79 research outputs found

    Modelling red blood cell optical trapping by machine learning improved geometrical optics calculations

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    Optically trapping red blood cells allows for the exploration of their biophysical properties, which are affected in many diseases. However, because of their nonspherical shape, the numerical calculation of the optical forces is slow, limiting the range of situations that can be explored. Here we train a neural network that improves both the accuracy and the speed of the calculation and we employ it to simulate the motion of a red blood cell under different beam configurations. We found that by fixing two beams and controlling the position of a third, it is possible to control the tilting of the cell. We anticipate this work to be a promising approach to study the trapping of complex shaped and inhomogeneous biological materials, where the possible photodamage imposes restrictions in the beam power

    DNA methylation of enhancer elements in myeloid neoplasms: think outside the promoters?

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    Gene regulation through DNA methylation is a well described phenomenon that has a prominent role in physiological and pathological cell-states. This epigenetic modification is usually grouped in regions denominated CpG islands, which frequently co-localize with gene promoters, silencing the transcription of those genes. Recent genome-wide DNA methylation studies have challenged this paradigm, demonstrating that DNA methylation of regulatory regions outside promoters is able to influence cell-type specific gene expression programs under physiologic or pathologic conditions. Coupling genome-wide DNA methylation assays with histone mark annotation has allowed for the identification of specific epigenomic changes that affect enhancer regulatory regions, revealing an additional layer of complexity to the epigenetic regulation of gene expression. In this review, we summarize the novel evidence for the molecular and biological regulation of DNA methylation in enhancer regions and the dynamism of these changes contributing to the fine-tuning of gene expression. We also analyze the contribution of enhancer DNA methylation on the expression of relevant genes in acute myeloid leukemia and chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms. The characterization of the aberrant enhancer DNA methylation provides not only a novel pathogenic mechanism for different tumors but also highlights novel potential therapeutic targets for myeloid derived neoplasms

    Investigation of dust grains by optical tweezers for space applications

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    Cosmic dust plays a dominant role in the universe, especially in the formation of stars and planetary systems. Furthermore, the surface of cosmic dust grains is the bench-work where molecular hydrogen and simple organic compounds are formed. We manipulate individual dust particles in water solution by contactless and non-invasive techniques such as standard and Raman tweezers, to characterize their response to mechanical effects of light (optical forces and torques) and to determine their mineral compositions. Moreover, we show accurate optical force calculations in the T-matrix formalism highlighting the key role of composition and complex morphology in optical trapping of cosmic dust particles.This opens perspectives for future applications of optical tweezers in curation facilities for sample return missions or in extraterrestrial environments

    El Servicio de Validación de Copernicus EMS como vector de mejora de la cartografía de emergencias basada en Sentinel

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    [EN] The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) is coordinated by the European Commission and “provides all actors involved in the management of natural disasters, man-made emergency situations, and humanitarian crises with timely and accurate geo-spatial information derived from satellite remote sensing and complemented by available in situ or open data sources”. It includes two components, Early Warning and Monitoring and Mapping. The latter provides on demand geo-spatial information derived from satellite imagery during all phases of the disaster management cycle. It includes 3 systems, Rapid Mapping (RM), Risk and Recovery Mapping (RRM), and a Validation Service. RM provides geospatial information immediately after a disaster to assess its impact; RRM in the prevention, preparation and reconstruction phases; and the Validation Service is in charge of validating and verifying the products generated by both, and of collecting and analyzing users’ feedback. The wide spectrum of activities framed in the Validation Service has allowed it to become a vector to improve the Mapping component through the testing of new methodologies, data input type, or approach for the creation of emergency cartography in the frame of the CEMS. The present paper introduces the main investigation lines based on Sentinel-1 and 2 for flood and fire monitoring that could be implemented in the CEMS services taking into consideration the characteristics of the Mapping component in terms of products to create and time constraints. The applicability of Sentinel-1 for flood monitoring based on the backscattering, the MultiTemporal Coherence (MTC), and dual polarization; and for burnt area delineation based on MTC was studied, while Sentinel-2 was used for burnt area delineation based on vegetation indices. Results indicate that proposed methodologies might be appropriate for the creation of crisis information products in large areas, due to the relative easy and fast implementation compared to classic photo interpretation, although further applicability analyses should be carried out.[ES] El Servicio de Gestión de Emergencias de Copernicus (CEMS), está coordinado por la Comisión Europea y “provee de información geoespacial precisa y oportuna derivada de la teledetección satelital y completada por fuentes de datos disponibles in situ o abiertas a todos los actores involucrados en la gestión de emergencias, bien sean derivadas de desastres naturales o producidos por el hombre, o de crisis humanitarias”. El servicio tiene dos componentes, uno de alerta temprana y monitoreo y otro de creación de mapas. El servicio de mapeo se encarga de proveer, bajo demanda, a los diferentes agentes de emergencias de información geoespacial derivada de imágenes de satélite en todas las fases de la gestión de emergencias, consta de 3 sistemas, Rapid Mapping (RM), Risk and Recovery Mapping (RRM), y Validation. RM aporta información inmediatamente después de un desastre para evaluar su impacto; RRM en las fases de prevención, preparación y reconstrucción; y la Validación se encarga de validar y verificar los productos generados por ambos, y de recoger y analizar los comentarios de los usuarios. El amplio espectro de actividades enmarcadas en él le ha permitido ser vector de mejora de los servicios de mapeo de emergencias mediante el testeo de nuevas metodologías, tipos de datos, o enfoques para la creación de cartografías de emergencias en el marco de CEMS. El presente artículo describe las principales líneas de investigación en el uso de datos Sentinel-1 y 2 para la monitorización de inundaciones e incendios, que se podrían implementar en el futuro en el marco de CEMS. La aplicabilidad de Sentinel-1 para el monitoreo de inundaciones basado en la retrodispersión, la coherencia multitemporal (MTC) y la polarización dual; y se estudió la delimitación del área quemada basada en MTC. Sentinel-2 se usó para delimitar áreas quemadas en base a índices de vegetación. Los resultados indican que las metodologías propuestas podrían ser apropiadas para la creación de productos de información de crisis en grandes áreas, debido a la implementación relativamente fácil y rápida en comparación con la fotointerpretación clásica, aunque deberían realizarse más análisis para su aplicación en el marco de CEMS.The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Massimiliano Rossi and Antigoni Maistrali for the preparation of the materials analysed in this work.Donezar-Hoyos, U.; Albizua-Huarte, L.; Amezketa-Lizarraga, E.; Barinagarrementeria-Arrese, I.; Ciriza, R.; De Blas-Corral, T.; Larrañaga-Urien, A.... (2020). The Copernicus EMS Validation service as a vector for improving the emergency mapping based on Sentinel data. Revista de Teledetección. 0(56):23-34. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2020.13770OJS233405

    Applicability of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images for the detection and delineation of crisis information in the scope of Copernicus EMS services

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    [EN] This study shows the inclusion of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images in the workflows to obtain of crisis information of different types of events and their applicability in the detection and monitoring of those events. Sentinel is an Earth Observation (EO) program that is currently being developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) in the scope of the Copernicus program operative since April 2012, formerly known as Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES). This program comprises six missions, out of which three are active, Sentinel-1 that provides radar images, Sentinel-.2 providing High Resolution optical images and Sentinel-3 developed to support GMES ocean, land, atmospheric, emergency, security and cryospheric applications. The present paper describes the use of Sentinel-1 radar to detect and delineate flooded areas, and the MultiTemporal Coherence (MTC) analysis applied with pre and post-event images to delimit and monitor burnt areas and lava flows. With respect to Sentinel-2, its high spectral resolution bands allowed the delineation of burnt areas by calculating differences of vegetation and burnt indices using pre and postevent images. Results using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data were compared with results using higher spatial resolution images, both optical and radar. In all cases, the usability of Sentinel images was proven.[ES] El principal objetivo de este trabajo ha consistido en analizar la aplicabilidad de la incorporación de imágenes Sentinel-1 y Sentinel-2 en los flujos de trabajo para obtener información de crisis de diferente naturaleza, así como su aplicación en la detección y monitorización de dichos eventos. Sentinel es un programa de observación de la tierra que está siendo desarrollado por la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) en el marco del programa Copernicus operativo desde abril de 2012, previamente denominado Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES). Consta de seis misiones, de las cuales en estos momentos están activas tres, Sentinel-1 que proporciona imágenes radar, Sentinel-2 que proporciona imágenes ópticas de Alta Resolución y Sentinel-3, que proporciona servicios globales de vigilancia terrestre, atmosférica, de gestión de emergencias y seguridad y de la criosfera. En el presente artículo, se muestra la aplicación práctica de los datos radar Sentinel-1 en la detección de zonas inundadas y su uso para la detección de cambios por medio de análisis MultiTemporal de Coherencia (MTC) de imágenes radar para la delimitación de incendios y monitorización de flujos de lava. Respecto a Sentinel-2, se explotan las capacidades que proporciona su alta resolución espectral para la delimitación de incendios mediante el cálculo de diferencias de índices de vegetación entre las imágenes pre- y post-evento. Los resultados usando Sentinel-1 y Sentinel-2 se han comparado, en todos los casos, con resultados obtenidos a partir de imágenes de mayor resolución espacial, tanto ópticas como radar. Los buenos resultados de estas comparaciones demuestran la utilidad de imágenes Sentinel para los 3 casos estudiados.Donezar-Hoyos, U.; Larrañaga Urien, A.; Tamés-Noriega, A.; Sánchez-Gil, C.; Albizua-Huarte, L.; Ciriza-Labiano, R.; Del Barrio-Arellano, F. (2017). Aplicación de imágenes Sentinel-1 y Sentinel-2 en la detección y delineación de información de crisis de desastres naturales en el marco de los servicios Copernicus EMS. Revista de Teledetección. (50):49-57. doi:10.4995/raet.2017.8896SWORD495750Altman, D.G. (1991). Practical statistics for medical research. New York. Chapman and Hall.Henry, J. ‐B., Chastanet, P., Fellah, K., & Desnos, Y. ‐L. (2006). Envisat multi‐polarized ASAR data for flood mapping. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(10), 1921-1929. doi:10.1080/0143116050048672

    Optical tweezers in a dusty universe: Modeling optical forces for space tweezers applications

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    Optical tweezers are powerful tools based on focused laser beams. They are able to trap, manipulate, and investigate a wide range of microscopic and nanoscopic particles in different media, such as liquids, air, and vacuum. Key applications of this contactless technique have been developed in many fields. Despite this progress, optical trapping applications to planetary exploration are still to be developed. Here we describe how optical tweezers can be used to trap and characterize extraterrestrial particulate matter. In particular, we exploit light scattering theory in the T-matrix formalism to calculate radiation pressure and optical trapping properties of a variety of complex particles of astrophysical interest. Our results open perspectives in the investigation of extraterrestrial particles on our planet, in controlled laboratory experiments, aiming for space tweezers applications: optical tweezers used to trap and characterize dust particles in space or on planetary bodies surface

    Budesonide Orodispersible Tablets Maintain Remission in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Patients With Eosinophilic Esophagitis.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic inflammatory disorder. Swallowed topical-acting corticosteroids are effective in bringing active EoE into remission. However, it is not clear whether these drugs are effective for long-term maintenance of remission. METHODS: We performed a double-blind trial to compare the efficacy and safety of 2 dosages of a budesonide orodispersible tablet (BOT) vs placebo in maintaining remission of EoE. Maintenance of remission was defined as absence of clinical and histologic relapse and no premature withdrawal for any reason. Two hundred and four adults with EoE in clinical and histologic remission, from 29 European study sites, were randomly assigned to groups given BOT 0.5 mg twice daily (n = 68), BOT 1.0 mg twice daily (n = 68), or placebo twice daily (n = 68) for up to 48 weeks. RESULTS: At end of treatment, 73.5% of patients receiving BOT 0.5 mg twice daily and 75% receiving BOT 1.0 mg twice daily were in persistent remission compared with 4.4% of patients in the placebo group (P < .001 for both comparisons of BOT with placebo). Median time to relapse in the placebo group was 87 days. The frequency of adverse events was similar in the BOT and placebo groups. Morning serum levels of cortisol were in the normal range at baseline and did not significantly change during treatment. Four patients receiving BOT developed asymptomatic, low serum levels of cortisol. Clinically manifested candidiasis was suspected in 16.2% of patients in the BOT 0.5 mg group and in 11.8% of patients in the BOT 1.0 mg group; all infections resolved with treatment. CONCLUSIONS: In a phase 3 trial, up to 48 weeks of treatment with BOT (0.5 mg or 1.0 mg twice daily) was superior to placebo in maintaining remission of EoE. Both dosages were equally effective and well tolerated. EudraCT number; 2014-001485-99; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT02434029

    High circulating osteoprotegerin levels are associated with non-zero blood groups

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    Background: Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and von Willebrand factor (VWF) form complex within endothelial cells and following secretion. The nature of blood group antigens strongly influences the levels of circulating VWF, but there is no available data concerning its ascendancy on OPG levels. We aimed to assess the relationship of AB0 blood groups with OPG, VWF levels (VWF: Ag) and collagen binding activity (VWF: CB) in peripheral arterial disease (PAD) patients. Methods: Functional and laboratory parameters of 105 PAD patients and 109 controls were examined. Results of OPG, VWF: Ag, VWF: CB (ELISA-s) were analysed by comparative statistics, together with clinical data. Results: OPG levels were higher in patients than in controls (4.64 ng/mL vs. 3.68 ng/mL, p < 0.001). Among patients elevation was marked in the presence of critical limb ischemia (5.19 ng/mL vs. 4.20 ng/mL, p = 0.011). The OPG in patients correlated positively with VWF: Ag and VWF: CB (r = 0.26, p = 0.008; r = 0.33, p = 0.001) and negatively with ankle-brachial pressure index (r = -0.22, p = 0.023). Furthermore, OPG was significantly elevated in non-0 blood groups compared to 0-groups both in patients and controls (4.95 ng/mL vs. 3.90 ng/mL, p = 0.012 and 4.09 ng/mL vs. 3.40 ng/mL, p = 0.002). Conclusions: OPG levels are associated to blood group phenotypes and higher in non-0 individuals. Increased OPG levels in PAD characterize disease severity. The significant correlation between OPG and VWF: CB might have functional importance in an atherothrombosis-prone biological environment

    "Allí donde uno diría que ya no puede haber nada: `Tu rostro mañana´ de Javier Marías" [Reseña]

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    Reseña de Grohmann, A. y Steenmeijer, M. "Allí donde uno diría que ya no puede haber nada: `Tu rostro mañana´ de Javier Marías", Cádiz: Ámsterdam: Rodopi, 2009. 370 pp.,ISBN: 978-90-420-2594-