33 research outputs found

    Hair Water Content and Water Holding Capacity Measurements

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    We present our latest study on human hair water content and water holding capacity measurements by using capacitive contact imaging and condense-TEWL method. Previous studies showed that capacitive contact imaging based fingerprint sensors, originally designed for biometric applications, can be used for skin hydration imaging, skin surface analysis, 3D skin surface profiles, skin micro-relief as well as solvent penetration measurements. Through calibration, we can also measure the absolute dielectric constant, and from which we can calculate the absolute water content of the samples. In this study, we used capacitive contact imaging for hair water content measurements, and compared it with other measurement techniques. The results show that capacitive contact imaging can effectively differentiate different hairs from different people, normal hair from wet hair, and water content changes in hair. Healthy hair always contains certain amount of water, and they will contain different amount of water when exposed to different relatively humidity (RH) environments. We studied this water holding capacity by using the condenser-TEWL method through desorption process, in which small hair samples were placed inside the measurement chamber (22ºC and 11.3% RH). These hair samples, pre-conditioned at different higher RH, will therefore lose water until they reach equilibrium with the chamber RH. The dynamics of the equilibration process can be studied by measuring time-series curves of associated water vapour flux. The total quantity of water lost can then be calculated from such time-integrated flux curves. We have also developed mathematical models for modelling this hair desorption process. By fitting the normalized hair desorption data with the mathematical models, we can get the water diffusion coefficient information, which can then be related to the water holding capability of the hair samples

    Decidua – actualităţi morfofuncţionale

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    The processes of deciduation of endometrium prepare the appearences of a structure which reprezented by decidua. This khew structure will regulated acceptation graft. Reprezented by pregnancy through specifi c immunologic mechanisms, which add endocrine and paracrine functions of decidua. The resence in decidua structures of numerous cytokine and cells with particular structures and activity, will permite trophoblastic invasion and changes to the interface level of mathernoplacentar. Profound study on decidua will lead to undestand with very high fi neness the mechanisms which is stoy on the basis of trophoblastic invasion

    Sindromul antifosfolipidic catastrofal asherson

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    Sindromul antifosfolipidic catastofal Asherson se dezvoltă rapid la persoanele pozitive pentru anticorpii antifosfolipidici, ca urmare a unui factor declanşator identifi cabil (infecţie, traumatism, coagulare inadecvată, patologie obstetricală). Cel mai frecvent este întâlnit la persoanele cu sindrom antifosfolipidic primar sau lupus eritematos sistemic (LES) ori afecţiuni „lupus-like” (LLD). Clinic, se manifestă prin tromboze ale vaselor mici, afectând diverse organe (inimă, creier, tract astrointestinal, rinichi, suprarenale). In 1/3 din cazuri apar ocluzii de vase mari, ca manifestări ale sindromului de răspuns infl amator sistemic (SRIS) sau sindromul de detresă respiratorie acută (SDRA). Cu toata terapia, precoce şi intensivă, ce constă în adminstrarea de anticoagulante, corticoizi, antibiotice, imunoglobuline intravenos, plasmafereză, mortalitatea rămâne crescută, ridicându-se la aproximativ 50% din cazuri

    X-ray fluorescence from the element with atomic number Z = 120

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    Accepted for publication in Physical Review LettersAn atomic clock based on X-ray fluorescence yields has been used to estimate the mean characteristic time for fusion followed by fission in reactions 238U + 64Ni at 6.6 MeV/A. Inner shell vacancies are created during the collisions in the electronic structure of the possibly formed Z=120 compound nuclei. The filling of these vacancies accompanied by X-ray emission with energies characteristic of Z=120 can take place only if the atomic transitions occur before nuclear fission. Therefore, the X-ray yield characteristic of the united atom with 120 protons is strongly related to the fission time and to the vacancy lifetimes. K X-rays from the element with Z = 120 have been unambiguously identified from a coupled analysis of the involved nuclear reaction mechanisms and of the measured photon spectra. A minimum mean fission time τ\tau_f$ = 2.5×10−18s has been deduced for Z=120 from the measured X-ray multiplicity

    Magnetic moment measurement in125Te by IPAC

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    Experimental Evaluation of Unbalance and Distortion Indicators in Three-Phase Systems with Neutral

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    The characterization of three-phase systems with neutral under unbalanced operation in the presence of waveform distortion is a key aspect in the power quality studies. This paper presents the application to a number of real cases of a unified framework providing a set of synthetic indicators capable to explain the individual effects of unbalance and harmonic distortion. The use of specific indicators extending the notion of total harmonic distortion to the case of unbalanced systems, and the notion of unbalance to the systems with distorted waveforms is illustrated and discussed on various sets of data gathered from real-time measurements on office and laboratory feeders and on a photovoltaic system