29 research outputs found

    Natural Coral as a Biomaterial Revisited

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    ABSTRACT: This paper first describes the state of the art of natural coral. The biocompatibility of different coral species has been reviewed and it has been consistently observed that apart from an initial transient inflammation, the coral shows no signs of intolerance in the short, medium, and long term. Immune rejection of coral implants was not found in any tissue examined. Other studies have shown that coral does not cause uncontrolled calcification of soft tissue and those implants placed under the periosteum are constantly resorbed and replaced by autogenous bone. The available studies show that the coral is not cytotoxic and that it allows cell growth. Thirdly, porosity and gradient of porosity in ceramics is explained based on far from equilibrium thermodynamics. It is known that the bone cross-section from cancellous to cortical bone is non-uniform in porosity and in pore size. Thus, it is hypothesized that a damaged bone containing both cancellous and cortical bone can be better replaced by a graded/gradient porous implant based on the idea of a biomimetic approach. The purpose of this article is to review and summarize all the pertinent work that has been published on natural coral as a bone graft during the last twenty years including in vitro, animal, and clinical human studies. In addition, as an illustration, we report the clinical experience of one of us using coral. It is a case study of complex femoral fracture (Table 1) where the essential role of vascularization and stabilization of the fracture site are underlined. The results are supported with more than 300 other femoral fractures treated using the same modus operandi. Finally, this paper overviews the ecological and ethical concerns around the use of corals as well as discussing briefly about recent impacts of nano-pollutants

    Un pitchtracker monophonique

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    Nous présentons ici un détecteur de hauteur de note basé sur une amélioration du vocodeur de phase. Cette amélioration, permettant une meilleure précision en temps et en fréquence, est parfaitement adaptée à une utilisation en temps réel. Une attention particulière a été portée sur la possibilité d'intégration de ce détecteur dans différents systèmes

    The administrative power of private bodies

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    Le pouvoir administratif des personnes privées est un pouvoir discret et relativement méconnu. Il caractérise les missions administratives spécifiques, et en particulier celles de police administrative spéciale, confiées à certaines personnes morales de droit privé. Depuis longtemps, l’administration s’est appuyée sur des personnes privées pour assurer la gestion d’activités administratives. Ce recours s’explique par l’histoire de la construction de l’État français et de son administration et par l’originalité du modèle économique français qui fait coexister libéralisme et interventionnisme. Dans la période contemporaine, il s’est accru quantitativement. À travers plusieurs exemples sélectionnés – ordres professionnels, fédérations sportives, entreprises de marché, autorité de régulation de la publicité, organismes de gestion collective des droits d’auteur, sociétés d’aménagement foncier et d’établissement rural – cette étude propose d’identifier une notion originale et autonome de pouvoir administratif des personnes privées pour penser de manière transversale les prérogatives dont sont dotées certaines personnes morales de droit privé. La recherche porte également sur le régime juridique de ce pouvoir, principalement de droit privé, qu’elle construit en s’inspirant des principes qui irriguent le droit administratif. Elle interroge ainsi les ressorts et les méthodes contentieuses, utilisés en droit administratif, ainsi que ceux du droit économique – théorie générale des obligations et droit de la concurrence – pour penser l’encadrement juridique et juridictionnel d’un pouvoir caractérisé par son hybridité.The administrative power of private bodies is a discreet and relatively unknown power. It sheds light on the prerogatives of private bodies entrusted with special administrative missions and including police missions. Administrative activities have been undertaken by private bodies for a very long time. This process can be explained by the way the French State and its administration were built and by the originality of the French economic model, in which liberalism and interventionism coexist. In the contemporary period, the number of private regulators is growing. Through several selected examples – professional bodies, sports federations, market undertakings, private regulator for advertising, copyright collective management bodies, land development and rural settlement companies – this study proposes an original and autonomous legal notion of administrative power of private bodies. The research also focuses on the legal regime of this power which is often a private law regime. It thus questions the judicial mechanisms and methods used in administrative law as well as those of economic law – general theory of obligations and competition law – to think about the legal and judicial control of a power characterized by its hybridity

    The forgotten player in the surgical history

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    The research concerning a preventive treatment of an osteoporitic femoral neck fracture started in 1990 because the surgical procedure of unstable femoral neck fractures is difficult. After effects are frequent and their number will increase in the next decade. The goal is to reinforce the femur with a biomaterial acting as a bone graft. Natural coral is bioresorbable and biocompatible. It acts as an autofocus bone graft for reconstruction of either cortex or cancellous bone and increases their mechanical resistance. This work shows evidence of new bone formation in an osteoporotic unbroken femoral neck femur. Consequently, the preventive surgical treatment of osteoporosis should be taken in consideration [1]. The purpose of this work is to show the results on the mineralization of the cancellous bone of an upper femoral metaphyses when a natural biomaterial is set in an unbroken osteoporotic femoral neck. Summary: Mrs. L is an 84 years old lady. Her osteoporotic unbroken right hip was grafted preventively with a biomaterial in order to prevent the high risk of break in case of fall. The biomaterial used is beads of natural coral. The reasons of this preventive treatment is discussed, as well as the choice of the biomaterial. The results are shown including a two years follow up. Brief History: Before going further, few words of history. Three centuries BC, an Aristote’s follower, Théophraste thinks that Natural coral is a petrified plant. For Ovide natural coral is a soft alga air-hardening. Al Biruni classes it among animals, because that respond to touch. At the beginning of the XVIIth century, Marsigli thinks that they are flowers which open out there in aquarium. The French Jean-André Peyssonnel, a young naturalist, says as Biruni, that in fact, corals are animals. At last, Buffon claims: These marine plants, were classified first in the rank of minerals, then in those of plants, and finally in that of animals. Natural coral is obviously an animal. After the Second World War, coral samples were analyzed by American scientists. Among 800 corail species, 3 where specially analyzed: Acropora, Porites and Libophylia. Mrs Nane Guillemin did in France her PHD on natural coral and with her team made a complete fundamental analysis (physical, chemical and biological properties) of the material, while the American scientists worked on the chemical bone’s properties. In France, Pr Ohayoun and his team worked on the surgical application in the dental field, Dr. Yves Cirotteau in the orthopedic surgery, specifically for osteoporotic disease and for the traumatologic fiel

    Preventive treatment in an osteoporotic femoral upper metaphysis-A clinical case: Me Louise V…

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    In 1992, a patient, born July 10, 1910, aged 82, with major osteoporosis [1-3], was operated on her left hip. The surgeon performs a biomaterial transplant using natural coral [4]. Follow-up is two years. She died in 1994 of acute respiratory failure. Three bone graft osteodensitometry [5] shows a regular increase in mineralization; however, on the opposite side, bone mineralization decreases. The anatomical part is examined using x-rays, scanners, photographs, histology [6]. The article reports the findings of this study. It is noted a partial resorption of the biomaterial essentially at the periphery of the graft as well as the different local connections of the preexisting bone with the newly formed bone from the grafted area. The severity of fractures of the femoral neck is no longer to be demonstrated [7]. Multiple therapeutic trials have demonstrated their effectiveness [8,9]. Twenty two patients were transplanted. There was no failure. All died without fracturing their grafted hips.&nbsp

    Comportement du corail naturel sur une diaphyse en pseudarthrose atrophique

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    Cholestase et nutrition parentérale en néonatalogie

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    La cholestase est une des complications majeures associée à la nutrition parentérale chez le nouveau-né. Lors d'une réunion mensuelle du comité de nutrition artificielle, les médecins du service de néonatalogie du C.H.R.U. de TOURS ont signalé une augmentation des cholestases chez les enfants sous nutrition parentérale. Certains facteurs favorisent l'apparition de cholestase : la prématurité, le faible poids de naissance, l'asphyxie, le repos digestif, la pullulation bactérienne intestinale, la chirurgie, le sepsis, les entérocolites, ainsi que certaines mutations génétiques. L'administration de nutrition par voie parentérale est mise en cause dans la physiopathologie de la cholestase. En effet, l'hyper alimentation, la durée de la nutrition parentérale, les glucides, les acides aminés (le tryptophane, l'excès de méthionine, la carence en taurine et en carnitine), les lipides (par surcharge du système réticulo endothélial, par peroxydation lipidique...), les minéraux (l'aluminium, le manganèse) sont autant d'éléments impliqués dans l'apparition de cholestase. Une étude rétrospective comparant les marqueurs biologiques, les facteurs de risque de cholestase liés à la pathologie et à la nutrition parentérale a été réalisée dans le service de néonatalogie en 2002 et 2003 à partir des dossiers des enfants traités par nutrition parentérale. L'étude réalisée ne met pas en évidence d'augmentation significative des taux de cholestase des enfants sous nutrition parentérale entre 2002 et 2003. Le nombre de cholestases a augmenté entre 2002 et 2003 uniquement en raison d'un dépistage plus rigoureux en 2003. Cependant les taux de cholestase sont assez importants c'est pourquoi une surveillance accrue s'impose reposant sur un ensemble de recommandations : identifier les populations à risque, rechercher des marqueurs hépatiques, stimuler l'axe entérale, cycliser la nutrition parentérale, prévenir et traiter les infections systémiques et intestinales, utiliser le métronidazole, l'acide ursodésoxycholique, respecter les modalités de prescriptions des lipides (posologies, nature, administration...), des acides aminés (posologies maximum), des glucides, protéger les solutions de nutrition parentérale contre la lumière.TOURS-BU Sciences Pharmacie (372612104) / SudocSudocFranceF