109 research outputs found

    Barriers to the Success of 100% Maritime Cargo Container Scanning

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    The attacks of September 11, 2001 revealed national security vulnerabilities that had previously not received high level priority in the United States, such as insecure transportation and infrastructure networks. In response, airport security—including passenger and baggage scanning—has been improved. Yet seaport security policies have been slow to change. Five years after 9/11, only 5% of the six million cargo containers that arrive at U.S. seaports are scanned for threats

    Improved Bone Regeneration Using Biodegradable Polybutylene Succinate Artificial Scaffold in a Rabbit Model

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    The treatment of extensive bone loss represents a great challenge for orthopaedic and reconstructive surgery. Most of the time, those treatments consist of multiple-stage surgeries over a prolonged period, pose significant infectious risks and carry the possibility of rejection. In this study, we investigated if the use of a polybutylene succinate (PBS) micro-fibrillar scaffold may improve bone regeneration in these procedures. In an in vivo rabbit model, the healing of two calvarial bone defects was studied. One defect was left to heal spontaneously while the other was treated with a PBS scaffold. Computed tomography (CT) scans, histological and immunohistochemical analyses were performed at 4, 12 and 24 weeks. CT examination showed a significantly larger area of mineralised tissue in the treated defect. Histological examination confirmed a greater presence of active osteoblasts and mineralised tissue in the scaffold-treated defect, with no evidence of inflammatory infiltrates around it. Immunohistochemical analysis was positive for CD56 at the transition point between healthy bone and the fracture zone. This study demonstrates that the use of a PBS microfibrillar scaffold in critical bone defects on a rabbit model is a potentially effective technique to improve bone regeneration


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    In questo studio è stato preso in considerazione il consumo annuale di sodio oxibato della Farmacia Territoriale, dal 2009 al 2012, da parte del Ser.T di Termini Imerese. Si è voluto, inoltre, indagare sulla tipologia di pazienti ambulatoriali per avviare un successivo progetto di informazione e prevenzione rivolto alle scuole. Materiali e metodi: I dati relativi ai consumi sono stati estrapolati dal programma di magazzino della farmacia, mentre i dati relativi ai pazienti sono stati ricavati dal Sistema Informativo Sanitario del Ministero della Salute consultabile dai dipendenti del Ser.T. Risultati: La richiesta di sodio oxibato è cresciuta dal 2009 al 2011 per diminuire nel 2012 (60, 89, 99 e 38 flaconi consegnati rispettivamente nel 2009, 2010, 2011 e 2012). Anche il numero di pazienti è aumentato fino al 2011subendo una contrazione nel 2012 (27 pazienti nel 2009, 34 nel 2010, 38 nel 2011 e 34 nel 2012). Erano principalmente uomini (83,4% maschi; 17,6% femmine) di età superiore ai 20 anni. Di questi solo alcuni sono stati sottoposti a trattamento farmacologico (12 soggetti nel 2009, 16 nel 2010, 26 nel 2011 e 18 nel 2012) per un numero totale di 96 trattamenti. Le bevande alcoliche di uso prevalente sono risultate superalcolici e vino nel 2009 e nel 2010; nel 2011 e 2012 invece si è riscontrato un notevole aumento dei bevitori di birra. Un numero limitato di soggetti faceva uso concomitante di sostanze stupefacenti e psicotrope. Conclusioni: L’alcolismo è un problema di rilevanza sociale. Da ciò nasce l’esigenza di intraprendere campagne di informazione e prevenzione e l’età di ricovero al Ser.T superiore ai 20 anni ci indica come il target ottimale possa essere proprio quello degli adolescenti e dei loro tutori. La collaborazione tra figure professionali diverse quali il farmacista, lo psicologo, il medico, lo psichiatra, il tossicologo e il docente universitario potrebbe costituire un valido aiuto finalizzato alla prevenzione dei rischi legati all’abuso di alcool. In quest’ottica il farmacista potrebbe divenire una figura chiave nel promuovere stili di vita corretti e salutari

    Smoking initiation is followed by the early acquisition of epigenetic change in cervical epithelium: a longitudinal study

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    background: To prove a causal link between an epigenetic change and an environmental or behavioural risk factor for a given disease, it is first necessary to show that the onset of exposure precedes the first detection of that epigenetic change in subjects who are still free of disease. methods: Towards this end, a cohort of women aged 15–19 years, recruited soon after they first had sexual intercourse, were used to provide sequential observations on the relationship between cigarette smoking and the detection in cervical cytological samples of methylated forms of CDKN2A (p16) using nested methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction. results: Among women who remained cytologically normal and who tested negative for human papillomavirus DNA in cervical smears during follow-up, those who first started to smoke during follow-up had an increased risk of acquiring CDKN2A methylation compared with never-smokers (odds ratio=3.67; 95% confidence interval 1.09–12.33; P=0.04). conclusion: Smoking initiation is associated with the appearance of methylated forms of CDKN2A

    Using and Reporting the Delphi Method for Selecting Healthcare Quality Indicators: A Systematic Review

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    OBJECTIVE: Delphi technique is a structured process commonly used to developed healthcare quality indicators, but there is a little recommendation for researchers who wish to use it. This study aimed 1) to describe reporting of the Delphi method to develop quality indicators, 2) to discuss specific methodological skills for quality indicators selection 3) to give guidance about this practice. METHODOLOGY AND MAIN FINDING: Three electronic data bases were searched over a 30 years period (1978-2009). All articles that used the Delphi method to select quality indicators were identified. A standardized data extraction form was developed. Four domains (questionnaire preparation, expert panel, progress of the survey and Delphi results) were assessed. Of 80 included studies, quality of reporting varied significantly between items (9% for year's number of experience of the experts to 98% for the type of Delphi used). Reporting of methodological aspects needed to evaluate the reliability of the survey was insufficient: only 39% (31/80) of studies reported response rates for all rounds, 60% (48/80) that feedback was given between rounds, 77% (62/80) the method used to achieve consensus and 57% (48/80) listed quality indicators selected at the end of the survey. A modified Delphi procedure was used in 49/78 (63%) with a physical meeting of the panel members, usually between Delphi rounds. Median number of panel members was 17(Q1:11; Q3:31). In 40/70 (57%) studies, the panel included multiple stakeholders, who were healthcare professionals in 95% (38/40) of cases. Among 75 studies describing criteria to select quality indicators, 28 (37%) used validity and 17(23%) feasibility. CONCLUSION: The use and reporting of the Delphi method for quality indicators selection need to be improved. We provide some guidance to the investigators to improve the using and reporting of the method in future surveys

    The frequency-dependent Wright-Fisher model: diffusive and non-diffusive approximations

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    We study a class of processes that are akin to the Wright-Fisher model, with transition probabilities weighted in terms of the frequency-dependent fitness of the population types. By considering an approximate weak formulation of the discrete problem, we are able to derive a corresponding continuous weak formulation for the probability density. Therefore, we obtain a family of partial differential equations (PDE) for the evolution of the probability density, and which will be an approximation of the discrete process in the joint large population, small time-steps and weak selection limit. If the fitness functions are sufficiently regular, we can recast the weak formulation in a more standard formulation, without any boundary conditions, but supplemented by a number of conservation laws. The equations in this family can be purely diffusive, purely hyperbolic or of convection-diffusion type, with frequency dependent convection. The particular outcome will depend on the assumed scalings. The diffusive equations are of the degenerate type; using a duality approach, we also obtain a frequency dependent version of the Kimura equation without any further assumptions. We also show that the convective approximation is related to the replicator dynamics and provide some estimate of how accurate is the convective approximation, with respect to the convective-diffusion approximation. In particular, we show that the mode, but not the expected value, of the probability distribution is modelled by the replicator dynamics. Some numerical simulations that illustrate the results are also presented

    Toxicological Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Noxious Agents in Modern Warfare and Terorrism

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    Oružja za masovno uništavanje najbolji su primjer uporabe civilizacijskih tehnoloških dostignuća u štetne svrhe i protiv ljudske civilizacije. Unatoč nastojanjima oko kontrole i smanjenja njihove količine, rizik zbog samoga postojanja pa čak i širenja zahtijeva da se o njihovoj uporabi i dalje vodi računa i da se povećaju obrambene mjere – nuklearno-biološko-kemijske obrane (NBKO). Osim suvremenog vojnika koji je u vojnim i mirovnim operacijama diljem svijeta izložen raznim noksama kemijskog, biološkog i radiološkog podrijetla, nezaštićeno i uglavnom slabo educirano civilno stanovništvo može biti izloženo terorističkim napadima. Oružja za masovno uništavanje i nokse kemijskog, biološkog i radiološkog podrijetla uzrokuju razne toksikološke posljedice, a bez obzira na njihovo podrijetlo, imaju zajednički nazivnik djelovanja – poremećaj fi ziološkog stanja u organizmu. Poremećaji proizašli nakon izlaganja tim noksama nerijetko se teško determiniraju, dijagnosticiraju i liječe. U ovome su radu s biomedicinskog aspekta obrađene važnije nokse kemijskog, biološkog i radiološkog podrijetla na temelju odabranih primjera iz terorizma i suvremenog ratovanja: polonij-210, osiromašeni uran, salmonela, bedrenica (antraks), genetički modifi cirane bakterije, polimerno predivo “paučina” i bojni otrovi sarin i iperit.Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) best portray the twisted use of technological achievements against the human species. Despite arm control efforts, WMD threat continues to exist and even proliferate. This in turn calls for improvement in defensive measures against this threat. The modern soldier is exposed to a number of chemical, biological, and radiological agents in military and peace operations, while civilians are mainly exposed to terrorist attacks. Regardless of origin or mode of action, WMDs and other noxious agents aim for the same – to make an organism dysfunctional. Because their effects are often delayed, these agents are hard to spot on time and treat. This review presents a biomedical aspect of agents used in warfare and terrorism, including polonium-210, depleted uranium, salmonella, anthrax, genetically modifi ed bacteria, cobweb-like polymer fi bre, sarin, and mustard gas

    Creative Thinking and Modelling for the Decision Support in Water Management

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    This paper reviews the state of art in knowledge and preferences elicitation techniques. The purpose of the study was to evaluate various cognitive mapping techniques in order to conclude with the identification of the optimal technique for the NetSyMod methodology. Network Analysis Creative System Modelling (NetSyMod) methodology has been designed for the improvement of decision support systems (DSS) with respect to the environmental problems. In the paper the difference is made between experts and stakeholders knowledge and preference elicitation methods. The suggested technique is very similar to the Nominal Group Techniques (NGT) with the external representation of the analysed problem by means of the Hodgson Hexagons. The evolving methodology is undergoing tests within several EU-funded projects such as: ITAES, IISIM, NostrumDSS