113 research outputs found

    Hepatic Angioembolization in Trauma Patients: Indications and Complications.

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatic angiography (HA) and hepatic angioembolization (HAE) are increasingly used to diagnose and treat intrahepatic arterial injuries. This study was performed to review indications, outcomes, and complications of HA/HAE in blunt trauma patients who underwent HAE as adjunct management of hepatic injury. METHODS: A retrospective review of consecutive cases of HA/HAE at a Level I trauma center during an 8-year period. Data include demographics, physiologic condition, liver injury grade, HA/HAE indications, outcomes, morbidity, and mortality. RESULTS: Seventy-nine patients underwent diagnostic HA; 31 (39%) had subsequent HAE. Fifty-eight hemodynamically stable patients had computerized axial tomographic (CT) scan followed by HA. HA was performed for contrast blush on CT in 30 (52%) of 58 patients, high-grade liver injury in 4 (7%), subsequent hemodynamic instability in 15 (27%), and angiography planned for other purpose in 9 (17%). HA confirmed arterial injury and led to HAE in 50% of patients with contrast blush on CT or high-grade liver injury. HA was negative when performed for hemodynamic instability or for other primary purposes. Twenty-one hemodynamically unstable patients underwent emergent laparotomy followed by postoperative HA with 11 (50%) requiring HAE. Overall mortality in HAE group was 16%, and liver-related morbidity was 29% usually presenting as gallbladder or liver necrosis. CONCLUSION: HA/HAE should be used when CT scan suggests associated intrahepatic arterial or high-grade injury in the management of hepatic injuries and should also be considered after laparotomy and perihepatic packing to control inaccessible intrahepatic hemorrhage. Mortality related to HAE is uncommon, but morbidity occurs frequently

    Geriatric pharmacotherapy : optimisation through integrated approach in the hospital setting

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    Since older patients are more vulnerable to adverse drug-related events, there is a need to ensure appropriate prescribing in these patients in order to prevent misuse, overuse and underuse of drugs. Different tools and strategies have been developed to reduce inappropriate prescribing; the available measures can be divided into medication assessment tools, and specific interventions to reduce inappropriate prescribing. Implicit criteria of inappropriate prescribing focus on appropriate dosing, search for drug-drug interactions, and increase adherence. Explicit criteria are consensus-based standards focusing on drugs and diseases and include lists of drugs to avoid in general or lists combining drugs with clinical data. These criteria take into consideration differences between patients, and stand for a medication review, by using a systematic approach. Different types of interventions exist in order to reduce inappropriate prescribing in older patients, such as: educational interventions, computerized decision support systems, pharmacist-based interventions, and geriatric assessment. The effects of these interventions have been studied, sometimes in a multifaceted approach combining different techniques, and all types seem to have positive effects on appropriateness of prescribing. Interdisciplinary teamwork within the integrative pharmaceutical care is important for improving of outcomes and safety of drug therapy. The pharmaceutical care process consists offour steps, which are cyclic for an individual patient. These steps are pharmaceutical anamnesis, medication review, design and follow-up of a pharmaceutical care plan. A standardized approach is necessary for the adequate detection and evaluation of drug-related problems. Furthermore, it is clear that drug therapy should be reviewed in-depth, by having full access to medical records, laboratory values and nursing notes. Although clinical pharmacists perform the pharmaceutical care process to manage the patient’s drug therapy in every day clinical practice, the physician takes the ultimate responsibility for the care of the patient in close collaboration with nurses

    Understanding the meaning of medications for patients: The medication experience

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    Objective: To understand and describe the meaning of medications for patients. Methods: A metasynthesis of three different, yet complementary qualitative research studies, was conducted by two researchers. The first study was a phenomenological study of patients’ medication experiences that used unstructured interviews. The second study was an ethnographic study of pharmaceutical care practice, which included participant observation, in-depth interviews and focus groups with patients of pharmaceutical care. The third was a phenomenological study of the chronic illness experience of medically uninsured individuals in the United States and included an explicit aim to understand the medication experience within that context. The two researchers who conducted these three qualitative studies that examined the medication experience performed the meta-synthesis. The process began with the researchers reviewing the themes of the medication experience for each study. The researchers then aggregated the themes to identify the overlapping and similar themes of the medication experience and which themes are sub-themes within another theme versus a unique theme of the medication experience. The researchers then used the analytic technique, “free imaginative variation” to determine the essential, structural themes of the medication experience. Results: The meaning of medications for patients was captured as four themes of the medication experience: a meaningful encounter; bodily effects; unremitting nature; and exerting control. The medication experience is an individual’s subjective experience of taking a medication in his daily life. It begins as an encounter with a medication. It is an encounter that is given meaning before it occurs. The experience may include positive or negative bodily effects. The unremitting nature of a chronic medication often causes an individual to question the need for the medication. Subsequently, the individual may exert control by altering the way he takes the medication and often in part because of the gained expertise with the medication in his own body. Conclusion: The medication experience is a practice concept that serves to understand patients’ experiences and to understand an individual patient’s medication experience and medication-taking behaviors in order to meet his or her medication-related needs

    Interprofessional education through shadowing experiences in multi-disciplinary clinical settings

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    The World Health Organization has recently added Interprofessional Education (IPE) to its global health agenda recognizing it as a necessary component of all health professionals' education. We suggest mandatory interprofessional shadowing experiences as a mechanism to be used by chiropractic institutions to address this agenda. IPE initiatives of other professions (pharmacy and medicine) are described along with chiropractic. This relative comparison of professions local to our jurisdiction in Ontario, Canada is made so that the chiropractic profession may take note that they are behind other health care providers in implementing IPE

    Systematic Review of Medicine-Related Problems in Adult Patients with Atrial Fibrillation on Direct Oral Anticoagulants

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    New oral anticoagulant agents continue to emerge on the market and their safety requires assessment to provide evidence of their suitability for clinical use. There-fore, we searched standard databases to summarize the English language literature on medicine-related problems (MRPs) of direct oral anticoagulants DOACs (dabigtran, rivaroxban, apixban, and edoxban) in the treatment of adults with atri-al fibrillation. Electronic databases including Medline, Embase, International Pharmaceutical Abstract (IPA), Scopus, CINAHL, the Web of Science and Cochrane were searched from 2008 through 2016 for original articles. Studies pub-lished in English reporting MRPs of DOACs in adult patients with AF were in-cluded. Seventeen studies were identified using standardized protocols, and two reviewers serially abstracted data from each article. Most articles were inconclusive on major safety end points including major bleeding. Data on major safety end points were combined with efficacy. Most studies inconsistently reported adverse drug reactions and not adverse events or medication error, and no definitions were consistent across studies. Some harmful drug effects were not assessed in studies and may have been overlooked. Little evidence is provided on MRPs of DOACs in patients with AF and, therefore, further studies are needed to establish the safety of DOACs in real-life clinical practice

    Responsible self-medication: review of the process of pharmaceutical attendance

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    This article presents a review, based on a qualitative study, of pharmaceutical orientation in the management of minor illness. Action research methodology was used by a group of faculty members responsible for the community pharmacy internship and by postgraduates in clinical pharmacy, to carry out the study with the objective to present a standard service for this kind of procedure. The interaction with the individual starts with a welcoming reception, at which point the pharmacist should be receptive and show empathy. Subsequently, data from the history of the patient are collected to obtain relevant information. Based on this information, the pharmacist must develop a line of clinical reasoning and make a decision, taking the context of the patient into account. After this analysis, the most appropriate intervention is performed. This intervention could indicate the need for referral to another health professional, the use of a non-pharmacological therapy or the provision of sound advice on medicines available without prescription. The next step is monitoring the patient in order to identify the effectiveness and safety of treatment. The standardization process of pharmaceutical attendance in the management of minor disorders contributes to the rational use of medicines.A reflexão apresentada neste artigo representa um estudo de abordagem qualitativa baseada na pesquisa-ação da prática do atendimento farmacêutico no manejo de transtornos menores, realizada pelo grupo de professores do Estágio em Farmácia Comunitária e por farmacêuticos pós-graduados em Farmácia Clínica, com o objetivo de realizar uma proposta de atendimento padrão para este tipo de procedimento. A interação com o indivíduo é iniciada pelo acolhimento, momento no qual o farmacêutico deve ser receptivo e empático. A seguir, se executa a coleta de dados sobre a história do paciente, para obtenção de informações relevantes. Com base nas informações, o farmacêutico deve desenvolver um raciocínio clínico e tomar uma decisão, levando em consideração o contexto do paciente. Após esta análise é realizada a intervenção mais adequada ou o conjunto dessas que podem ser: procurar outro profissional de saúde, utilizar uma terapia não-farmacológica ou auxiliar na escolha de um medicamento de venda livre. O próximo passo é o acompanhamento do paciente com vistas a identificar a efetividade e segurança do tratamento. A padronização do processo de atendimento farmacêutico no manejo de transtornos menores, contribui para o uso racional de medicamentos

    Pharmaceutical consultation as a tool to improve health outcomes for patients with type 2 diabetes

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    This study develops and evaluates a pharmaceutical consultation program (PCP) to improve treatment for Type 2 diabetes patients (T2DP) and reduce risk factors for diabetic complications with possible application in other chronic diseases. We recruited T2DP receiving conventional medical treatment but with fasting glycemia >140mg/dl and/or glycated hemoglobin >7%. The PCP includes strategies obtained from Dader's method, the PWDT (Pharmacist's Workup of Drug Therapy method) model of pharmaceutical care, the SOAP (Subjective data, Objective data, Assessment, and Plan of care) method, and concepts based on a nursing care model. The PCP evaluated lifestyle, pharmacotherapy and monitoring it using laboratory tests, vital signs, and anthropometry. These procedures were repeated every 4 months for 1 year. Data obtained in each consultation were used to provide patient education focusing on healthy lifestyles and medications. Fifty patients completed the PCP. There were reductions in glycemia (PNeste estudo, desenvolvemos e avaliamos um programa de consulta farmacêutica (PCF) visando melhorar o tratamento de pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 (PDT2) e reduzir os fatores de risco de complicações diabéticas com possibilidade de aplicação em outras doenças crônicas. Para alcançar este propósito, PDT2 recebendo tratamento médico convencional, apresentando glicemia de jejum > 140 mg/dl e/ou hemoglobina glicada >7% foram selecionados. O PCF inclui estratégias obtidas a partir do método de Dader, do modelo de cuidados farmacêuticos PWDT (Pharmacist's Workup of Drug Therapy method), do método SOAP (Subjective data, Objective data, Assessment, and Plan of care) e conceitos baseados em um modelo de cuidados em enfermagem. O PCF avaliou o estilo de vida, farmacoterapia e seu monitoramento através de exames laboratoriais, sinais vitais e antropometria. Estes procedimentos foram repetidos a cada 4 meses durante 1 ano. Os dados obtidos em cada consulta possibilitaram oferecer educação focada no estilo de vida e uso de medicamentos. Para os 50 pacientes que concluiram o PCF houve redução da glicemia (P < 0.0001), hemoglobina glicada (P = 0.0022), colesterolemia (P = 0.0072), triacilgliceridemia (P= 0.0204) e pressão arterial (P < 0.0001). O aumento da concordância e a correção dos problemas relacionados a medicamentos contribuíram para melhoria do tratamento. Assim, podemos concluir que o PCF foi adequado para melhorar a saúde de PDT2 ao reduzir fatores de risco de complicações diabéticas