17 research outputs found

    The comparative responsiveness of Hospital Universitario Princesa Index and other composite indices for assessing rheumatoid arthritis activity

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    Objective To evaluate the responsiveness in terms of correlation of the Hospital Universitario La Princesa Index (HUPI) comparatively to the traditional composite indices used to assess disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and to compare the performance of HUPI-based response criteria with that of the EULAR response criteria. Methods Secondary data analysis from the following studies: ACT-RAY (clinical trial), PROAR (early RA cohort) and EMECAR (pre-biologic era long term RA cohort). Responsiveness was evaluated by: 1) comparing change from baseline (Delta) of HUPI with Delta in other scores by calculating correlation coefficients; 2) calculating standardised effect sizes. The accuracy of response by HUPI and by EULAR criteria was analyzed using linear regressions in which the dependent variable was change in global assessment by physician (Delta GDA-Phy). Results Delta HUPI correlation with change in all other indices ranged from 0.387 to 0.791); HUPI's standardized effect size was larger than those from the other indices in each database used. In ACT-RAY, depending on visit, between 65 and 80% of patients were equally classified by HUPI and EULAR response criteria. However, HUPI criteria were slightly more stringent, with higher percentage of patients classified as non-responder, especially at early visits. HUPI response criteria showed a slightly higher accuracy than EULAR response criteria when using Delta GDA-Phy as gold standard. Conclusion HUPI shows good responsiveness in terms of correlation in each studied scenario (clinical trial, early RA cohort, and established RA cohort). Response criteria by HUPI seem more stringent than EULAR''s

    Fractura-luxaci贸n de columna cervical tras accidente de tr谩fico. Presentaci贸n de un caso

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    En la actualidad en los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios es frecuente la atenci贸n a pacientes con sintomatolog铆a cervical tras accidente de tr谩fico. Aunque en la mayor铆a de los casos las lesiones son leves no por ello debemos descuidar su atenci贸n tanto en el nivel extrahospitalario como en el hospitalario. En el presente trabajo describimos el caso de una paciente, mujer de 48 a帽os de edad, que tras sufrir un accidente de tr谩fico con vuelco del veh铆culo refer铆a dolor a nivel de columna cervical. A la exploraci贸n objetivamos paresia de extremidad superior izquierda y parestesias en extremidad superior derecha. La Tomograf铆a Axial Computadorizada cervical de urgencias, ante la imposibilidad de la completa visualizaci贸n de la columna cervical en la radiolog铆a simple, nos confirm贸 el diagn贸stico de fractura-luxaci贸n de la columna cervical en el nivel C7-D1