: a randomized, open-label trial.

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    BACKGROUND: The use of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) is currently recommended for treating uncomplicated malaria. The objective was to assess the efficacy and safety of repeated administrations of two fixed-dose presentations of ACT--artesunate plus amodiaquine (ASAQ) and artemether-lumefantrine (AL)--in subsequent episodes of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. METHODS: A randomized comparative study was conducted in a rural community of central Senegal from August 2007 to January 2009. Children and adults with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria were randomized to receive open-label ASAQ once daily or AL twice daily for three days. Drug doses were given according to body weight. Treatments for first episodes were supervised. For subsequent episodes, only the first intake of study drug was supervised. ECGs and audiograms were performed in patients ≄ 12 years of age. Primary outcome was adequate clinical and parasitological response rate (ACPR) after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) correction on day 28 for the first episode. RESULTS: A total of 366 patients were enrolled in the two groups (ASAQ 184, AL 182) and followed up during two malaria transmission seasons. In the intent-to-treat population, PCR-corrected ACPRs at day 28 for the first episode were 98.4% and 96.2%, respectively, in the ASAQ and AL groups. For the per-protocol population (ASAQ 183, AL 182), PCR-corrected ACPRs at day 28 for the first episode were 98.9% and 96.7%, respectively. A 100% ACPR rate was obtained at day 28 in the 60 and four patients, respectively, who experienced second and third episodes. Treatment-related adverse events were reported in 11.7% of the patients, without significant differences between the two groups. A better improvement of haemoglobin at day 28 was noted in the ASAQ versus the AL group (12.2 versus 11.8 g/dL; p = 0.03). No sign of ototoxicity was demonstrated. A prolongation of the QTc interval was observed in both groups during treatment with no clinical consequence. CONCLUSIONS: Study results confirmed the satisfactory efficacy and safety profile of ASAQ and AL. Moreover, in patients who were treated at least twice, repeated administration of ASAQ or AL did not identify any major safety issues. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT00540410

    Dental care risk management provided by Social Protection Institutions of Senegal

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    Nowadays in Senegal, located in West Africa, social protection institutions are confronted with a substantially increased healthcare expenditure in general, and oral care in particular. The ability of the leadership to use techniques to contain the impact of risks they are facing determine their viability. The aim of our study was to analyze the risk management of dental care coverage by those institutions. The study was descriptive, extensive and focused on all active social protection Institutions in Senegal since 2005, at least. Our results showed that, in spite of the implementation of risk management mechanisms such as patient co-payment (97% of institutions), coverage ceiling (26%) and dentist council (15%), healthcare expenditure still growing. For the containment of oral care expenditure increase, it is important to raise awareness among social protection institutions for a greater use of existing risk management mechanisms

    Stratégies familiales et qualité de vie au Mali à travers les données du recensement

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    Par une analyse du dernier recensement malien (2009), cette Ă©tude examine dans quelle mesure la configuration du mĂ©nage influence sa qualitĂ© de vie. Le postulat est que, selon leur composition, les mĂ©nages dĂ©veloppent des stratĂ©gies familiales qui leur permettent d’accĂ©der et de valoriser plus ou moins les ressources disponibles. Une typologie des mĂ©nages distingue cinq configurations urbaines et cinq rurales dont on teste les diffĂ©rences de qualitĂ© de vie, telle que mesurĂ©e par le degrĂ© de modernisation matĂ©rielle (indice de confort du logement) et la scolarisation ajustĂ©e des enfants. Les grands mĂ©nages Ă©largis apparaissent nettement avantageux. Mais en milieu rural, ce sont les mĂ©nages dirigĂ©s par un chef instruit qui viennent en tĂȘte. Les mĂ©nages urbains dirigĂ©s par les femmes ne sont pas systĂ©matiquement vulnĂ©rables, se situant juste aprĂšs les plus grands mĂ©nages. Dans les deux milieux ce sont les trĂšs petits, dirigĂ©s par des chefs plus jeunes ou plus ĂągĂ©s qui sont les moins bien loti