406 research outputs found

    Infrastrutture verdi per la rigenerazione urbana e territoriale. La politica di mitigazione dell’effetto isola di calore urbana nella città di Boston

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    The elements that put our planet in crisis derive to a large extent from the increasing phenomena of human anthropization. The growth of urbanization has been one of the worsen factors for the increase in temperatures in the city compared to the surrounding rural areas. This phenomenon recognized by the scientific community as the Urban Heat Island effect (UHI), has been analyzed in the context of the Climate Smart Cities of the city of Boston, in order to demonstrate how the design of the Green Infrastructures (GI) is specifically aimed at the mitigation of the urban microclimate and climate changes in progress with the aim for an overall complementary planning. The article wants to highlight how one of the most effective ways to think about GI is that of an integrated approach to spatial planning. The outcome of the expected studies is to validate that policies that adopt such an approach can't only limit the climate effects harmful to human health but also improve the connectivity for the creation of multifunctional landscapes

    FOB1 affects DNA topoisomerase I in vivo cleavages in the enhancer region of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal DNA locus

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the FOB1 gene affects replication fork blocking activity at the replication fork block (RFB) sequences and promotes recombination events within the rDNA cluster. Using in vivo footprinting assays we mapped two in vivo Fob1p-binding sites, RFB1 and RFB3, located in the rDNA enhancer region and coincident with those previously reported to be in vitro binding sites. We previously provided evidences that DNA topoisomerase I is able to cleave two sites within this region. The results reported in this paper, indicate that the DNA topoisomerase I cleavage specific activity at the enhancer region is affected by the presence of Fob1p and independent of replication and transcription activities. We thus hypothesize that the binding to DNA of Fob1p itself may be the cause of the DNA topoisomerase I activity in the rDNA enhancer

    Do you want your receipt? BPA and BPS in thermal paper

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    This presentation summarizes the results of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's BPA in Thermal Paper project and offers suggestions for reducing BPA exposure from the handling of thermal paper. The webinar also included a case study from Linden Hills Co-op, which changed their procedures as a result of the project.Ope

    L’Udi e il Cif nelle reti transnazionali. Politiche associative e strategie di genere dal 1945 al 1966

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    Il lavoro dottorale prende in esame le reti transnazionali in cui andarono collocandosi l’Unione Donne Italiane (Udi) e il Centro Italiano Femminile (Cif), dal 1945 al 1966. Il loro processo di internazionalizzazione è stato indagato a partire dalle profonde trasformazioni innescate dagli eventi storici postbellici, sia nel contesto nazionale sia in quello globale e alla luce dell’opposizione programmatica e culturale, che avrebbe posto l’Udi, collaterale al Partito Comunista Italiano (Pci) e il Cif, vicino alla Democrazia Cristiana (Dc), su due fronti ideologici contrapposti

    Preliminary orbits with line-of-sight correction for LEO satellites observed with radar

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    In Fusco et al (2011 Inventiones Math. 185 283–332) several periodic orbits of the Newtonian N-body problem have been found as minimizers of the Lagrangian action in suitable sets of T-periodic loops, for a given T  >  0. Each of them share the symmetry of one Platonic polyhedron. In this paper we first present an algorithm to enumerate all the orbits that can be found following the proof in Fusco et al (2011 Inventiones Math. 185 283–332). Then we describe a procedure aimed to compute them and study their stability. Our computations suggest that all these periodic orbits are unstable. For some cases we produce a computer-assisted proof of their instability using multiple precision interval arithmetic

    On the computation of preliminary orbits for Earth satellites with radar observations

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    We introduce a new method to perform preliminary orbit determination for satellites on low Earth orbits (LEO). This method works with tracks of radar observations: each track is composed by nge4nge 4 topocentric position vectors per pass of the satellite, taken at very short time intervals. We assume very accurate values for the range ho ho, while the angular positions (i.e. the line of sight, given by the pointing of the antenna) are less accurate. We wish to correct the errors in the angular positions already in the computation of a preliminary orbit. With the information contained in a pair of radar tracks, using the laws of the two-body dynamics, we can write 8 equations in 8 unknowns. The unknowns are the components of the topocentric velocity orthogonal to the line of sight at the two mean epochs of the tracks, and the corrections DeltaDelta to be applied to the angular positions. We take advantage of the fact that the components of DeltaDelta are typically small. We show the results of some tests, performed with simulated observations, and compare this method with Gibbs' and the Keplerian integral
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