103 research outputs found

    Antigenic and biodegradable characteristics of the extracellular matrices from the pig derm

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    Introducere. Pansamentele moderne și inteligente devin din ce în ce mai căutate. Valorile lor constau în barieră de protecție, în mediu benefic, biocompatibilitate, autodizolvare, capacitate de absorbție a fluidelor, transfer de agenți terapeutici, implicare umană minimă, susțin vindecarea rănilor. Scopul lucrării. Scopul a fost evaluarea proprietăților antigenice și biodegradabile ale matricelor extracelulare obținute din dermul porcin. Material si metode. Examinarea probelor decelularizate s-a realizat prin examenul histologic cu hematoxilin-eozină, cuantificarea acizilor dezoxiribonucleici, testul de degradare a grefelor. În testul de absorbție a apei, a fost utilizat PBS cu pH 7,4. Greutatea probelor a fost de 87,9±3 mg pentru toate grupurile de studiu. Urmărirea dezorganizării in vitro a probelor s-a efectuat prin microscopie electronică cu scanare. Rezultate. Examenul histologic a evidențiat prezența a mai puține celule. Ca rezultat, am eliminat 80,5% din materialul genetic din structurile dermice porcine, demonstrat prin cuantificarea spectrofotometrică a ADN-ului. În studiul de degradare a grefei in vitro în soluție de PBS 0,01 M, am determinat o pierdere semnificativă (p < 0,05) a masei grefei cu 90,3% în pH 7,4 în ziua 28, 79,8% la pH 4,0 în ziua 21 și 74% în pH 10,0. în ziua 28 și 91,3% în PBS pH 7,4 combinat cu colagenază din Clostridium histolyticum la 35 de ore. În testul de absorbție am obținut o variabilă în funcție de timpul de expunere, respectiv probele înmuiate au ajuns să depășească de patru ori masa inițială de 87,9±3 mg la a 4-a oră de scufundare în lichid. Concluzii. Grefele acelulare din derma porcină pot juca un rol cheie în îngrijirea rănilor și în facilitarea strategiilor de inginerie tisulară, acționând ca o schelă acelulară și inertă imunologic, ca sursă de molecule bioactive cu trei proprietăți hidrofile și biodegradabile.Background. Modern and intelligent dressings are becoming increasingly sought after. Their values consist in a protective barrier, in beneficial environment, biocompatibility, self-dissolution, ability to absorb the fluids, transfer of therapeutic agents, minimal human involvement, and support the wound healing. Objective of the study. Purpose was to evaluate the antigenic and biodegradable properties of the extracellular matrices obtained from the porcine dermis. Material and methods. The examination of the decellularized samples was carried out by the histological examination with hematoxylin-eosin, quantification of deoxyribonucleic acids, and degradation test of the grafts. In the water absorption test, PBS with pH 7.4 was used. The weight of the samples was 87.9±3 mg for all study groups. In vitro disorganization of the samples followed by scanning electron microscopy. Results. Histological examination revealed the presence of fewer cells. As a result, we were able to remove 80.5% of the genetic material from the porcine dermal structures, demonstrated by spectrophotometric DNA quantification. In the in vitro graft degradation study in 0.01 M PBS solution, we determined a significant (p < 0.05) loss of graft mass by 90.3% in pH 7.4 at day 28, 79.8% at pH 4.0 at day 21 and 74% in pH 10.0 at day 28 and 91.3% in PBS pH 7.4 combined with collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum at 35 hours. In the absorption test, we obtained a variable depending on the exposure time, respectively the soaked samples ended up exceeding four times the initial mass of 87.9±3 mg at the 4th hour of immersion in the liquid. Conclusions. Acellular grafts from the porcine dermis can play a key role in the wound care and facilitating tissue-engineering strategies by the acting as an acellular and immunologically inert scaffold, as a source of the bioactive molecules with the hydrophilic and biodegradable properties

    The technology and standardization of injectable solution metiferon 10%

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    Catedra Chimie farmaceutică şi toxicologică, Catedra Tehnologia medicamentelor Catedra Farmacologie şi Farmacologie clinicăMetiferon (Dimetilphosphit S-metilizotiuronium) is researched with purpose to create the rational pharmaceutical form for intravenous administration (injection solution) and elaboration of NAD for this medicinal form. There was elaborated the optimal composition of injection solution, the technology of preparation and the methods of analysis. Metiferonul (Dimetilphosphit S-metilizotiuroniu) este cercetat pentru crearea unei forme farmaceutice raţionale pentru administrare intravenoasă (soluţie injectabilă) şi elaborarea DAN pentru această formă medicamentoasă. S-a elaborat compoziţia optimală a soluţiei injectabile, tehnologia de preparare, precum şi metodele de analiză ale acesteia

    Comparative hygienic assessment of the water quality from different sources of the Republic of Moldova: descriptive study

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    Catedra de igienă,Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Catedra de igienă generală,Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Centrul Naţional de Sănătate PublicăRezumat Introducere. În Republica Moldova, sursele de apă sunt repartizate neuniform în teritoriu. Populaţia foloseşte în scop potabil apa din diverse straturi acvifere, care are particularităţi deosebite ale chimismului. Managementul necorespunzător al deşeurilor, nerespectarea regulilor sanitare şi măsurilor de protecţie ale surselor de apă sunt principalele cauze ale înrăutăţirii calităţii apei din fântâni. Problema apei potabile sigure, în ultimii ani, a devenit o problemă esenţială pentru securitatea naţională în domeniul sănătăţii publice.Material şi metode. Calitatea apei a fost cercetată la 12 parametri chimici (alcalinitate, amoniu, nitriţi, nitraţi, duritate totală, calciu, magneziu, reziduu sec, sulfaţi, cloruri, hidrocarbonaţi, SNa+K), în conformitate cu recomandările OMS. Pentru evaluarea indicatorilor calităţii apei, au fost utilizate următoarele metode: spectrofotometrică, titrimetrică, gravimetrică, matematică. Metodele menţionate au fost utilizate în conformitate cu următoarele documente normative: SM SR ISO 7150-1:2005; SM SR ISO 5664:2007; SM SR ISO 7890- 2:2006; SM SR ISO 9297:2012; SM SR EN ISO 9963-1:2007; SM SR ISO 6058:2012; SM SR ISO 6059:2012; SM STAS 28601:2007, ISO 9280:1990. Verificarea calităţii apei potabile s-a efectuat în conformitate cu Normele sanitare privind calitatea apei potabile, aprobate prin Hotărârea de Guvern nr. 934 din 15 august 2007. Rezultate. S-a stabilit că valorile cele mai mari ale indicilor mineralizării apei sunt caracteristice pentru sursele care se alimentează din pânza freatică şi de profunzime (fântâni de mină şi sonde arteziene), unde se atestă concentraţii sporite ale reziduului fix (respectiv, 1194,5±99,2 şi 1097,9±80,2 mg/l), sulfaţi (corespunzător, 429,3±60,1 şi 273,4±21,0 mg/l), hidrocarbonaţi (495,4±21,6 şi 498,8±24,5 mg/l) şi un nivel înalt al durităţii totale (31,2±2,7 şi 26,6±1,2 0G). Gradul de mineralizare al apei în sursele cercetate prezintă o creştere de la sud spre nord. Conţinutul acestor substanţe este asociat cu procesul descompunerii substanţelor organice, respectiv, cu activitatea organismelor şi microorganismelor. Concluzii. Un nivel mai sporit al indicilor mineralizării apei este caracteristic zonei de sud, comparativ cu centrul şi nordul republicii. Pentru apa din fântânile investigate, din care se alimentează o mare parte a populaţiei rurale, este caracteristic, de asemenea, şi un grad înalt de poluare cu substanţe organice. Nivelurile maximale ale concentraţiilor de nitraţi au fost înregistrate, preponderent, în zona de nord a Republicii. Abstract Introduction. In the Republic of Moldova, water sources are unevenly distributed on the territory. The population uses for drinking purposes the water from different aquifer layers, which has special peculiarities of water chemistry. Inadequate waste management, ignorance of sanitation rules and basic protection measures of water sources are the main causes of water quality worsening in wells. In the past years, the problem of safe drinking water has become a key issue for national security in the field of public health. Material and methods. Water quality was assessed for 12 chemical parameters (alkalinity, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, total hardness, calcium, dry residue, sulfates, chlorides, hydrocarbons, S(Na++K+), according to WHO recommendations. In order to evaluate water quality indicators, the following methods were used: spectrophotometric, titrimetric gravimetric, mathematic. The above-mentioned methods were used according to the following regulatory documents: SM SR ISO 7150-1:2005; SM SR ISO 5664:2007; SM SR ISO 7890-2:2006; SM SR ISO 9297:2012; SM SR EN ISO 9963- 1:2007; SM SR ISO 6058:2012; SM SR ISO 6059:2012; SM STAS 28601:2007, ISO 9280:1990. The water quality verification was performed according to Sanitary norms of potable water quality, approved by the Government Decision no. 934 on 15 august 2007. Results. It was concluded that the highest values of water mineralization indicators are characteristic for sources feeding from ground waters (wells and artesian wells), where high concentrations of dry residue (respectively, 1194.5±99.2 and 1097.9±80.2 mg/l), sulfates (429.3±60.1 and 273.4±21.0 mg/l), hydro carbonates (495.4±21.6 and 498.8±24.5 mg/l) and a high level of total hardness (31.2±2.7 and 26.6±1.2 0G) were attested. Researched water sources have shown increased level of mineralization from South to North. The presence of this substances in water samples, is due to organisms and microorganisms activity, the final main of which is organic matter decomposition. Conclusions. A high level of water mineralization indicators is characteristic for the South region, comparatively to the Center and the North of the republic. A high level of pollution with organic substances is also characteristic for the water from the investigated wells that serves the majority of the rural population. Maximum levels of nitrates concentration were identified mostly in the North area of the republic

    National Drug Policy: retrospectives, actualities and development directions

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    Catedra Farmacie Socială “Vasile Procopişin” Centrul Ştiinţific în Domeniul Medicamentului Agenţia MedicamentuluiThe National Drug Policy (NDP) represents an effective tool to coordinate the state priorities in the drug field and pharmaceutical activity. Based on the collective experts’ analysis, in the study the results of the NDP implementation degree and the strong and the weak points of the NDP are presented. The main direction of NDP development for the period of the next 5-7 years is argued and the suggestions concerning the changes and completions of the NDP are drawn. Politica de stat în domeniul medicamentului (PSM) reprezintă un instrument eficient în procesul de coordonare a priorităţilor statului în domeniul medicamentului şi activităţii farmaceutice. În baza analizei colective de experţi, în lucrare se prezintă rezultatele estimării gradului de implementare a PSM, evaluării punctelor tari şi celor slabe. Este argumentată principala direcţie de dezvoltare a PSM RM pentru următorii 5-7 ani şi sunt elaborate propuneri privind modificarea şi completarea acestei politici

    The elaboration of spectrophothometric method for quantitative determination of metiferon

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    Laboratorul Analiză, Standardizare şi Controlul medicamentului, CŞDMThe new component from izotioureic derivative – Metiferon is researched. The UV spectrophotometric method of qualitative and quantitative determination for this substance was elaborated. There were respected all control parameters: linearity, selectivity, exactitude and precision. This method has been included in project of AND for this pharmaceutical product. Este cercetat un nou compus din grupul derivaţilor izotioureici - Metiferonul. A fost elaborată metoda spectrofotometrică de identificare şi dozare pentru această substanţă. S-au respectat parametrii de control: linearitatea, selectivitatea, exactitatea şi precizia. Această metodă a fost inclusă în proiectul DAN pentru acest produs farmaceutic

    Particularităţile profesiografice ale activităţii lucrătorilor medicali din Chirurgia de urgenţă

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    În baza cercetărilor ştiinţifice s-au apreciat particularităţile profesiografice ale activităţii lucrătorilor medicali (medici şi asistente medicale) din chirurgia de urgenţă, modificările unor funcţii ale organismului responsabile de starea psihoemoţională în procesul de muncă, gradul de încordare în muncă

    Highly Porous and Ultra-Lightweight Aero-Ga2O3: Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity by Noble Metals

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    A new type of photocatalyst is proposed on the basis of aero-β-Ga2O3, which is a material constructed from a network of interconnected tetrapods with arms in the form of microtubes with nanometric walls. The aero-Ga2O3 material is obtained by annealing of aero-GaN fabricated by epitaxial growth on ZnO microtetrapods. The hybrid structures composed of aero-Ga2O3 functionalized with Au or Pt nanodots were tested for the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye under UV or visible light illumination. The functionalization of aero-Ga2O3 with noble metals results in the enhancement of the photocatalytic performances of bare material, reaching the performances inherent to ZnO while gaining the advantage of the increased chemical stability. The mechanisms of enhancement of the photocatalytic properties by activating aero-Ga2O3 with noble metals are discussed to elucidate their potential for environmental applications

    "Phage treatment and wetland technology as intervention strategy to prevent dissemination of antibiotic resistance in surface waters”- a project launch in low - middle income countries of Eastern Europe

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    Introduction. Antimicrobial resistance is a widespread and tough challenge, if not impossible, to limit by biological, physical or geographical barriers. This is the reason behind the "One Health" approach, which guides all rules and research plans on antimicrobial resistance worldwide. The abusive and excessive use of antimicrobials in human medicine, veterinary practices, agriculture and aquaculture has traditionally been considered the main reason for the global spread of antimicrobial resistance. The purpose was to assess the epidemiological risk of wastewater as a source of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria concerning public health, focusing on low - and middle-income Eastern European countries. Material and methods. To achieve this goal, the development of a secure, cost effective and sustainable technology has been planned, which could easily be introduced in low- and middle-income countries. There have been outlined the following steps: mapping the consumption of antimicrobial emulsions at the national level (primary, cross-sectional study, complete sampling, based on imported data and centralized public acquirement of medicines); research regarding the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the population on antimicrobial resistance (primary, cross-sectional, descriptive study); qualitative and descriptive evaluation of barriers to reduce the phenomenon of antimicrobial resistance by the healthcare services; research regarding the knowledge, attitudes and practices in human and veterinary healthcare on antimicrobial resistance (primary, cross sectional, descriptive study); screening and investigation of the microbial resistance mechanisms to the strains isolated from patients with infectious pathological processes (preclinical study); analysis of the specific features and sampling of the Constructed Wetlands in Orhei (preclinical study). The Ethics Committee of Ministry of Health of RM positively approved the Research PhageLand. Results. The obtained results of this research will contribute to a better understanding of the involved factors that are generating the broadening of antimicrobial resistance and how they influence the transmission among different hosts (bacteria, animals and humans). Moreover, it can also have a major impact to the engineering field and wastewater management companies by expanding the range of tools with sophisticated technologies, designed to reduce the risk of transmitting antimicrobial resistance in wastewater and improve sewerage practices. Conclusions. The effective use of knowledge and practices in the worldwide fight against antimicrobial resistance, providing useful data, applicable knowledge, efficient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective protocols and technologies, which can be scaled, implemented and used at the European and international levels with no economic or geographical obstacles. Acknowledgment. The research was conducted in the Republic of Moldova within the JPIAMR projects (PhageLand), project number – 22.80013.8007.

    The effectiveness of the tissue engineering in the obtaining of the biological materials from the extracellular matrix

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    Background: The present work describes the possibility of manufacturing biomaterials from the extracellular matrix for the treatment of the skin wounds. Biomedical collagen-based materials are clinically effective. Collagen is the most abundant and major component of the skin. Porcine collagen is almost similar to the human collagen, it is not immunogenic when used for the therapeutic purposes. Biomaterials can be obtained from the decellularized dermis, being a matrix rich in the collagen and glycoproteins. Material and methods: 3 parallel groups of biomaterials were established and the average value was calculated. To ensure the effectiveness of the decellularization process, the decellularized porcine dermis was compared with the intact sample using qualitative and quantitative criteria. Results: Histologically, the decellularized tissues revealed the presence of fewer cells. As a result, were removed approximately 80.5% of the genetic material from porcine dermal structures, demonstrated by the spectrophotometric quantification of deoxyribonucleic acid. In vitro graft degradation study in 0.01 M phosphate buffer pH 7.4 combined with collagenase, demonstrated a significant (p < 0.05) loss of collagen sponge mass by 100% over one hour in the group II compared to the decellularized dermis in group I which decreased in the weight by 91.3% during 35 hours. Conclusions: Acellular biomaterials are immunologically inert, have hydrophilic and biodegradable properties, thus they can play a key role in the wound care, exerting the transfer of the bioactive molecules and drugs directly into the wound