220 research outputs found

    Maker Networks Fighting Covid-19: Design Guidelines for Redistributed Manufacturing (RDM) Models

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    Maker Networks indicate how society organizes itself to overcome significant challenges, such as the lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyze initiatives that produced PPE for frontline health staff to propose design guidelines for implementing RDM-Maker Networks: networks of people and organizations in the Maker Movement that collaboratively produce goods or services organized in a redistributed manufacturing (RDM) model. This paper has two main results: five Maker Networks in Brazil analyzed in terms of their RDM features and the subsequent design guidelines. We selected cases through several criteria like their location and the type of one of their nodes. Those criteria also represent limitations that further works can address

    Zooarchaeological Evidence for Animal Husbandry and Foodways at Sylvester Manor

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    Analysis of over 12,000 zooarchaeological specimens recovered from Sylvester Manor provides archaeological evidence to complement the limited historical information about stock raising and food consumption on the plantation. The analyzed collection derives from the south lawn midden deposit at the site, and contains primarily the remains of domestic sheep, cattle, and pigs. The domestic animal ages, based on tooth eruption and wear, suggest aspects of the animal husbandry system. The patterns of skeletal part representation suggest most of the bones from the midden are refuse from household consumption rather than waste from exported foodstuffs. The Sylvesters and their tenant farmers maintained a dietary emphasis on traditional European domesticates and this diet would have represented a major change for the plantation’s African and Native American occupants

    Effect of base sequence on the DNA cross-linking properties of pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) dimers

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    Pyrrolo[2,1-c][1,4]benzodiazepine (PBD) dimers are synthetic sequence-selective DNA minor-groove cross-linking agents that possess two electrophilic imine moieties (or their equivalent) capable of forming covalent aminal linkages with guanine C2-NH2 functionalities. The PBD dimer SJG-136, which has a C8–O–(CH2)3–O–C8′′ central linker joining the two PBD moieties, is currently undergoing phase II clinical trials and current research is focused on developing analogues of SJG-136 with different linker lengths and substitution patterns. Using a reversed-phase ion pair HPLC/MS method to evaluate interaction with oligonucleotides of varying length and sequence, we recently reported (JACS, 2009, 131, 13 756) that SJG-136 can form three different types of adducts: inter- and intrastrand cross-linked adducts, and mono-alkylated adducts. These studies have now been extended to include PBD dimers with a longer central linker (C8–O–(CH2)5–O–C8′), demonstrating that the type and distribution of adducts appear to depend on (i) the length of the C8/C8′-linker connecting the two PBD units, (ii) the positioning of the two reactive guanine bases on the same or opposite strands, and (iii) their separation (i.e. the number of base pairs, usually ATs, between them). Based on these data, a set of rules are emerging that can be used to predict the DNA–interaction behaviour of a PBD dimer of particular C8–C8′ linker length towards a given DNA sequence. These observations suggest that it may be possible to design PBD dimers to target specific DNA sequences

    Quantitative immunomorphological analysis of heat shock proteins in thyroid follicular adenoma and carcinoma tissues reveals their potential for differential diagnosis and points to a role in carcinogenesis

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    Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90 are chaperones that play a crucial role in cellular homeostasis and differentiation, but they may be implicated in carcinogenesis. Follicular neoplasms of the thyroid include follicular adenoma and follicular carcinoma. The former is a very frequent benign encapsulated nodule, whereas the other is a nodule that infiltrates the capsule, blood vessels and the adjacent parenchyma, with a tendency to metastasize. The main objective was to assess the potential of the Hsps in differential diagnosis and carcinogenesis. We quantified by immunohistochemistry Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90 on thin sections of human thyroid tissue with follicular adenoma or follicular carcinoma, comparing the tumor with the adjacent peritumoral tissue. Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90 were increased in follicular carcinoma compared to follicular adenoma, while Hsp27 showed no difference. Histochemical quantification of Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90 allows diagnostic distinction between follicular adenoma and carcinoma, and between tumor and adjacent non-tumoral tissue. The quantitative variations of these chaperones in follicular carcinoma suggest their involvement in tumorigenesis, for instance in processes such as invasion of thyroid parenchyma and metastasization

    FCIC memo of staff interview with Warren Spector, Bear Stearns

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    FCIC memo of staff interview with Jimmy Cayne, Bear Stearns

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    Brensocatib, an oral, reversible inhibitor of dipeptidyl peptidase 1, mitigates interferon-α-accelerated lupus nephritis in mice

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    Neutrophils have been implicated in initiating and perpetuating systemic lupus erythematosus and the resultant kidney damage in lupus nephritis (LN) patients, in part through an excessive release of neutrophil serine proteases (NSPs). NSP zymogens are activated by dipeptidyl peptidase 1 (DPP1) during neutrophil maturation and released by mature neutrophils in response to inflammatory stimuli. Thus, a potential strategy to attenuate disease progression in LN would be to inhibit DPP1. We tested whether brensocatib, a highly selective and reversible DPP1 inhibitor, could mitigate LN progression in an interferon-alpha (IFNα)-accelerated NZB/W F1 mouse model. To confirm brensocatib’s pharmacodynamic effect on NSPs in this mouse strain, repeated dose studies were conducted for 7 and 14 days in naïve NZB/W F1 mice via oral gavage twice a day. Brensocatib at 2 and 20 mg/kg/day achieved a significant reduction in bone marrow NSP activities after 7 days of daily administration. To initiate LN disease progression, the mice were injected with an IFNα-expressing adenovirus. After 2 weeks, three brensocatib doses (or vehicle) were administered for 6 more weeks. Throughout the 8-week study, brensocatib treatment (20 mg/kg/day) significantly reduced the occurrence of severe proteinuria compared to the vehicle control. Brensocatib treatment also entailed a significant reduction in the urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio, indicating decreased kidney damage, as well as a significant reduction in blood urea nitrogen level, suggesting improved renal function. Based on kidney histopathology analysis, brensocatib treatment significantly lowered both the renal tubular protein score and the nephropathy score compared to the vehicle group. A trend towards reduced glomerulonephritis score with brensocatib treatment was also observed. Lastly, brensocatib significantly reduced LN mouse kidney infiltration by various inflammatory cells. In conclusion, these results suggest that brensocatib alters disease progression in LN mice and warrant further evaluation of DPP1 inhibition in LN

    Rat retina shows robust circadian expression of clock and clock output genes in explant culture.

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    PURPOSE: Circadian rhythms are central to vision and retinal physiology. A circadian clock located within the retina controls various rhythmic processes including melatonin synthesis in photoreceptors. In the present study, we evaluated the rhythmic expression of clock genes and clock output genes in retinal explants maintained for several days in darkness. METHODS: Retinas were dissected from Wistar rats, either wild-type or from the Per1-luciferase transgenic line housed under a daily 12 h:12 h light-dark cycle (LD12/12), and put in culture at zeitgeber time (ZT) 12 on semipermeable membranes. Explants from wild-type rats were collected every 4 h over 3 days, and total RNA was extracted, quantified, and reverse transcribed. Gene expression was assessed with quantitative PCR, and the periodicity of the relative mRNA amounts was assessed with nonlinear least squares fitting to sine wave functions. Bioluminescence in explants from Per1-luciferase rats was monitored for several days under three different culture protocols. RESULTS: Rhythmic expression was found for all studied clock genes and for clock downstream targets such as c-fos and arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (Aanat) genes. Clock and output genes cycled with relatively similar periods and acrophases (peaks of expression during subjective night, except c-fos, which peaked around the end of the subjective day). Data for Per1 were confirmed with bioluminescence monitoring, which also permitted culture conditions to be optimized to study the retina clock. CONCLUSIONS: Our work shows the free-running expression profile of multiple clock genes and potential clock targets in mammalian retinal explants. This research further strengthens the notion that the retina contains a self-sustained oscillator that can be functionally characterized in organotypic culture.journal articleresearch support, non-u.s. gov't20142014 06 02importe