22 research outputs found

    Proposta di un framework per i Learning Analytics nel contesto accademico

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    In the last decades, learning analytics (LA) have been considered as one of the key emerging trend in higher education (Vassakis et al., 2018) and they have attracted a lot of attention among researchers and designers for their potential to address some of the major challenges in the academic sector (Bach, 2010). Despite the broad interest and implementation of LA processes, there remain numerous issues regarding the availabilityof developed and adaptable-to-the-context reference framework across Universities (Gaševi et al., 2015). Furthermore, scholars and practitioners have approached LA from a range of perspectives: it is necessary to define not only the aims of what could be achieved using LA but also what should be done to attain it. Generally, LA are considered as measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of learners’ data and their contexts, to optimize learning and the environments in which it occurs (Khalil and Ebner, 2016). Starting from this definition, and using an action research method, we propose an “extended” LA framework that puts learner and instructor at the centre of it.Negli ultimi decenni, i learning analytics (LA) sono stati interpretati come uno dei trend di maggiore importanza nell’ambito dell’istruzione universitaria (Vassakis et al., 2018) e hanno attratto l’attenzione di ricercatori e instructional designer per il loro potenziale nell’affrontare alcune delle principali sfide all’interno delle istituzioni accademiche (Bach, 2010). Nonostante l’interesse generale e l’implementazione di processi di LA, nelle università permangono numerosi problemi relativi alla disponibilità e allo sviluppo di modelli di riferimento adattabili ai diversi contesti (Gaševi et al., 2015). Inoltre, ricercatori e instructional designer hanno indagato i LA da una serie di prospettive: è necessario definire non solo gli obiettivi che si possono raggiungere usando i LA, ma anche ciò che dovrebbe essere fatto per raggiungere tali obiettivi. Generalmente, i LA sono considerati come misura, raccolta, analisi e reporting dei dati degli studenti e dei loro contesti, per ottimizzare l’apprendimento e gli ambienti in cui esso si verifica (Khalil and Ebner, 2016). Partendo da questa definizione e adottando il metodo della ricerca-azione, il paper propone un framework di LA “esteso” che metta al centro lo studente e il docente

    Analisi dei tipi di testi utilizzati dall’associazione italiana Slow food per lo sviluppo di un programma di educazione al gusto

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    Abstract in italiano Il lavoro di tesi intitolato “Analisi dei tipi di testi utilizzati dall’associazione italiana Slow food per lo sviluppo di un programma di educazione al gusto” è una trattazione composita, che affrontando il vasto ambito dell’educazione alla salute, si muove verso lo specifico contesto dell’educazione alimentare. Partendo da ambiti affini ma distinti come le scienze dell'educazione e della comunicazione, viene realizzata un’analisi semio-pragmatica del linguaggio usato da Slow food - Associazione italiana senza scopo di lucro - che si occupa di programmi di educazione al gusto, al fine di comprenderne la scelta educativa e capire quale possa essere il modello didattico più adatto per diffondere il tema della sana alimentazione. L’obiettivo principale della ricerca ha riguardato la definizione di una specifica proposta didattica da stipulare con i referenti di Slow Food che possa avere utili ricadute nei programmi di aggiornamento per gli operatori della formazione in tale specifico ambito di interesse. Interrogandosi su questa tipologia di temi, lo “sguardo” legato alle teorie della comunicazione diventa strumento interpretativo che può dare un contributo alla comprensione di un contesto e di uno specifico approccio, entrando in relazione con la riflessione sugli aspetti più “interni” ad una determinata disciplina e alla sua didattica e proponendo ad essa spunti e prospettive differenti. L’elaborato riproduce il risultato parziale e conseguentemente sinottico di un percorso di ricerca che si è focalizzato sullo studio dei modelli didattici, sui nuovi linguaggi mediali, sul ruolo degli enunciati nell’elaborazione di testualità complesse e sulle potenzialità dei media nel favorire processi di educazione alimentare. Abstract in inglese The thesis entitled "Analysis of the types of texts used by the Italian Slow Food for the development of a program of education of taste" is a composite treatment, that facing the broad field of health education, moves to the specific context of nutrition education. Starting from a related but distinct discipline as education and communication, semiotic analysis is carried pragmatics of language used by Slow Food - Association of Italian non-profit - which deals with education programs to the taste, in order to understand the educational choice and understand what could be the most suitable teaching model to spread the theme of healthy eating. The main objective of the research has focused on the definition of a specific didactic proposal to be signed with the representatives of Slow Food that may have useful implications in training programs for training professionals in this specific field of interest. Questioning on this type of topics, the "gaze" linked to the theories of communication becomes an interpretative tool that can contribute to the understanding of a context and a specific approach, entering into a relationship with reflection on the more "internal" to a given discipline and its teaching and proposing ideas and different perspectives to it. The paper reproduces the partial result and thus mimic a path of research that has focused on the study of educational models, new media languages, the role of utterances in the development of complex textuality and the potential of the media in promoting education processes food. Keywords: Slow food, nutrition education, pragmatics of communication, utterance

    A double-loop evaluation process for MOOC design and its pilot application in the university domain

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    The diffusion of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is significantly changing the way people learn and update their knowledge and competencies. Although the benefits characterizing MOOCs, which leverage on free and open access to know-how and digitized materials, there are some challenges which call for improving and enhancing the existing methods and approaches for MOOCs design. By combining theory and practice, this paper presents a process of MOOCs design based on a double-loop phase of evaluation. Specifically, the paper provides evidences on how to take advantage of the learners’ and teachers’ feedback to redesign or rethink the course’s architecture, and especially the storyboard and blueprint. A pilot application of the proposed approach has been made to design a course dealing with entrepreneurship domain, and in particular with crowdfunding. The results of the application are presented to validate the approach and provide teachers and course’s designers with some recommendations

    A double-loop evaluation process for MOOC design and its pilot application in the University domain

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    The diffusion of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is significantly changing the way people learn and update their knowledge and competencies. Although the benefits characterizing MOOCs, which leverage on free and open access to know-how and digitized materials, there are some challenges which call for improving and enhancing the existing methods and approaches for MOOCs design. By combining theory and practice, this paper presents a process of MOOCs design based on a double-loop phase of evaluation. Specifically, the paper provides evidences on how to take advantage of the learners’ and teachers’ feedback to redesign or rethink the course’s architecture, and especially the storyboard and blueprint. A pilot application of the proposed approach has been made to design a course dealing with entrepreneurship domain, and in particular with crowdfunding. The results of the application are presented to validate the approach and provide teachers and course’s designers with some recommendations

    University Orientation: the experience of eLearning preparatory Courses for the admission test to access the degree in Education, University of Foggia

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    The experience of preparatory courses for students enrolled in degree programs in Education and Training, Medical Sciences and Agricultural Sciences and Technologies is part of a wider initiative of the University of Foggia based on the current legislative directions of the Ministry of Education, University and Research. The e-learning web-portal (www.elearning.unifg.it) created and managed by the ERID Laboratory (Educational Research & Interaction Design) of the University of Foggia hosts online courses aimed at developing knowledge and skills in subjects that are essential for accessing the above mentioned degree courses. The project started in 2011 with the primary objective of strengthening the educational processes of incoming students through distance learning and web 2.0 tools. This paper describes the experience of these courses, examining and highlighting the educational opportunities of e-learning courses

    The use of MOOCs to support personalized learning: An application in the technology entrepreneurship field

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    Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are changing the way in which people can access digital knowledge, thus creating new opportunities for learning and competence development. MOOCs leverage the free and open use of digitized material through supportive on-line systems. MOOCs have gained worldwide popularity and many education providers have started to offer courses in different domains such as innovation management and entrepreneurship tackling recent demands for better employability and social inclusion. This paper presents a beneficial application of MOOCs to support the design and delivery of personalized learning paths aimed to develop competencies in the technology entrepreneurship domain. Using a design science approach, a platform for the delivery of open courses has been developed along with a set of experimental courses and learner/instructors guidelines. The platform is based on a roadmap purposefully designed to drive course classification, competence mapping and interactive learning gap/priority analysis. The paper reports a trial set of the system with undergraduate students conducted to draw feedback for iterative system design

    The use of MOOCs to support personalized learning: An application in the technology entrepreneurship field

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    Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are changing the way in which people can access digital knowledge, thus creating new opportunities for learning and competence development. MOOCs leverage the free and open use of digitized material through supportive on-line systems. MOOCs have gained worldwide popularity and many education providers have started to offer courses in different domains such as innovation management and entrepreneurship tackling recent demands for better employability and social inclusion. This paper presents a beneficial application of MOOCs to support the design and delivery of personalized learning paths aimed to develop competencies in the technology entrepreneurship domain. Using a design science approach, a platform for the delivery of open courses has been developed along with a set of experimental courses and learner/instructors guidelines. The platform is based on a roadmap purposefully designed to drive course classification, competence mapping and interactive learning gap/priority analysis. The paper reports a trial set of the system with undergraduate students conducted to draw feedback for iterative system design

    The use of MOOCs to streamline competence development in Technology Entrepreneurship domain

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    Purpose – Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are contributing to widespread the access to digital knowledge and the development of competencies and skills based on free and open sharing, use and re-use of digitized material available in purposeful on-line systems. Worldwide, the development of MOOCs has gained popularity also in the management and entrepreneurship domain, where a number of providers have started to offer MOOCs addressed to diffuse entrepreneurial competencies and skills. This paper presents an application of MOOCs to support the development of entrepreneurial competencies. A purposeful roadmap has been set up to identify the set of actors and activities involved in the design, implementation and monitoring of an entrepreneurial project. Each activity of the roadmap is defined in terms of inputs, outputs, tasks and enabling competences to be acquired. Based on the roadmap, a customized open platform for MOOC delivery has been thus developed along with a set of experimental courses and some guidelines to better engage learners and instructors. Design/methodology/approach – The article is grounded on behaviourism, constructivism and connectivism learning theories, and their relationship with ICT, in the aim to frame MOOC as an emergent pedagogical approach capable to experiment networked learning. A preliminary analysis of literature on MOOC methodology and approach, as well as on the study of international cases of MOOC adoption in entrepreneurship education has been made. Then, based on a design science approach, a MOOC platform dedicated to stimulate entrepreneurial culture and competencies has been realized, and preliminary feedbacks have been collected from instructors and learners. The six phases of design science approach have been set up, problem identification, definition of research goal, artefact development, demonstration, evaluation and research communication. Originality/value – The value of the article can be identified in three main elements: i) the personalized approach to access MOOCs based on a structured roadmap of the entrepreneurial process; ii) the role that companies can play in the MOOC platform (e.g. course design, content production, course delivery, feedback analysis); iii) the possibility to experiment a blended approach in the use of MOOCs as a tool for competence development in the entrepreneurship domain. Practical implications – The article provides useful insights for the design of effective MOOC-based learning experiences in the technology entrepreneurship domain. In particular, a set of guidelines concerning the role of each actor of the learning process (including companies) and the implementation of effective blended (physical and on-line) experience are provided. Finally, the study presents a practical discussion about how to capitalize the value generated by MOOCs

    Big Data and Collaborative Learning: a system for real-time and in-progress monitoring of learners’ satisfaction in online courses

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    Continuous monitoring of learners’ satisfaction (LS) is a key activity for designing effective and successful collaborative learning experiences. Grounded on constructivism and connectivism learning theories, modern ICT platforms allow students performing collaboratively many online tasks, generating large data sets on their interactions. This creates the opportunity to leverage the emerging Big Data paradigm to setup a “non-intrusive” evaluation strategy of online courses that integrates explicit and implicit knowledge. Indeed, the application of Big Data in the collaborative learning domain is a recent explored research area with limited applications, and may have a significant role in the future of higher education. By adopting the design science methodology, this paper presents and discusses the application of an innovative system that relies on Big Data techniques to measure in real-time, both in progress and at the end, the level of LS of online courses. The research contributes to investigate new methods and approaches to measure LS in online collaborative systems by using the Big Data paradigm. The result presented can provide mentors and learning managers with the knowledge and tool for monitoring in progress and at the end the individual learning experience, thus allowing them to intervene effectively along the entire learning process