59 research outputs found

    Encara sobre Ponç Hug V i el rei Pere II.

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    Joan RoĂ­s de Corella i els lĂ­mits de la literatura

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    In a text that anticipates and sums up part of the thesis defended in Joan Roís de Corella: La importància de dir-se honest [the importance of being honest], the author shows the poet as creator of an autonomous literary fiction basedon the mimesis of Aristotle' s Poètics, which distances the reader from the text and at the same time generates cathartis,piety and moral reflection

    Els orĂ­gens familiars dels CartellĂ  al llarg de deu generacions (s. X-XIV)

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    L'estudi pretén investigar els ascendents familiars de Guillem Galceran de Cartellà i de la seva esposa Blanca de Creixell, detallant els arbres genealògics de les tres famílies principals que els componen: els Hostoles, a més dels Cartellà i dels Creixell. L'anàlisi detallada i la recopilació de tota la documentació disponible, molta de la qual inèdita, és aquí presentada de forma abreujada, permet aclarir molts punts fins ara dubtosos d'aquestes genealogies i proporciona materials de notable interès per a la construcció d'un relat històric als comtats de Besalú i de Barcelona, especialment per als segles xi-xii, a més de les estratègies matrimonials i del paper de les tres nissagues en la història local i general de Catalunya, així com l'origen de la figura del senescal.The aim of this paper is to study the ancestors of Guillem Galceran de Cartellà and his wife Blanca d'Hostoles with a detailed examination of the genealogical trees of the three main families: Hostoles, Cartellà and Creixell. This detailed analysis, and the compilation of all available documents, many of them previously unpublished, presented as a summary, helps to clarify many of the doubts regarding these genealogies, as well as providing useful material to construct the historical narrative of the counties of Besalú and Barcelona, especially for the 11th and 12th centuries, in addition to the matrimonial strategies employed and the role played by these three families in the local and general history of Catalonia, as well as the origins of the position of «seneschal» (steward)

    Models de memòria i d'ordenament social a la Barcelona del segle XIII

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    Ramon d’Abadal and the literary sources

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    Aquest article presenta una reflexió sobre la utilització de fonts de caràcter literari per part dels historiadors, i de com uns límits deguts a la metodologia de l’època o a les creences personals, tant polítiques com religioses, en el cas de Ramon d’Abadal, van condicionar la seva lectura i, de retruc, influenciar la seva interpretació de la història, en especial de la figura de l’abat-bisbe Oliba.This paper presents a reflection on the use of literary sources made by the historians, and how limits due to the methodology of the time or personal beliefs, both political and religious in the case of Ramon d’Abadal, has conditioned his reading and, as a consequence, influenced his interpretation of history, especially the figure of the abbot-bishop Oliba

    Ioculatores, ministrerios, cantores en las Ordinacions de la Casa i Cort del rey Pedro el Ceremonioso. Espacios y momentos para mĂşsica y poesĂ­a en el microcosmos curial

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the role of music and entertainment at the Court of the kings of Aragon. For this purpose, we analyse the Ordenacions de la Casa i Cort, a normative text commissioned by King Pedro the Ceremonious and consider the phases of composition of this text and the rules relating to the musicians and singers of the Royal Chapel to consider the reasons for the differences that can be observed between text and practice, and how these are reflected in the archival documents.El propósito de este artículo es el de estudiar el lugar que ocupaban la música y el entretenimiento en la Corte de los reyes de Aragón. Con esta finalidad se analizan las Ordinacions de la Casa i Cort, texto normativo mandado redactar por el rey Pedro el Ceremonioso, se consideran las fases de composición del texto y las normas relativas a los músicos y a los cantores de la Capilla real para comprobar el porqué de las diferencias que se pueden observar entre el texto y la práctica tal y como nos la muestran los documentos de archivo

    Cytocompatibility and Uptake of Halloysite Clay Nanotubes

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    Halloysite is aluminosilicate clay with hollow tubular structure of 50 nm external diameter and 15 nm diameter lumen. Halloysite biocompatibility study is important for its potential applications in polymer composites, bone implants, controlled drug delivery, and for protective coating (e.g., anticorrosion or antimolding). Halloysite nanotubes were added to different cell cultures for toxicity tests. Its fluorescence functionalization by aminopropyltriethosilane (APTES) and with fluorescently labeled polyelectrolyte layers allowed following halloysite uptake by the cells with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Quantitative Trypan blue and MTT measurements performed with two neoplastic cell lines model systems as a function of the nanotubes concentration and incubation time indicate that halloysite exhibits a high level of biocompatibility and very low cytotoxicity, rendering it a good candidate for household materials and medicine. A combination of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and scanning force microscopy (SFM) imaging techniques have been employed to elucidate the structure of halloysite nanotubes

    Optical Anisotropy in Single Light-Emitting Polymer Nanofibers

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    We investigate the optical anisotropy of single nanofibers realized by electrospinning a conjugated polymer. Polarized infrared and micro-Raman measurements evidence a higher degree of molecular orientation in fibers processed from tetrahydrofuran solutions, with respect to samples spun from mixture with dimethyl sulfoxide. The fraction of ordered molecules is correlated to the fibers morphology. Polarized photoluminescence highlights a larger red shift (60 meV) for spectra from fibers processed from tetrahydrofuran, confirming the higher achieved molecular order resulting in reduced interchain separation and hence excitonic emission with lower transition energies compared to that from randomly aligned molecules. Conjugated polymer fibers are obtained, emitting light with polarization ratios up to 5, usable as polarized photonic nanosources

    Rotational dynamics of optically trapped polymeric nanofibers

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    The optical trapping of polymeric nanofibers and the characterization of the rotational dynamics are reported. A strategy to apply a torque to a polymer nanofiber, by tilting the trapped fibers using a symmetrical linear polarized Gaussian beam is demonstrated. Rotation frequencies up to 10 Hz are measured, depending on the trapping power, the fiber length and the tilt angle. A comparison of the experimental rotation frequencies in the different trapping configurations with calculations based on optical trapping and rotation of linear nanostructures through a T-Matrix formalism, accurately reproduce the measured data, providing a comprehensive description of the trapping and rotation dynamics.Comment: (21 pages, 5 figures

    Patterning of light-emitting conjugated polymer nanofibres.

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    Organic materials have revolutionized optoelectronics by their processability, flexibility and low cost, with application to light-emitting devices for full-colour screens, solar cells and lasers. Some low-dimensional organic semiconductor structures exhibit properties resembling those of inorganics, such as polarized emission and enhanced electroluminescence. One-dimensional metallic, III-V and II-VI nanostructures have also been the subject of intense investigation as building blocks for nanoelectronics and photonics. Given that one-dimensional polymer nanostructures, such as polymer nanofibres, are compatible with sub-micrometre patterning capability and electromagnetic confinement within subwavelength volumes, they can offer the benefits of organic light sources to nanoscale optics. Here we report on the optical properties of fully conjugated, electrospun polymer nanofibres. We assess their waveguiding performance and emission tuneability in the whole visible range. We demonstrate the enhancement of the fibre forward emission through imprinting periodic nanostructures using room-temperature nanoimprint lithography, and investigate the angular dispersion of differently polarized emitted light
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