17 research outputs found


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    Kajian kinerja usaha pelayanan jasa alat dan mesin pertanian (upja):kontribusi dalam strategi pengembangan alat dan mesin pertanian (studi kasus upja di dij)

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    The objective of this study was to predict profit level of UPJA. It was also to discover technical and non-technical factors and understand a social-economical effect of the UPJA toward increasing farmer income and use of agricultural machinery and equipment in the D1J Province. The result was expected to be input in managing UPJA and governmental consideration toward strategy on development of agricultural machinery and. equipment. The sample was 28 KSO-patterned of UPJA, and fanner as user of UPJA. Data was obtained by distributing questioner, conducting direct interview with respondent, and refering relevant literature. The data determined description of UPJA management in the DIJ and then it was analyzed through technically, economically, and socially approached. Technical analysis indicated that tractor capacity was high, while thresher and RMU were low. Economical analysis indicated that tractor and thresher were in not economical, because the NPV was less than 0 and BCR was less than 1. Whereas on RMU there were two samples, that can achieve NPV more than 0, and BCR more than I. Social analysis indicated that actually farmers received and needed the presence of the technology, although the appreciation on agricultural machinery and equipment service was still low. As a whole, UPJA activity had not been good and given benefit. It needed agricultural explanation more intensive to the farmer on importance of agricultural mechanization. It .also needed to raise rental fee so the operating loss could be decreased. Keywords: work performance, agricultural machinery and equipmen

    Upaya Peningkatan Traksi Pada Traktor

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    Pengaruh Faktor Rancang Bangun Roda Sarang Traktor Mini terhadap Efisiensi Kerja dan Kapasitas Kerja Pengolahan Tanah Sawah

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    Pengunaan roda sarang untuk berbagai rancangan pada traktor mini mempunyai kemampuan meningkatkan traksi lebih tinggi dibandingkan apabila traktor mini tersebut hanya dilengkapi dengan roda besi standard jual, untuk bekera pada lahan sawah. Untuk spasi tapak yang sama ukuran roda sarang yang lebih lebar menunjukkan kecenderungan peningkatan traksi yang lebih baik. Masalah yang timbul semakin lebar ukuran roda sarang kemudahan pengendalian dan kemudahan traktor untuk belok akan semakin turun, serta harga gaya tahanan guling akan semakin besar. Hal ini akan dapat berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi dan kapasitas kerja traktor mini tersebut untuk melakukan pengolahan tanah sawah. Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh pengaruh faktor rancang bangun roda sarang traktor mini terhadap efisiensi dan kapasitas pengolahan tanah sawah, diuji dan dievaluasi enam pasang roda sarang, dan satu pasang roda besi standard jual sebagai kontrol. Setiap jenis roda sarang maupun roda besi secara bergantian dipasangkan pada roda belakang traktor mini yang dilengkapi dengan bajak singkal, selanjutnya digunakan untuk melakukan pengolahan tanah sawah yang berukuran (10 m x 50 m) masing-masing tiga kali ulangan. Ukuran Faktor rancang bangun roda sarang traktor mini 15 hp, yang roda belakangnya mempunyai diameter luar sebesar 800 mm, diameter roda sarang ditentukan sebesar 700 mm lebar tapak 50 mm, sudut tapak (p) = 30 derajat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa roda sarang dengan spasi tapak (alpha) = 30 derajat dan lebar roda sarang 350 mm memberikan harga efisiensi dan kapasitas kerja lapang yang paling baik untuk melakukan pengolahan tanah sawah. Selanjutnya roda besi standard jual, yang merupakan perlengkapan standard dari traktor mini yang bersagkutan, ternyata mempunyai harga efisiensi dan kapasitas kerja lapang yang paling rendah dibandingkan dengan seluruh rancangan roda sarang yang diuji

    Kajian Kinerja Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alat dan Mesin Pertanian (UPJA) : Kontribusi dalam Strategi Pengembangan Alat dan Mesin Pertanian (Studi Kasus UPJA di DIJ)

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    The objective of this study was to predict profit level of UPJA. It was also to discover technical and non-technical factors and understand a social-economical effect of the uPJA toward increasing farmer income and use of agricultural machinery and equipment. The sample was 28 KSO-patterned of UPJA, and farmer as user of UPJA. Data was obtained by distributing questioner, conducting direct interview with respondent and refering relevant literature. The data determined description of UPJA management in the DIJ and then it was analyzed through technically, economically, and socially approached. Technical analysis indicated that tractor capacity was high, while thresher and RMU were low. Economical analysis indicated that tractor and thresher were in not economical, because the NPV was less than 0 and BCR was less than 1. Whereas on RMU there were two samples, that can achieve NPV more than 0, and BCR more than 1. Social analysis indicated that actually farmers received and needed the presence of the technology, although the appreciation on agricultural machinery and equipment service was still low. As a whole, UPJA activity had not been good and given benefit. It needed agricultural explanation more intensive to the farmer on importance of agrocultural mechanization. It also needed to raise fee so the operating loss could be decreased


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    Small scale industries of tofu production have various capacity of soybeans processing, they are 50 kg/day, 100 kg/day, 600 kg/day, dan 1000 kg/day. In the traditional method of tofu processing, the soybean porridge is cooked with direct heating. That method produces browny tofu coloured with smoky smell. Besides, the cooking of soybean porridge leaving crust. Those risks move the industries to use steam boiler in cooking the soybean porridge. However, the characteristic of steam boiler has not given the efficient steam pressure yet for an optimal cooking time of soybean porridge. This research used steam boiler type TPD-80V-13 which could be applied in small scale industry of tofu. The steam boiler would produce steam in 4 variation of pressure which flowed to cooking vessel with 4 variation of water in it. The boiling point of water is assumed to be similar to the boiling point of soybean porridge, then this research would show about the suitable steam pressure in order to get an efficient cooking time of the various volume of water. The output of this research was aimed to help tofu industry in tofu processing. The result of this research are, based on the duration of boiling water, to boil 50 liter water (50 kg soybeans/day) is suggested to set the steam boiler at 0 atm pressure gauge, 100 liter water (100 kg soybeans/day) at 1 atm pressure gauge, 150 liter water (600 kg soybeans/day) at 2 atm pressure gauge, and 200 liter water (1000 kg soybeans/day) at 3 atm pressure gauge. The highest efficiency for boiling water at volume 50 liter, 100 liter, and 150 liter is reached at 0 atm pressure gauge. While the highest efficiency of 200 liter water is at 3 atm pressure gauge


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    ABSTRACT Biomass gasification is an energy conversion technology that converted biomass into synthetic gas, syngas, such as CO, H2 and CH4 which can be employed as fuel that environmentally sound. Syngas has potential to be used as diesel engine fuel. This research was done to analysis the potential reduction of diesel fuel consumption when the diesel engine is simultaneously fueled by diesel fuel and syngas in dual fuel system. The research was done by running the diesel engine in various speeds, i.e. 1000, 1500, and 2000 rpm. The syngas was inputted into the engine via air intake of the engine. The input rate of syngas as well as air was set by varying the air intake valve at ½, ¾, and full positions. Performance parameter determined was consumption reduction of diesel fuel. Cost analysis was also done to know the treatment effect on the reduction of diesel fuel cost. Experimental result shows that rotational speed of the engine and input rate of syngas and air were significantly affect in the reduction of diesel fuel of dual fuel system diesel engine. The faster rotational speed and the lesser air input the bigger reduction of diesel fuel. At 2000 rpm and ½ of air intake wide of valve the reduction of diesel fuel consumption was 335 ml/hr. One liter of diesel fuel was equal as 8.33 kg of wood charcoal. Keywords: gasification, biomass, diese enginel, dual fuel syste


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    In this study using two-stage approach in evaluating land. Used three kinds of maps, maps of soil types, slope maps and land use maps. The three maps of the overlay map unit acquired land then the map is used to determine the land suitability classes using the scoring method. Land evaluation is the process of estimating the potential of land resources for various uses by comparing the requirements necessary for a particular land use with the nature of the existing resources on the land. This study used to evaluate the land as a basis for consideration in the development of hand tractors in the Bantul region. From the calculation for the land class S3 predicted to require 184 units of hand tractors. Of the results of research in the Bantul region there are 250 units of land are divided into 4 classes. S1 class is a class that is very suitable land. Of 250 units of land there are 27 units which is a class S1 with a land area of 17.184,09 hectares. S2 class there are 72 units with an area of 12.728,04 hectares of land. S3 class there are 140 units with an area of 19.909,89 hectares of land. N classes are 37 units with total area of 1218,59 hectares. from the calculation needs hand tractors Bantul district requires an additional 77 units of hand tractors. Calculation of economic analysis suggests the use of hand tractors for tillage is more economical and efficient compared with traditional tillag