1,038 research outputs found

    Initial State Radiation in Majorana Dark Matter Annihilations

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    The cross section for a Majorana Dark Matter particle annihilating into light fermions is helicity suppressed. We show that, if the Dark Matter is the neutral Majorana component of a multiplet which is charged under the electroweak interactions of the Standard Model, the emission of gauge bosons from the initial state lifts the suppression and allows an s-wave annihilation. The resulting energy spectra of stable Standard Model particles are importantly affected. This has an impact on indirect searches for Dark Matter.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Elemental analysis of particulate matter by X-ray fluorescence methods: A green approach to air quality monitoring

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    This review explores X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry for elemental analysis of particulate matter (PM) for air quality monitoring. The introduction presents PM classification based on size and composition, covering various elemental analysis methods while highlighting the increasing interest in XRF due to its non-destructive, rapid, and green features. The fundamental concepts of XRF and the experimental configurations commonly used are discussed, focusing on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) and Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF). PM sampling devices and substrate are described, with a specific emphasis on filtering membranes for EDXRF and reflecting substrates for TXRF. Sample preparation strategies and procedures are presented. Qualitative and quantitative analysis is described, with a particular focus on the calibration approaches implemented for PM. Finally, the challenges faced by XRF in becoming a recognized reliable analytical technique for PM analysis, comparable to other standardized techniques for PM filters analysis, while capitalizing on its green advantages

    High energy gamma-ray constraints on decaying Dark Matter

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    New bounds on decaying Dark Matter are derived from the gamma-ray measurements of (i) the isotropic residual (extragalactic) background by Fermi and (ii) the Fornax galaxy cluster by H.E.S.S. We find that those from (i) are among the most stringent constraints currently available, for a large range of dark matter masses and a variety of decay modes, excluding half-lives up to about 10^26 to few 10^27 seconds. In particular, they rule out the interpretation in terms of decaying dark matter of the e+/- spectral features in PAMELA, Fermi and H.E.S.S., unless very conservative choices are adopted. We also discuss future prospects for CTA bounds from Fornax which, contrary to the present H.E.S.S. constraints of (ii), may allow for an interesting improvement and may become better than those from the current or future extragalactic Fermi data.Comment: In Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), ID622, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil

    On the Importance of Electroweak Corrections for Majorana Dark Matter Indirect Detection

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    Recent analyses have shown that the inclusion of electroweak corrections can alter significantly the energy spectra of Standard Model particles originated from dark matter annihilations. We investigate the important situation where the radiation of electroweak gauge bosons has a substantial influence: a Majorana dark matter particle annihilating into two light fermions. This process is in p-wave and hence suppressed by the small value of the relative velocity of the annihilating particles. The inclusion of electroweak radiation eludes this suppression and opens up a potentially sizeable s-wave contribution to the annihilation cross section. We study this effect in detail and explore its impact on the fluxes of stable particles resulting from the dark matter annihilations, which are relevant for dark matter indirect searches. We also discuss the effective field theory approach, pointing out that the opening of the s-wave is missed at the level of dimension-six operators and only encoded by higher orders.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures. Minor corrections to match version published in JCA

    Displaced Higgs production in type III seesaw

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    We point out that the type III seesaw mechanism introducing fermion triplets predicts peculiar Higgs boson signatures of displaced vertices with two b jets and one or two charged particles which can be cleanly identified. In a supersymmetric theory, the scalar partner of the fermion triplet contains a neutral dark matter candidate which is almost degenerate with its charged components. A Higgs boson can be produced together with such a dark matter triplet in the cascade decay chain of a strongly produced squark or gluino. When the next lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) is bino/wino-like, there appears a Higgs boson associated with two charged tracks of a charged lepton and a heavy charged scalar at a displacement larger than about 1 mm. The corresponding production cross-section is about 0.5 fb for the squark/gluino mass of 1 TeV. In the case of the stau NLSP, it decays mainly to a Higgs boson and a heavy charged scalar whose decay length is larger than 0.1 mm for the stau NLSP mixing with the left-handed stau smaller than 0.3. As this process can have a large cascade production 2\sim 2 pb for the squark/gluino mass 1\sim 1 TeV, one may be able to probe it at the early stage of the LHC experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Common gauge origin of discrete symmetries in observable sector and hidden sector

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    An extra Abelian gauge symmetry is motivated in many new physics models in both supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric cases. Such a new gauge symmetry may interact with both the observable sector and the hidden sector. We systematically investigate the most general residual discrete symmetries in both sectors from a common Abelian gauge symmetry. Those discrete symmetries can ensure the stability of the proton and the dark matter candidate. A hidden sector dark matter candidate (lightest U-parity particle or LUP) interacts with the standard model fields through the gauge boson Z', which may selectively couple to quarks or leptons only. We make a comment on the implications of the discrete symmetry and the leptonically coupling dark matter candidate, which has been highlighted recently due to the possibility of the simultaneous explanation of the DAMA and the PAMELA results. We also show how to construct the most general U(1) charges for a given discrete symmetry, and discuss the relation between the U(1) gauge symmetry and R-parity.Comment: Version to appear in JHE

    Gamma ray tests of Minimal Dark Matter

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    We reconsider the model of Minimal Dark Matter (a fermionic, hypercharge-less quintuplet of the EW interactions) and compute its gamma ray signatures. We compare them with a number of gamma ray probes: the galactic halo diffuse measurements, the galactic center line searches and recent dwarf galaxies observations. We find that the original minimal model, whose mass is fixed at 9.4 TeV by the relic abundance requirement, is constrained by the line searches from the Galactic Center: it is ruled out if the Milky Way possesses a cuspy profile such as NFW but it is still allowed if it has a cored one. Observations of dwarf spheroidal galaxies are also relevant (in particular searches for lines), and ongoing astrophysical progresses on these systems have the potential to eventually rule out the model. We also explore a wider mass range, which applies to the case in which the relic abundance requirement is relaxed. Most of our results can be safely extended to the larger class of multi-TeV WIMP DM annihilating into massive gauge bosons

    Dark Matter's secret liaisons: Phenomenology of a dark U(1) sector with bound states

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    Dark matter (DM) charged under a dark U(1) force appears in many extensions of the Standard Model, and has been invoked to explain anomalies in cosmic-ray data, as well as a self-interacting DM candidate. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive phenomenological analysis of such a model, assuming that the DM abundance arises from the thermal freeze-out of the dark interactions. We include, for the first time, bound-state effects both in the DM production and in the indirect detection signals, and quantify their importance for Fermi, Ams-02, and CMB experiments. We find that DM in the mass range 1 GeV to 100TeV, annihilating into dark photons of MeV to GeV mass, is in conict with observations. Instead, DM annihilation into heavier dark photons is viable. We point out that the late decays of multi-GeV dark photons can produce significant entropy and thus dilute the DM density. This can lower considerably the dark coupling needed to obtain the DM abundance, and in turn relax the existing constraints