238 research outputs found

    The Strategic Role of Marketing Communication in he SME: the Case of Fornari SpA

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    In this paper we discuss the strategic importance of communication and Intranet for theItalian Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs). We analyse the case of Fornari SpA, an Italian medium size clothing and shoes manufacturer that uses internet as a communication tool. The aim of this study is to understand the potential of internet in a specific case and to understand whether internet is a strategic tool or only an operative tool. The firm currently uses two applications of internet: extranet and intranet. The analysis underlines the importance of marketing competences and training that are absolutely necessary to make the most effectiveand efficient use of the internet potential.SME, ICT, Internet Marketing.

    Il costo della guerra nel Regno di Sardegna attraverso i libri del batlle general Jordi de Planella (1396-1399).

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    This paper offers thinks about the administration and defense of Regnum Sardiniae in the late XIV century (1396-1399). From Jordi de Planella\u27s financial books who was the "batlle general" of Sardinia, it become visible the progressive increase of the remarkable budget allocated by the Crown of Aragon to the defense of the Catalan-Aragonese garrisons survived in southern Sardinia, as proof of the strongest interest led to the Sardinian kingdom. In this paper emerges the role of the static defensive systems and its costs and also the function assumed in the "regnum" by the "batllia general", a responsible institution to appropriate and administer the money gived for that purpose.Il presente lavoro offre spunti di riflessione sull\u27amministrazione e la difesa del Regnum Sardiniae alla fine del XIV secolo (1396-1399). Dai registri contabili di Jordi de Planella, batlle general di Sardegna, appare evidente il progressivo aumento di una dotazione straordinaria stanziata dalla Corona d\u27Aragona per la difesa dei presidi catalano-aragonesi superstiti nella Sardegna meridionale, a riprova del forte interesse nutrito per il regno sardo. Emerge il ruolo attribuito al sistema difensivo statico e i suoi costi nonch? la peculiarit? della funzione assunta nel regnum dalla batllia general, istituto preposto ad incamerare ed amministrare le somme stanziate a tale scopo

    La riedizione di una fonte sulla Sardegna catalana: il cosiddetto Repartimiento de Cerde?a.

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    The work illustrates some aspects of Repartimiento de Cerde?a, a fiscal census wrote in the 1358. The source wich has been kept at the "Archivo de la Corona de Arag?n" of Barcelona contains a detailed inventory of sardinian fiefs and villages. The study of this document presents the economic and social situation in Sardinia of the XIV century.Il presente lavoro illustra il Repartimiento de Cerde?a, un censimento fiscale scritto nel 1358. Il registro, conservato presso l?Archivio della Corona d?Aragona di Barcellona, riguarda un inventario dettagliato dei feudi e dei villaggi sardi e costituisce l?unico documento probante l?aggregazione alla Corona d?Aragona dei territori del neo costituito regno di Sardegna. L?analisi della fonte consente di ricostruire la situazione economica e sociale della Sardegna del XIV secolo

    Il Repartimiento de Cerdeña. Alcune riflessioni su una fonte della Sardegna del XIV secolo

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    The work illustrates some aspects of Repartimiento de Cerdeña, a fiscal census wrote in the 1358. The source wich has been kept at the “Archivo de la Corona de Aragón” of Barcelona contains a detailed inventory of sardinian fiefs and villages. The study of this document presents the economic and social situation in Sardinia of the XIV century.The work illustrates some aspects of Repartimiento de Cerdeña, a fiscal census wrote in the 1358. The source wich has been kept at the “Archivo de la Corona de Aragón” of Barcelona contains a detailed inventory of sardinian fiefs and villages. The study of this document presents the economic and social situation in Sardinia of the XIV century

    Evolutionary Theory and the Florence Paleontological Collections

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    Abstract Florence has a tradition of Natural Philosophy, and since as early as the sixteenth century fossils were collected by the Granduke. The Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence houses today collections that belonged to Nicolas Steno, when fossils were for the first time used as documents to reconstruct Earth history. Natural philosophers and geologists, both Italian and foreigners, continued to study fossils collected in Tertiary strata of Tuscany until the nineteenth century, when the first speculations on the origin of species were proposed. Charles Darwin himself mentions fossil vertebrates that are today on show in our museum. In the last years, this part of the history of science has been proposed to the public. The aim was to foster an understanding of the centrality of fossils in two cultural revolutions, the discovery of deep time and the birth of evolutionary theory–connected among themselves and with the emergence of geology. Dedicated volumes, public conferences, guided visits to the collections, and field trips to paleontological sites have attracted an attentive and responsive public, showing that the history of science can help deliver modern evolutionary thinking. Other activities aimed at students of all ages have also shown that the interaction between schools, university teachers, and museum personnel is vital to form the mind of future generations on the reality of the evolution of natural systems


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    The well established biochronologic sequence of the Villafranchian Stage in Italy is mainly based on faunal associations from the Upper Valdarno (UV) mostly collected since the late 18 hundreds, and housed in the Natural History Museum of Florence. The old collections were assembled from mostly unidentified stratigraphic levels, and their position possibly reconstructed from the surrounding geologic features. The recent magnetostratigraphic assessment of the sequence marked the earliest finds about 3.0 Ma in themid Pliocene. The end of the Pliocene was recorded by the Olduvai magnetochron in the Matassino and Poggio Rosso sites, and by other sparse assemblages. The Tasso Faunal Unit, assembled in the UV, is assigned to the Pleistocene, yet to be clarified by magnetostratigraphic data. The calibration of old, poorly timed faunas was greatly facilitatedby the computer automated catalogue of the Museum. The possibility of numerous feed-back controls enhanced any contradictory information in fossil collections and made them most fruitful for paleomagnetic calibrations: the Faella fauna and the Faella main outcrop are the ones that will be first re-examined. It is in fact now evidenced the potential role of the catalogue for accomplishing the calibration of old findings timed around the Olduvai chron, with an accuracy depending on the available record of their inferred stratigraphic levels. Numerical dates will make the old collections comparable to the new ones and both fitting into a comprehensive framework of faunal, chronologic, sedimentary evolution of the UV basin, and development in the Plio-Pleistocene climate changes.&nbsp
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